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Created October 28, 2009 17:41
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Best of aevans
so, yeah, but i don't think he's really technical
so, there is a post about it
so, there are a lot of discussion in the fancast group about ping and pong
so, if we built awesome stuff that they couldn't build the situation would probably be different
so, there are a few problems
so, we have one awful painful system that sucks because data integration/ingestion is hard, and we make the problem even harder by trying to reconcile two of these two systems into one
so, i think we have a lesson to learn: which is that some systems are technically straightforward but too much effort to produce and maintain
so, who woudl 'we' be
so, that's not a bad model
so, from my vast knowledge of sniping i've acquired playing GTA, i was just wondering how long it would take for them to snipe those dudes
so, by 'hostile act' i meant 'kill the captain'
so, i'm trying to figure out at what age farts will stop being hilarious
so, i've learned that when you want something done that you suck at, you motivate someone else who is good at it to get involved
so, nothing really happened bschmaus
so, i'd like to consider my self the product team for this bot project
so, bschmaus and I were at POPE once and some dude said that the original plan for the patco line was to continue to fairmont park
so, i found a url to a shortened URL through friendfeed
so, i'm not even sure who a director is; andrew?
so, i emailed horwitz and asked him to do something
so, only if your dependencies are in a maven repo
so, i had that problem and mmattozzi told me to say something positive
so, mmattozzi was i a tad to negative when tom asked me about our progress and i replied: "i didn't care" ?
so, i think this is a pyramid scheme
so, did jpress really say that there are more threads and servers than employees?
so, can you imagine if that code is in production and there is a bug
so, i'm going to this scrum talk
so, wtf is going on
so, that is an identifier, not a resource
so, dillera when you see rel="{uri}" or scheme="{uri}", those are not real resources
so, whenever i start writing such a long email, i go back to the top and type: summary: ...
so, they're coming to the city to see you because there are things to do in the city
so, i don't want to create them unnecessarily
so, my brownbag will either be 15 minutes and incomprehensible or 75 minutes and incomprehensible
so, wtf is up with that most recent twet
so, macworld is different than cim's quarterly meeting
so, i think the office setups are kind of weird
so, if i think about bens office there i can't see two people at a desk
so, for some reason, this office situation doesn't really bother me
so, first, he wears stone washed jeans that appear to have been purchased in 1992
so, something feels wrong about just going back to work now
so, i was just using google, and i'm pretty sure my stylesheet was f'd up for a few results
so, there are apparently duplicate articles on the portal
so, this jackie chan thing is still on the portal
so, even then it's not true
so, adding memcached support to my app is a lot harder than i thought it was going to be
so, this is really happening ? ^
so, heartbeat is stale for springfield
so, there are at least three types of people in the world then
so, i have a mino hd video camera; when we destroy the old phone, should we record it?
so, we're getting a blackberry curve
so, i may start going to church:
so, mschaffer are you typing that ruby now?
so, i want to code with other people
so, it's an ap problem
so, i
so, i sent an email to comcast_operators but i think i should have received it
so, it looks like the problem is fixed jvolkman
so, the mysql dbs are on michael and juliet
so, i have some integration tests
so, will you and connie both be helping out people over the phone with shuttle-related matters?
so, jvolkman is that for our virtual box project?
so, there's this lifetime show called 'how to look good naked' that is being promoted on fancast
so, regarding middleware
so, when i said middleware sucks i think i meant that three-tier architectures suck:
so, in my view of #milhouse, everyone was dropped except me
so, dillera are you in your office?
so, they generally call anything that runs over cable but not through our interfaces 'Over the Top' (OTT)
so, please accept the following vfumo : all entrenched businesses that have business model that is completely upended by distributive technology don't change until it's too late
so, i didn't want 90 lines in chat
so, i wonder about the logistics around jonestown
so, the properties that correspond to 'defaults' are defined in a properties file
so, when i attempt to mount the share i get prompted for a password
so, when season was in a breastfeeding class, she said they showed a video of a delivery where they place the newborn baby on the stomach of the mother right after birth
so, portalds does nothing
so, it would be possible to do a search through logs and instead of returning the search log data jsut return the people
so, chris lorenzo says "dat-a" ; it bothers me... i say "day-ta"
so, i think a lot of people who got here early filled new positions they probably weren't entirely qualified for
so, i got an IM from bala
so, i have a theory about the hires
so, if you changed the message to that guy i think the editors and goc would start referring to slow springfield as 'springfield is breakdancing again' or, 'springfield is experiencing significant hammertime'
so, i fear negative morale, but i think i overhead sean wecter say something about other people saying that content is all that really matters, not technology
so, if we were going to support friends we'd have uris like:
so, can you imagine how badly we'd f this up
so, i don't think that the escaped body was incorrect for activities
so, i've moved from smugmug to flickr
so, was that a pilot error or was he just fucking around
so, once the band split and the rentals came out weezer died
so, i get that question a lot mblinn; you type, then die above your keyboard with your head near the return key
so, if we have wave connected to email, twitter, IM, etc
so, i came up with the idea and the name and vfumo wanted to start a business
so, this is probably a good brownbag topic
so, wave is starting to actually do something now
so, daily candy is in there
so, could it be possible that this image was deleted on the CDN, maybe because it expired
so, it's the transporter that does the caching
so, there are a lot of publish jobs just waiting to run
so, did springfield sort itself out upon restart?
