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Created February 18, 2017 16:16
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"3650;3588" => ["\0,e\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3589" => ["\0,f\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3590" => ["\0,g\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3591" => ["\0,h\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3592" => ["\0,i\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3593" => ["\0,j\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3594" => ["\0,k\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3595" => ["\0,l\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3596" => ["\0,m\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3597" => ["\0,n\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3598" => ["\0,o\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3599" => ["\0,p\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3600" => ["\0,q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3601" => ["\0,r\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3602" => ["\0,s\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3603" => ["\0,t\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3604" => ["\0,u\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3605" => ["\0,v\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3606" => ["\0,w\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3607" => ["\0,x\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3608" => ["\0,y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3609" => ["\0,z\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3610" => ["\0,{\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3611" => ["\0,|\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3612" => ["\0,}\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3613" => ["\0,~\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3614" => ["\0,\x7F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3615" => ["\0,\x80\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3616" => ["\0,\x81\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3617" => ["\0,\x82\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3618" => ["\0,\x83\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3619" => ["\0,\x84\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3620" => ["\0,\x85\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3621" => ["\0,\x86\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3622" => ["\0,\x87\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3623" => ["\0,\x88\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3624" => ["\0,\x89\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3625" => ["\0,\x8A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3626" => ["\0,\x8B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3627" => ["\0,\x8C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3628" => ["\0,\x8D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3629" => ["\0,\x8E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3650;3630" => ["\0,\x8F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9E\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3585" => ["\0,b\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3586" => ["\0,c\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3587" => ["\0,d\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3588" => ["\0,e\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3589" => ["\0,f\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3590" => ["\0,g\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3591" => ["\0,h\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3592" => ["\0,i\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3593" => ["\0,j\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3594" => ["\0,k\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3595" => ["\0,l\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3596" => ["\0,m\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3597" => ["\0,n\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3598" => ["\0,o\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3599" => ["\0,p\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3600" => ["\0,q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3601" => ["\0,r\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3602" => ["\0,s\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3603" => ["\0,t\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3604" => ["\0,u\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3605" => ["\0,v\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3606" => ["\0,w\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3607" => ["\0,x\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3608" => ["\0,y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3609" => ["\0,z\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3610" => ["\0,{\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3611" => ["\0,|\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3612" => ["\0,}\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3613" => ["\0,~\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3614" => ["\0,\x7F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3615" => ["\0,\x80\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3616" => ["\0,\x81\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3617" => ["\0,\x82\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3618" => ["\0,\x83\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3619" => ["\0,\x84\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3620" => ["\0,\x85\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3621" => ["\0,\x86\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3622" => ["\0,\x87\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3623" => ["\0,\x88\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3624" => ["\0,\x89\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3625" => ["\0,\x8A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3626" => ["\0,\x8B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3627" => ["\0,\x8C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3628" => ["\0,\x8D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3629" => ["\0,\x8E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3651;3630" => ["\0,\x8F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\x9F\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3585" => ["\0,b\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3586" => ["\0,c\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3587" => ["\0,d\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3588" => ["\0,e\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3589" => ["\0,f\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3590" => ["\0,g\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3591" => ["\0,h\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3592" => ["\0,i\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3593" => ["\0,j\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3594" => ["\0,k\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3595" => ["\0,l\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3596" => ["\0,m\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3597" => ["\0,n\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3598" => ["\0,o\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3599" => ["\0,p\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3600" => ["\0,q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3601" => ["\0,r\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3602" => ["\0,s\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3603" => ["\0,t\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3604" => ["\0,u\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3605" => ["\0,v\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3606" => ["\0,w\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3607" => ["\0,x\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3608" => ["\0,y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3609" => ["\0,z\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3610" => ["\0,{\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3611" => ["\0,|\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3612" => ["\0,}\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3613" => ["\0,~\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3614" => ["\0,\x7F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3615" => ["\0,\x80\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3616" => ["\0,\x81\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3617" => ["\0,\x82\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3618" => ["\0,\x83\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3619" => ["\0,\x84\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3620" => ["\0,\x85\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3621" => ["\0,\x86\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3622" => ["\0,\x87\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3623" => ["\0,\x88\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3624" => ["\0,\x89\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3625" => ["\0,\x8A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3626" => ["\0,\x8B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3627" => ["\0,\x8C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3628" => ["\0,\x8D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3629" => ["\0,\x8E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3652;3630" => ["\0,\x8F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