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Last active December 1, 2019 19:28
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  • Save mloza/4032b3c21dc7d73ee73d26cdb7eb65b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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INSERT INTO task(name, description, budget, done) VALUES('Task 1', 'Description of task 1', 100.00, 1);
INSERT INTO task(name, description, budget, done) VALUES('Task 2', 'Description of task 2 Do', 100.00, 1);
INSERT INTO task(name, description, budget, done) VALUES('Task 3', 'Description of task 3 Do', 50.00, 0);
Hibernate: drop table task if exists
Hibernate: create table task (id bigint generated by default as identity, budget double, description clob, done boolean, name varchar(255), primary key (id))
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackageClasses = TaskRepository.class)
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver = true
TaskEntity{id=1, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=2, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=3, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=4, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=5, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=6, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=1, name='Task 1', description='Description of task 1', budget=100.0, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=2, name='Task 2', description='Description of task 2 Do', budget=100.0, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=3, name='Task 3', description='Description of task 3 Do', budget=50.0, done=false}
TaskEntity{id=4, name='Task 1', description='Test task', budget=123.55, done=true}
Tasks with done set to true:
TaskEntity{id=1, name='Task 1', description='Description of task 1', budget=100.0, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=2, name='Task 2', description='Description of task 2 Do', budget=100.0, done=true}
Tasks with done set to false:
TaskEntity{id=3, name='Task 3', description='Description of task 3 Do', budget=50.0, done=false}
Tasks with "Do" in description:
TaskEntity{id=2, name='Task 2', description='Description of task 2 Do', budget=100.0, done=true}
TaskEntity{id=3, name='Task 3', description='Description of task 3 Do', budget=50.0, done=false}
public class Task {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String description;
private Double budget;
private Boolean done;
//Gettery, Settery itp.
public interface TaskRepository extends CrudRepository<Task, Long> { }
public interface TaskRepository extends CrudRepository<task, long> {
public List findByDone(Boolean done);
@Query("select t from Task t where t.description like %?1%")
public List getByDescriptionLike(String search);
public TaskRepository taskRepository;
public String testMethod() {
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
Task task = new Task()
.withName("Task 1")
.withDescription("Test task")
for(Task i: taskRepository.findAll()) {
return response.toString();
public String testMethod2() {
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
response.append("Tasks with done set to true:\n");
for(Task i: taskRepository.findByDone(true)) {
response.append("Tasks with done set to false:\n");
for(Task i: taskRepository.findByDone(false)) {
response.append("Tasks with \"Do\" in description:\n");
for(Task i: taskRepository.getByDescriptionLike("Do")) {
return response.toString();
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