so, i have an embarrassing question
so, it's keys and values
so, you need to save these
so, what parts of the jdk do people just use instead of using a third party library?
so, that guy is retarted right?
so, i like how mohammed just copies files from other working systems into a different environment and types ./bin/
so, the problem is that they're building cable infrastructure on top of IP
so, i talked to an SVP in OCTO for a little bit
so, should we read anything into the direction of CIM based on Sam's move out of here?
so, integrating across groups is painful and that's all we do
so, i'm not sure why you're not getting the most recent version of the dependnet jar from maven
so, jdiprinzio can you send me the stack trace?
so, i had heard of 'haterade' before, but never 'hatertots'
so, every subclass of feeds or entries in the gdata client has an associated extension profile
so, in the first example, they're creating an empty feed and populating it with data
so, we have access to all of the source code
so, here's what you do
so, 3 days to deploy a service seems a bit high
so, yeah, i guess that's adsense
so, i still can't get over that that photographer committed suicide
so, i love when databases fail
so, another problem is that there isn't enough disk space
so, i sitll have a data services meeting on my calendar; wtf
so, i was able to get a $40 voice + 30 data
so, i copied my plugins in finder
so, i'm amazed that all this stuff stays within your eclipse dir
so, groups are the non-mac-like thing
so, was your mom behaving the way i imagine her behaving?
so, did he go through the same thing you did?
so, there's a reason why i didn't generalize this stuff
so, i think there's a demo today that involves brian roberts
so, just an fyi, this demo is for odol
so, i know what happens at these meetings
so, the plane split up in mid-air ?
so, this is weird
so, who is behind CIM Wiki
so, mac os x has a concept of a 'sheet'
so, my guess is that they just assume you use windows
so, did we just forcefully stop springfield?
so, i just logged into fancast by using my .net login
so, what's an example of entitled content?
so, the odd-man out on the far right plays drums right?
so, there were two there
so, i think they should just have an auction for the spots
so, apparently it's everything before '/social/rest' not including a trailing slash
so, my guess is that they're different markets
so, is that a positive career move? to go from engineering VP of upstart company to CEO of faltering company?
so, something between the client and the service knows that the user is logged in
so, we also need an identity model
so, what happened to jwaters?
so, i think google reader should challenge delicious
so, i'd just do the upgrade yourself
so, in a meeting, when mike h says that it looks like google's doing the same thing with their datastore as we are with UDS, i can say; "hmm, that might be a case of confirmation bias..."
so, probably not that guy..
so, who can estimate how much this costs?
so, can you explain why curl -is or ssh to the host doesn't work from gomez?
so, what's amazing is that you can build some pretty awesome apps if you can just build for chrome
so, is this hipster douchery or does these guys think they're cool
so, is this content marked as premium or does it just appear along with other content
so, it wasn't jason
so, i think it makes sense to start the relationship with customers like: "you already pay for this, why pay again?"
so, i can see why google does it
so, eclipse gripe
so, i don't want to pull an mblinn , but did this make its way here before?
so, i can't say enough good things about google collections
so, this is a blog about hedge funds. it is not
so, the reason you might do this if you were, say, working for a financial company, is because they would prohibit you from writing about investing
so, the article that aheld linked to was interesting :
so, i think at this point i'd say; '1 year
so, flickr sems broken to me
so, you have a lost update problem with that solution
so, i think i've boiled it down to three options for mysql/memcached consitency
so, i don't like #2 at all
so, i think you can write a plugin that would have every query get passed to function
so, dillera, why do you like RHEL over something like debian?