xA0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3661;3634" => ["\0,\x94\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3713" => ["\0,\xA3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3714" => ["\0,\xA4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3716" => ["\0,\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3719" => ["\0,\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3720" => ["\0,\xA7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3722" => ["\0,\xA9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3725" => ["\0,\xAB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3732" => ["\0,\xAC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3733" => ["\0,\xAD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3734" => ["\0,\xAE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3735" => ["\0,\xAF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3737" => ["\0,\xB0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3738" => ["\0,\xB1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3739" => ["\0,\xB2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3740" => ["\0,\xB3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3741" => ["\0,\xB4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3742" => ["\0,\xB5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3743" => ["\0,\xB6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3745" => ["\0,\xB7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3746" => ["\0,\xB8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3747" => ["\0,\xB9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3749" => ["\0,\xBA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3751" => ["\0,\xBB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3754" => ["\0,\xA8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3755" => ["\0,\xBC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3757" => ["\0,\xBD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3758" => ["\0,\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3804" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB0\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3776;3805" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB7\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3776;3806" => ["\0,\xA2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3776;3807" => ["\0,\xAA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCD\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3713" => ["\0,\xA3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3714" => ["\0,\xA4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3716" => ["\0,\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3719" => ["\0,\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3720" => ["\0,\xA7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3722" => ["\0,\xA9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3725" => ["\0,\xAB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3732" => ["\0,\xAC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3733" => ["\0,\xAD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3734" => ["\0,\xAE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3735" => ["\0,\xAF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3737" => ["\0,\xB0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3738" => ["\0,\xB1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3739" => ["\0,\xB2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3740" => ["\0,\xB3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3741" => ["\0,\xB4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3742" => ["\0,\xB5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3743" => ["\0,\xB6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3745" => ["\0,\xB7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3746" => ["\0,\xB8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3747" => ["\0,\xB9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3749" => ["\0,\xBA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3751" => ["\0,\xBB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3754" => ["\0,\xA8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3755" => ["\0,\xBC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3757" => ["\0,\xBD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3758" => ["\0,\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3804" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB0\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3777;3805" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB7\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3777;3806" => ["\0,\xA2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3777;3807" => ["\0,\xAA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3713" => ["\0,\xA3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3714" => ["\0,\xA4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3716" => ["\0,\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3719" => ["\0,\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3720" => ["\0,\xA7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3722" => ["\0,\xA9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3725" => ["\0,\xAB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3732" => ["\0,\xAC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3733" => ["\0,\xAD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3734" => ["\0,\xAE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3735" => ["\0,\xAF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3737" => ["\0,\xB0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3738" => ["\0,\xB1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3739" => ["\0,\xB2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3740" => ["\0,\xB3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3741" => ["\0,\xB4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3742" => ["\0,\xB5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3743" => ["\0,\xB6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3745" => ["\0,\xB7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3746" => ["\0,\xB8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3747" => ["\0,\xB9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3749" => ["\0,\xBA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3751" => ["\0,\xBB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3754" => ["\0,\xA8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3755" => ["\0,\xBC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3757" => ["\0,\xBD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3758" => ["\0,\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3804" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB0\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3778;3805" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB7\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3778;3806" => ["\0,\xA2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3778;3807" => ["\0,\xAA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xCF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3713" => ["\0,\xA3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3714" => ["\0,\xA4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3716" => ["\0,\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3719" => ["\0,\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3720" => ["\0,\xA7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3722" => ["\0,\xA9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3725" => ["\0,\xAB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3732" => ["\0,\xAC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3733" => ["\0,\xAD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3734" => ["\0,\xAE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3735" => ["\0,\xAF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3737" => ["\0,\xB0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3738" => ["\0,\xB1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3739" => ["\0,\xB2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3740" => ["\0,\xB3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3741" => ["\0,\xB4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3742" => ["\0,\xB5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3743" => ["\0,\xB6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3745" => ["\0,\xB7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3746" => ["\0,\xB8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3747" => ["\0,\xB9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3749" => ["\0,\xBA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3751" => ["\0,\xBB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3754" => ["\0,\xA8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3755" => ["\0,\xBC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3757" => ["\0,\xBD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3758" => ["\0,\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3804" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB0\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3779;3805" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB7\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3779;3806" => ["\0,\xA2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3779;3807" => ["\0,\xAA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD0\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3713" => ["\0,\xA3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3714" => ["\0,\xA4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3716" => ["\0,\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3719" => ["\0,\