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Last active December 20, 2024 19:16
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Download Chrome OS Flex on Linux


You're on linux, the Chrome OS Recovery Utility isn't supported, but you'd still want to try Chrome OS Flex? Worry no more!

(NOTE: I'm aware of Googles offical Linux script, but that one is "in maintaince mode" and also doesn't have flex)


Install the following packages: jq, curl, wget, unzip (most, if not all, should be preinstalled)

Then run the script

curl -Ls | bash -

It'll do it's job.

Afterwards flash the .bin file to some flash drive.

sudo dd if=*.bin of=/dev/sdX oflag=direct bs=16M # replace X with your target device

QEMU doesn't want to work so far, so just try on some real hardware.

set -euo pipefail
URL=$(curl | jq ".[] | select(.manufacturer = \"\") | select(.channel = \"dev-channel\") | .url" -r)
FILE=$(basename "$URL")
wget "$URL" -O "$FILE"
unzip "$FILE"
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