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Sass/Less Comparison

In this document I am using Sass's SCSS syntax. You can choose to use the indented syntax in sass, if you prefer it, it has no functional differences from the SCSS syntax.

For Less, I'm using the JavaScript version because this is what they suggest on the website. The ruby version may be different.


io41 / paginated_collection.js
Created February 22, 2011 10:10 — forked from zerowidth/paginated_collection.js
Pagination with Backbone.js
// includes bindings for fetching/fetched
var PaginatedCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'parse', 'url', 'pageInfo', 'nextPage', 'previousPage');
typeof(options) != 'undefined' || (options = {}); = 1;
typeof(this.perPage) != 'undefined' || (this.perPage = 10);
fetch: function(options) {
jatorre /
Created April 24, 2011 19:53
A python script to detect encoding and SRID of a shapefile GUESSING its best
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector
import os.path
import sys
import dbfUtils
import sys
from osgeo import osr
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
dsamarin / Complex.js
Created October 3, 2011 03:11
Complex numbers in JavaScript
var Complex = function(real, imag) {
if (!(this instanceof Complex)) {
return new Complex (real, imag);
if (typeof real === "string" && imag == null) {
return Complex.parse (real);
this.real = Number(real) || 0;
nimbupani / index.html
Created December 2, 2011 05:00
Showing latest post on home page with Jekyll
layout: default
<div class="blog-index">
{% assign post = site.posts.first %}
{% assign content = post.content %}
{% include post_detail.html %}
arbales /
Created January 22, 2012 00:08
Replace URLs with links and unicode emoji with images.
LINK_DETECTION_REGEX = /(([a-z]+:\/\/)?(([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel|local|internal))(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/[a-z0-9_\-\.~]+)*(\/([a-z0-9_\-\.]*)(\?[a-z0-9+_\-\.%=&amp;]*)?)?(#[a-zA-Z0-9!$&'()*+.=-_~:@/?]*)?)(\s+|$)/gi
EMOJI_DIRECTORY = "/path/to/assets/emoji/20x20"
# Handlebars is presumed, but you could swap out
ESCAPE_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression
MARKSAFE_FUNCTION = (str) -> new Handlebars.SafeString(str)
# Emoji unicode chars become images.
nvie /
Created May 22, 2012 15:11
A WSGI middleware wrapper to add gzip to your WSGI app
from gzip import GzipFile
from wsgiref.headers import Headers
import re
import cStringIO as StringIO
# Precompile the regex to check for gzip headers
re_accepts_gzip = re.compile(r'\bgzip\b')
# Precompile the regex to split a comma delimitered string of Vary headers
bennylope / LICENSE
Last active August 17, 2023 10:44
Django file that loads environment variables from a .env file per Honcho/Foreman
Copyright the authors of Honcho and/or Ben Lopatin
Licensed for reuse, modification, and distribution under the terms of the MIT license
rgreenjr / postgres_queries_and_commands.sql
Last active October 17, 2024 20:39
Useful PostgreSQL Queries and Commands
-- show running queries (pre 9.2)
SELECT procpid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, current_query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE current_query != '<IDLE>' AND current_query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
ORDER BY query_start desc;
-- show running queries (9.2)
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'
nhoizey / screenshots.js
Created November 12, 2012 17:07
Take screenshots at different viewport sizes using CasperJS
* Takes provided URL passed as argument and make screenshots of this page with several viewport sizes.
* These viewport sizes are arbitrary, taken from iPhone & iPad specs, modify the array as needed
* Usage:
* $ casperjs screenshots.js
var casper = require("casper").create();