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3720" => ["\0,\xA7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3722" => ["\0,\xA9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3725" => ["\0,\xAB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3732" => ["\0,\xAC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3733" => ["\0,\xAD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3734" => ["\0,\xAE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3735" => ["\0,\xAF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3737" => ["\0,\xB0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3738" => ["\0,\xB1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3739" => ["\0,\xB2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3740" => ["\0,\xB3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3741" => ["\0,\xB4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3742" => ["\0,\xB5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3743" => ["\0,\xB6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3745" => ["\0,\xB7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3746" => ["\0,\xB8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3747" => ["\0,\xB9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3749" => ["\0,\xBA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3751" => ["\0,\xBB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3754" => ["\0,\xA8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3755" => ["\0,\xBC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3757" => ["\0,\xBD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3758" => ["\0,\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3804" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB0\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3780;3805" => [
"\0,\xBC\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xB7\0 \0\4\0\0",
"\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0",
"3780;3806" => ["\0,\xA2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3780;3807" => ["\0,\xAA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0,\xD1\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3789;3762" => ["\0,\xC3\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3953;3954" => ["\0-g\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3953;3956" => ["\0-k\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"3953;3968" => ["\0-i\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4018;3953;3968" => ["\0-m\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4018;3968" => ["\0-l\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4018;3969" => ["\0-m\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4019;3953;3968" => ["\0-o\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4019;3968" => ["\0-n\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4019;3969" => ["\0-o\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"4133;4142" => ["\0/U\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43648" => ["\0,\xD2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43649" => ["\0,\xD3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43650" => ["\0,\xD4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43651" => ["\0,\xD5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43652" => ["\0,\xD6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43653" => ["\0,\xD7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43654" => ["\0,\xD8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43655" => ["\0,\xD9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43656" => ["\0,\xDA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43657" => ["\0,\xDB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43658" => ["\0,\xDC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43659" => ["\0,\xDD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43660" => ["\0,\xDE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43661" => ["\0,\xDF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43662" => ["\0,\xE0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43663" => ["\0,\xE1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43664" => ["\0,\xE2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43665" => ["\0,\xE3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43666" => ["\0,\xE4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43667" => ["\0,\xE5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43668" => ["\0,\xE6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43669" => ["\0,\xE7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43670" => ["\0,\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43671" => ["\0,\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43672" => ["\0,\xEA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43673" => ["\0,\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43674" => ["\0,\xEC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43675" => ["\0,\xED\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43676" => ["\0,\xEE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43677" => ["\0,\xEF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43678" => ["\0,\xF0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43679" => ["\0,\xF1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43680" => ["\0,\xF2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43681" => ["\0,\xF3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43682" => ["\0,\xF4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43683" => ["\0,\xF5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43684" => ["\0,\xF6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43685" => ["\0,\xF7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43686" => ["\0,\xF8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43687" => ["\0,\xF9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43688" => ["\0,\xFA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43689" => ["\0,\xFB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43690" => ["\0,\xFC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43691" => ["\0,\xFD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43692" => ["\0,\xFE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43693" => ["\0,\xFF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43694" => ["\0-\0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43701;43695" => ["\0-\1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43648" => ["\0,\xD2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43649" => ["\0,\xD3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43650" => ["\0,\xD4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43651" => ["\0,\xD5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43652" => ["\0,\xD6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43653" => ["\0,\xD7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43654" => ["\0,\xD8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43655" => ["\0,\xD9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43656" => ["\0,\xDA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43657" => ["\0,\xDB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43658" => ["\0,\xDC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43659" => ["\0,\xDD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43660" => ["\0,\xDE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43661" => ["\0,\xDF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43662" => ["\0,\xE0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43663" => ["\0,\xE1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43664" => ["\0,\xE2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43665" => ["\0,\xE3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43666" => ["\0,\xE4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43667" => ["\0,\xE5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43668" => ["\0,\xE6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43669" => ["\0,\xE7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43670" => ["\0,\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43671" => ["\0,\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43672" => ["\0,\xEA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43673" => ["\0,\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43674" => ["\0,\xEC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43675" => ["\0,\xED\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43676" => ["\0,\xEE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43677" => ["\0,\xEF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43678" => ["\0,\xF0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43679" => ["\0,\xF1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43680" => ["\0,\xF2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43681" => ["\0,\xF3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43682" => ["\0,\xF4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43683" => ["\0,\xF5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43684" => ["\0,\xF6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43685" => ["\0,\xF7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43686" => ["\0,\xF8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43687" => ["\0,\xF9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43688" => ["\0,\xFA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43689" => ["\0,\xFB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43690" => ["\0,\xFC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43691" => ["\0,\xFD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43692" => ["\0,\xFE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43693" => ["\0,\xFF