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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save mkf/33400bb07ec1f105dc28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mkf/33400bb07ec1f105dc28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example result of ingressmedal as for commit 5dd086537e75d1837cd5546201c4e96791612e46
Total AP: 6289597
Description AP Percent of total AP
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------------------
Control Fields created 1475000 23.4514%
Links created 1062948 16.9001%
Capturing portals + first resonator 900000 14.3093%
Sure points from upgrading and deployment of resonators except the capturing res 808015 12.8468%
Destroyed resonators 672750 10.6962%
Enemy Control Fields destroyed 492000 7.8224%
Enemy links destroyed 270028 4.2932%
Minimum AP gained on recharging 61050 0.9707%
Portals discovered (submitted) 53000 0.8427%
Photos added to portals 42000 0.6678%
Edits done to portals' data 1400 0.0223%
Uncomputable 451406 7.1770%
Codename: ArchieT Level: 10
AP: 6289597 lvl_by_AP: 11
Absolute AP % of the next (12) lvl_by_AP: 74.87615% Relative AP % of the next (12) lvl_by_AP: 12.06654%
lvl_by_medals: 10
Level for medals' colour silver: 12
Level for medals' colour gold: 10
Level for medals' colour platinum: 13
Level for medals' colour onyx: 15
Next level for the gold colour is 11
You need 5 badges (3 left), you already have 2
Those are the badges which are awaiting promotion to gold:
Name Current Left Desired lvl % Compl. Total % Compl. Lvl Min AP to compl. Description
--------------- --------- ------ ------------- ---------------- -------------- ------------------ --------------------
Explorer 816 1184 2000 40.80000 -18.40000 0 Uniq visited
Purifier 8970 21030 30000 29.90000 -5.15000 1577250 Resonators destroyed
Hacker 9082 20918 30000 30.27333 -4.59000 0 Hacks
Seer 53 147 200 26.50000 18.33333 147000 Portals discovered
Liberator 1440 3560 5000 28.80000 11.00000 2225000 Portals captured
Builder 13871 16129 30000 46.23667 19.35500 1048385 Resonators deployed
Mind Controller 1180 820 2000 59.00000 45.33333 1281660 CFields created
Connector 3396 1604 5000 67.92000 59.90000 502052 Links created
Pioneer 521 479 1000 52.10000 40.12500 299375 Uniq captured
Next level for the platinum colour is 14
You need 2 badges (1 left), you already have 1
Those are the badges which are awaiting promotion to platinum:
Name Current Left Desired lvl % Compl. Total % Compl. Lvl Min AP to compl. Description
--------------- --------- ------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- ------------------ --------------------
Explorer 816 9184 10000 8.16000 -14.80000 0 Uniq visited
Purifier 8970 91030 100000 8.97000 -30.04286 6827250 Resonators destroyed
Hacker 9082 90918 100000 9.08200 -29.88286 0 Hacks
Seer 53 447 500 10.60000 -49.00000 447000 Portals discovered
Liberator 1440 13560 15000 9.60000 -35.60000 8475000 Portals captured
Builder 13871 86129 100000 13.87100 -23.04143 5598385 Resonators deployed
Mind Controller 1180 8820 10000 11.80000 -10.25000 13785660 CFields created
Connector 3396 21604 25000 13.58400 -8.02000 6762052 Links created
Pioneer 521 4479 5000 10.42000 -11.97500 2799375 Uniq captured
Recharger 6105001 3894999 10000000 61.05001 44.35716 38940 XM Recharged
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