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Last active January 10, 2017 19:42
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List Hyrax commits that aren't in Sufia or CurationConcerns (as of January 10th, 2017)
11c605d Pass url options to SearchState so collection route can be resolved
3a54041 Adding link to referenced work in all workflow notifications
9115d6b Change copyright in the footer to 2017
6ad2760 Move url_for_document to SearchState
18e3a1f Use the new db-backed minter from AF::Noid by default.
2a5aab5 Adding a link to the work into the notification message
4b53b01 Travis should test with the latest Rails (5.0.1), since bundler is already picking it up
0018701 Replace references to CurationConcerns. Fixes #29
b61811f Move WorkflowActionsController to the Hyrax namespace
9ac3d28 Restore WorkflowActionsController
82138ee Fix test to allow array elements in any order
46c265f Authorize user for AdminController#workflows
1f9d7ea Fix application template link
768f757 Don't connect to external services
39fc487 Fix typo "acess"
ad6c448 Use the admin layout for the workflow roles page
6534168 Add workflow tab to administrative sets edit
b591f41 Pin rubocop-rspec to 1.8.0
e6ecf77 Move the CollectionController into the Engine.
f1dd224 Use the actor factory order from CC, not Sufia
05c7f7b Update PR template w/ fixed GitHub group name
f1ba83b Don't display the transfer link when they can't use it.
0d3d3de Feature button should toggle the unfeature button. Fixes #547
6947baa Handle delete when featured work is already removed
094c540 Cast proxy_for_id to integer before joining on an integer field
297c019 Restore the workflow rake task
adeb90c Add feature spec for the homepage
c225f6a Creator of an AdminSet should have manage ability on that admin set. Fixes #549
d863031 Using Rails I18n convention for HTML safe translations
844bee7 Breaking out visibility notes into a different I18n string
2386518 Fix routing for featured works on the home page. Fixes #548
2b266b0 Handle Ldp::NotFound. Fixes #546
85e51d0 point the README at the hyrax web site
9b80624 Remove unnecessary override of Blacklight
75f94af Remove the upgrade 700 generator. Ref #29
e35a90d Remove vestiges of CC/Sufia. Ref #29
9e06a07 Fix typo in Spanish locale template for generated works
efdca5c Use Hyrax defaults instead of generated, identical translations
dd74fc8 Generate Spanish locale file into applications when creating a new work type
db6c2ba Add default descriptions for metadata fields, so that downstream apps can fallback to good defaults
aed0062 Use the correct parameters for a isolated engine
9af3e21 Fix missed Spanish translations
5e5b2c0 Removes duplicate chevron from facets.
17c8ca1 Do not use flags to represent languages.
7999e39 Handle the sort by login, when login is not in the schema
64bf690 User sorting should flip the chevron correctly
02528e2 Show a work if it doesn't have a Sipity::Entity
f1ea1a5 Add a bunch of missing translations
3acb761 Add the ability to switch languages
7925a51 Speed up tests by not clearing the asset cache
851e56d Rendering badge for institution access
e490133 Add Spanish translations
02be997 Adding text key for consistency across visibility options
6519bd9 Opinionated code formatting
47af6c7 Use the text value for label badge
fe9f70d Applying namespace for ResourceTypesService
b8f9d8b Add Hyrax logo to README
af63c33 Fix display when resource_type is nil. Fixes #21
611c583 Refactor Arkivo::Actor spec
8c988e8 Refactor BatchCreateJob spec
9e2cae4 Make transfers and proxies optional features
5233ea2 Drop Rails 4 support
d7a4da9 Apply data attributes so page doesn't get reloaded for each tab
da2f0f5 Fix path to uploaded file.