so, it would be cool to make a disk image and mount /usr/ as read-only and share it across disk images
so, i read the teamcim doc ( and it's not really a pattern
so, why do i not have an IP for my interface (eth1) that is host-only
so, what is the proper way to get dhclient to start at boot?
so, for fun, i pointed the vm at the original disk image while the first vm was running and using that image
so, jvolkman regarding clocks, were you referring to clocks on computers?
so, i think i'm getting closer to having the virtualization environment i want
so, when you boot from an immutable disk
so, i don't know this band but i've heard radiohead before so i think i get it
so, the lead singer sounds exactly the same way
so, unrelated
so, i don't know who michael is either
so, one the plus side, it works really well; i mean it's not google but it's kinda the same
so, here's the problem with this doc.. and i really like this doc for a lot of reasons
so, what channel?
so, did anybody knock over that sangria pitcher?
so, this guy is clearly insane
so, i'm glad i don't have an iphone
so, we have many copies of bob on cimdev-04
so, he will; at this point no real decisions have been made
so, there is a tide
so, i'd like to make a BUY recommendation for RSW at the end of the month
so, technically speaking, i got 3/4
so, $550 in 3 or 4 days
so, in related news, a ban on 'flash trading' is going to happen soon or has already happened
so, you use spymemcached client
so, that can't feel good
so, i just came across this:
so, mmattozzi, he is running on windows
so, here is the leverage that you might have: we can pay you more for your content than someone else
so, i've been at my desk the whole time
so, imagine our data was valuable
so, my understanding is that there will be this need in excalibur, to syndicate changes in data to consumers
so, you are likely still communicating over http
so, i remember someone important saying that http was the application protocol
so, that eliminates some stuff
so, who wants to help me fix a bug in springfield
so, i'm pretty sure there is a bug in the mostviewed publisher
so, i'm not responsible for this decision
so, i never saw joe namath video where he says 'i want to kiss you' to the female reporter
so, did you see the daily show bit where they showed the number one car turned in for cash for clunkers and the number one car purchased?
so, maybe i should let her read the output of svn help
so, omnigraffle can't end a line with a diamond
so, i think i might be going crazy
so, i have no idea what i'm doing today
so, jvolkman funny thiing
so, i think that in theory TCP transfer packets that are corrupt
so, i could see a corrupt file
so, i have a time machine and my fear is that one day I will rely on it for a restore and it will not work
so, i'm wrong about pkill
so, there are three things to focus on
so, number two: ..
so, if you go to my profile:
so, i'm pretty sure that when Matt Sharp left the band that Weezer died
so, when do i learn about the aliens
so, i want a clear mind
so, what's the status of that?
so, what could be happening?
so, coffee experience is better than usual
so, another really good talk i went to was
so, i accidently just did svnadmin dump without output going to the terminal
so, that's obvious
so, don't we already know our general direction?
so, i'm assuming IBM has some horrid tool
so, i just upgraded gcrypt to 64 bit using macports and rebuilt vpnc as a 64 bit binary and i'm now connected via vpn
so, confluence is down again?
so, my guess is that Chad will end up doing it for us
so, that TGB thing i bought is tanking
so, jvolkman are you going to this entitlements summit follow-up?
so, i mean "tab view":
so, i have a solution for health care
so, i think whenever i specify dates and times, i should be using RFC3339 instead of ISO 8601
so, if you say 8601, you're setting the bar a bit too high for a lot of clients
so, there are w3c datetimes which i think have a similar intent has RFC 3339 date times
so, mmattozzi how'd you pop the big question? ring in a Chipotle burrito?
so, jvolkman i was thinking about hosting this on git
so, at 4:30, i think you send an email and say "maybe we should reschedule for later this week"
so, you take care of Claire all day and make sure to walk the dog too
so, what you're saying is that you're currently in latin america?
so, there is a typo around "updates the software"
so, is this guy well-known? is Klosterman's opinion valued by anyone?
so, at what point does the country put 9/11 behind it
so, i'm confused
so, today during retrospective, we split up the board into 'what worked, what didn't work, etc'
so, Duncan asked Mike who asked me for my resume
so, i sent the link to my resume which is just a webpage
so, if the internet is all about relationships between people and communication and twitter and facebook own those relationships, it's only a matter of time before you pay them in some way to create new relationships and have enhanced communication capabilities
so, i imagine the first step twitter would take to become really big would be to provide a pro package as part of a subscription
so, i guess a lesson there is don't allow seemless interoperability with your network and another network
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