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43694" => ["\0-\0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43702;43695" => ["\0-\1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\b\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43648" => ["\0,\xD2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43649" => ["\0,\xD3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43650" => ["\0,\xD4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43651" => ["\0,\xD5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43652" => ["\0,\xD6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43653" => ["\0,\xD7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43654" => ["\0,\xD8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43655" => ["\0,\xD9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43656" => ["\0,\xDA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43657" => ["\0,\xDB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43658" => ["\0,\xDC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43659" => ["\0,\xDD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43660" => ["\0,\xDE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43661" => ["\0,\xDF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43662" => ["\0,\xE0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43663" => ["\0,\xE1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43664" => ["\0,\xE2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43665" => ["\0,\xE3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43666" => ["\0,\xE4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43667" => ["\0,\xE5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43668" => ["\0,\xE6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43669" => ["\0,\xE7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43670" => ["\0,\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43671" => ["\0,\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43672" => ["\0,\xEA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43673" => ["\0,\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43674" => ["\0,\xEC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43675" => ["\0,\xED\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43676" => ["\0,\xEE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43677" => ["\0,\xEF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43678" => ["\0,\xF0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43679" => ["\0,\xF1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43680" => ["\0,\xF2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43681" => ["\0,\xF3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43682" => ["\0,\xF4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43683" => ["\0,\xF5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43684" => ["\0,\xF6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43685" => ["\0,\xF7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43686" => ["\0,\xF8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43687" => ["\0,\xF9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43688" => ["\0,\xFA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43689" => ["\0,\xFB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43690" => ["\0,\xFC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43691" => ["\0,\xFD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43692" => ["\0,\xFE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43693" => ["\0,\xFF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43694" => ["\0-\0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43705;43695" => ["\0-\1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43648" => ["\0,\xD2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43649" => ["\0,\xD3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43650" => ["\0,\xD4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43651" => ["\0,\xD5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43652" => ["\0,\xD6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43653" => ["\0,\xD7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43654" => ["\0,\xD8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43655" => ["\0,\xD9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43656" => ["\0,\xDA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43657" => ["\0,\xDB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43658" => ["\0,\xDC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43659" => ["\0,\xDD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43660" => ["\0,\xDE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43661" => ["\0,\xDF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43662" => ["\0,\xE0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43663" => ["\0,\xE1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43664" => ["\0,\xE2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43665" => ["\0,\xE3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43666" => ["\0,\xE4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43667" => ["\0,\xE5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43668" => ["\0,\xE6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43669" => ["\0,\xE7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43670" => ["\0,\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43671" => ["\0,\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43672" => ["\0,\xEA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43673" => ["\0,\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43674" => ["\0,\xEC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43675" => ["\0,\xED\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43676" => ["\0,\xEE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43677" => ["\0,\xEF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43678" => ["\0,\xF0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43679" => ["\0,\xF1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43680" => ["\0,\xF2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43681" => ["\0,\xF3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43682" => ["\0,\xF4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43683" => ["\0,\xF5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43684" => ["\0,\xF6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43685" => ["\0,\xF7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43686" => ["\0,\xF8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43687" => ["\0,\xF9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43688" => ["\0,\xFA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43689" => ["\0,\xFB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43690" => ["\0,\xFC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43691" => ["\0,\xFD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43692" => ["\0,\xFE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43693" => ["\0,\xFF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43694" => ["\0-\0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43707;43695" => ["\0-\1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43648" => ["\0,\xD2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43649" => ["\0,\xD3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43650" => ["\0,\xD4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43651" => ["\0,\xD5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43652" => ["\0,\xD6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43653" => ["\0,\xD7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43654" => ["\0,\xD8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43655" => ["\0,\xD9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43656" => ["\0,\xDA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43657" => ["\0,\xDB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43658" => ["\0,\xDC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43659" => ["\0,\xDD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43660" => ["\0,\xDE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43661" => ["\0,\xDF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43662" => ["\0,\xE0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43663" => ["\0,\xE1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43664" => ["\0,\xE2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43665" => ["\0,\xE3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43666" => ["\0,\xE4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43667" => ["\0,\xE5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43668" => ["\0,\xE6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43669" => ["\0,\xE7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43670" => ["\0,\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43671" => ["\0,\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43672" => ["\0,\xEA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43673" => ["\0,\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43674" => ["\0,\xEC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43675" => ["\0,\xED\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43676" => ["\0,\xEE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43677" => ["\0,\xEF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43678" => ["\0,\xF0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43679" => ["\0,\xF1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43680" => ["\0,\xF2\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43681" => ["\0,\xF3\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43682" => ["\0,\xF4\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43683" => ["\0,\xF5\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43684" => ["\0,\xF6\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43685" => ["\0,\xF7\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43686" => ["\0,\xF8\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43687" => ["\0,\xF9\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43688" => ["\0,\xFA\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43689" => ["\0,\xFB\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43690" => ["\0,\xFC\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43691" => ["\0,\xFD\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43692" => ["\0,\xFE\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43693" => ["\0,\xFF\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43694" => ["\0-\0\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"43708;43695" => ["\0-\1\0 \0\2\0\0", "\0-\16\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6528" => ["\x000.