59b896f comment out jasmine specs that cause page reloads
5983697 Update hyrax.gemspec
e911b74 Update gemspec with other authors and a new description and summary
f9c6586 Version to 0.0.1.alpha
5622095 Use Nested Modules. Fixes projecthydra-labs/hyku#507
0c461ea Update README to distinguish Hyrax from Sufia
a28b82c Update badges
1e504c2 Rename Sufia to Hyrax
fa6db06 Remove CurationConcerns
eb5e3d4 Refactor SelectTypeListPresenter spec so it isn't affected by works being generated
63d17ae Mock out the SearcBuilder#work_classes
7fd0861 Isolate the namespace
e574614 Use sufia themed layout
685329e Test work generation
7b965b0 Removed unneeded CatalogHelper
0b6104a Convert remaining i18n keys to sufia
42441d7 Move views from curation_concerns to sufia
74bfd6d FileSetsController does not need local_prefixes
daeeca0 Move API translations to sufia
4946f29 Update to latest Rubocop
eae7807 Removed unused conditional case for AuditJob#logger
9e2181c Move the Admin::WorkflowRoles controller to Sufia
049dd78 Ensure that the required hint is showing as expected
d9644df Move the collections/_search_result partial to Sufia
b19111c Move admin#workflow action to Sufia
492319b Break the dependency on CurationConcerns
b2a42e5 PresenterRenderer should use defaults as simple_form does
f192b24 Add the file manager template to Sufia
924385b Move ChartData to Sufia
d0505c8 Moved IngestLocalFileJob to Sufia
2d7f5a1 Move AuditJob to Sufia
c02fc4b Move MultifileInput to Sufia
21a8240 Move views from CurationConcerns to Sufia
feafb47 Move ImportUrlJob to Sufia
c414b73 Move IngestJob to Sufia
73feadc Move CreateDerivativesJob to Sufia
66b8eb4 Move VisibilityCopyJob to Sufia
c4716dc Edit work feature passes
9912901 ShowWork feature spec now passes
ca80e4c Move CharacterizeJob to Sufia
2352b0b Collection feature passing
38171e3 Consolidate Abilities
fabbb6f Move assets from CurationConcerns to Sufia
e6824b3 Move PowerConverters to Sufia
69b1957 Move SingleUseError to Sufia namespace
7aabf35 Don't run the curation_concerns migration task
2852174 Move the DownloadsController to the Sufia namespace
8cdd69a Merge CurationConcerns::ApplicationControllerBehavior into Sufia::Controller
3fed728 Move API module to Sufia
9a619fc Move vocabulary to Sufia
1ec5543 Move title validator to sufia namespace
8e5bec1 Move helpers to Sufia
e1b2333 Consolidate SufiaHelper and CurationConcernsHelper
dd54819 Require questioning authority
ff7a126 Consolidate User mixin
53a11e0 Move single-use-links to sufia. Stop mounting CurationConcerns::Engine
b2253c8 Consolidate FileSetsController
274cf4e Remove Sufia::Catalog entirely
332eec9 It's unnecessary to include CollectionsHelper
2553102 It is unnecessary to include AbilityHelper
5ae1362 Move the AuditsController to the Sufia namespace
689f587 Remove unnecessary autoload configuration
d1561ea Move ControllerResource to Sufia
939fe7f Consolidate PermissionsControllers
2b56c14 Force dependency on railties to >= 5.0
44ec78a ThemedLayout to Sufia
23125ef Add Ability#can_create_any_work?
1f78d8e Move ParentContainer to Sufia namespace
ec4a82f Remove useless comments
3c2e321 Move ResourceTypesService into Sufia namespace
700a732 Move QuickClassificationQuery to Sufia
a9ba135 Consolidate Presenters
f75db58 Consolidate FileSetBehavior
5b50936 Move PresenterFactory to Sufia
633ac08 Consolidate WorkBehavior mixin
26aa8a6 Move AdminSetForm and CollectionForm to Sufia
46377d8 Merge WorkForm from CurationConcerns and Sufia
36bb47a Moved SearchBuilders to Sufia
239e120 Merge WorkIndexers
c3d6e88 Moved Indexers to Sufia
71bb01a Merged FileSetEditForms from CurationConcerns and Sufia
a88ea77 Move MemberSearchBuilder to Sufia
5003d05 Rename MemberSearchBuilder to MemberWithFilesSearchBuilder
6321abd Move CollectionMemberSearchBuilder to Sufia
5f3a7a9 Removed deprecated module SelectsCollections
de12dbd Moved the CollectionsSearchBuilder to Sufia
05ee1d7 Rename CollectionSearchBuilder to Sufia::MemberSearchBuilder
5e83b9c Changed all workflow references to the Sufia namespace
c292543 Move services to Sufia
55e1631 Move Sipity models to CurationConcerns
706c36e Consolidate model mixins
98a67dc Consolidate migrations
458df49 Add Sipity workflow to Sufia
c368dae Move LicenseService to Sufia
6df9c91 Extract Breadcrumbs modules
2952278 Consolidate some SearchBuilders
9b524c6 Consolidate CollectionsControllerBehavior
63de3f7 Move work routes to sufia
a7d530f Move WorkRelation to Sufia
6b3268d Moved namespace-less models into Sufia
0664e15 Moved VersionCommitter and VersioningService to Sufia
2c095fc Move Operations to Sufia
1fcecdd Move TimeService to Sufia
af4b0cf Move Lockable and LockManager to Sufia
323effd Consolidate AdminSetService and AdminSetSearchBuilder
49f9edc Consolidate actors
a1560f3 Merge in hydra-batch-edit. It had a circular dependency.
8ce42e7 Move routes to sufia
4e631a0 Move Collections to Sufia
b4aeec8 Merged config initializers
ae0b7c0 Consolidate configuration
88857a1 Move rake tasks to a common location
74b3c64 merge generators together
90d181d Bump version to 8.0.0.alpha
016804c Get Rubocop passing
for commit in $(git log origin/master ^sufia/master --no-merges --pretty=format:%h); do
[[ $(git branch -r --contains $commit) =~ "curation_concerns" ]] || {
git show --no-patch --format="%h %s" $commit
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