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mjhea0/ Secret

Last active October 12, 2015 17:42
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import random
def base_strategy():
return random.randrange(1, 10)
def computer_strategy(scores, player_answers, computer_answers,
total_iterations, current_iteration):
def compute_score(player_answer, computer_answer, scores):
if player_answer + 1 == computer_answer:
scores['computer'] += 2
elif computer_answer + 1 == player_answer:
scores['player'] += 2
elif player_answer < computer_answer:
scores['player'] += 1
elif player_answer > computer_answer:
scores['computer'] += 1
return scores
def calculate_winner(scores, outcomes):
if scores['player'] > scores['computer']:
outcomes['player'] += 1
elif scores['computer'] > scores['player']:
outcomes['computer'] += 1
outcomes['ties'] += 1
return outcomes
# run!
if __name__ == '__main__':
iterations = 100
scores = {'player': 0, 'computer': 0}
outcomes = {'player': 0, 'computer': 0, 'ties': 0}
player_nums = []
computer_nums = []
for x in range(0, iterations):
while scores['player'] < 5 and scores['computer'] < 5:
player_answer = base_strategy()
computer_answer = computer_strategy(
scores, player_nums, computer_nums, iterations, x)
compute_score(player_answer, computer_answer, scores)
calculate_winner(scores, outcomes)
scores = {'player': 0, 'computer': 0}
player_nums = []
computer_nums = []
print('Results - Player {0}, Computer {1}, Tie {2}'.format(
outcomes['player'], outcomes['computer'], outcomes['ties']))
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idefux commented Sep 21, 2015

I believe there is a bug in line 46. Parameter ordering is wrong. See here for a fixed version:

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mjhea0 commented Sep 21, 2015

@idefux updated - thanks!

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The rules says "Knowing ... all your opponent’s previous numbers". As I understand this condition, player_strategy must be player_strategy(scores, player_answers, computer_answers, total_iterations, current_iteration)

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mjhea0 commented Sep 22, 2015

@Amarchuck - yes, you are correct. You are creating the computer strategy, so you need to add your code here:

def computer_strategy(scores, player_answers, computer_answers,
        total_iterations, current_iteration):

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The main should check if the computer_answer is valid. Otherwise one could just play -1 or 0.5 and always win.

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@danielvatanabe rule clearly says, it can be any integer 1 or greater.

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I believe line 44 is buggy while scores['player'] <= 5 and scores['computer'] <= 5:. I think as soon as a player win 5 points, the loop should end. But due to the above condition, the loop would not break even a player have 5 points. It will give another chance to the loser. The condition will still be true even both player have 5 points. The condition will be only false, when one user win 6 points.
So, I think the condition should be:

while True: # instead of "while scores['player'] <= 5 and scores['computer'] <= 5:"
    ... # code first, condition at the end.
    if scores['player'] == 5 or scores['computer'] == 5:

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@mahanmarwat not "== 5" but ">= 5". One could go from 4 to 6 and skip the conditional branch.

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@MAGNUMpt Yes, you are right.

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I think there will never be tie games even both players have the exactly same strategy given the game runner logic.

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