\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6529" => ["\x000/\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6530" => ["\x0000\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6531" => ["\x0001\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6532" => ["\x0002\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6533" => ["\x0003\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6534" => ["\x0004\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6535" => ["\x0005\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6536" => ["\x0006\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6537" => ["\x0007\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6538" => ["\x0008\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6539" => ["\x0009\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6540" => ["\x000:\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6541" => ["\x000;\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6542" => ["\x000<\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6543" => ["\x000=\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6544" => ["\x000>\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6545" => ["\x000?\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6546" => ["\x000\@\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6547" => ["\x000A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6548" => ["\x000B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6549" => ["\x000C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6550" => ["\x000D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6551" => ["\x000E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6552" => ["\x000F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6553" => ["\x000G\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6554" => ["\x000H\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6555" => ["\x000I\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6556" => ["\x000J\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6557" => ["\x000K\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6558" => ["\x000L\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6559" => ["\x000M\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6560" => ["\x000N\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6561" => ["\x000O\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6562" => ["\x000P\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6563" => ["\x000Q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6564" => ["\x000R\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6565" => ["\x000S\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6566" => ["\x000T\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6567" => ["\x000U\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6568" => ["\x000V\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6569" => ["\x000W\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6570" => ["\x000X\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6581;6571" => ["\x000Y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000_\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6528" => ["\x000.\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6529" => ["\x000/\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6530" => ["\x0000\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6531" => ["\x0001\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6532" => ["\x0002\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6533" => ["\x0003\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6534" => ["\x0004\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6535" => ["\x0005\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6536" => ["\x0006\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6537" => ["\x0007\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6538" => ["\x0008\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6539" => ["\x0009\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6540" => ["\x000:\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6541" => ["\x000;\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6542" => ["\x000<\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6543" => ["\x000=\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6544" => ["\x000>\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6545" => ["\x000?\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6546" => ["\x000\@\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6547" => ["\x000A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6548" => ["\x000B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6549" => ["\x000C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6550" => ["\x000D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6551" => ["\x000E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6552" => ["\x000F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6553" => ["\x000G\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6554" => ["\x000H\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6555" => ["\x000I\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6556" => ["\x000J\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6557" => ["\x000K\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6558" => ["\x000L\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6559" => ["\x000M\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6560" => ["\x000N\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6561" => ["\x000O\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6562" => ["\x000P\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6563" => ["\x000Q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6564" => ["\x000R\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6565" => ["\x000S\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6566" => ["\x000T\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6567" => ["\x000U\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6568" => ["\x000V\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6569" => ["\x000W\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6570" => ["\x000X\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6582;6571" => ["\x000Y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000`\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6528" => ["\x000.\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6529" => ["\x000/\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6530" => ["\x0000\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6531" => ["\x0001\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6532" => ["\x0002\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6533" => ["\x0003\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6534" => ["\x0004\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6535" => ["\x0005\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6536" => ["\x0006\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6537" => ["\x0007\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6538" => ["\x0008\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6539" => ["\x0009\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6540" => ["\x000:\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6541" => ["\x000;\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6542" => ["\x000<\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6543" => ["\x000=\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6544" => ["\x000>\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6545" => ["\x000?\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6546" => ["\x000\@\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6547" => ["\x000A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6548" => ["\x000B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6549" => ["\x000C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6550" => ["\x000D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6551" => ["\x000E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6552" => ["\x000F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6553" => ["\x000G\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6554" => ["\x000H\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6555" => ["\x000I\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6556" => ["\x000J\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6557" => ["\x000K\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6558" => ["\x000L\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6559" => ["\x000M\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6560" => ["\x000N\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6561" => ["\x000O\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6562" => ["\x000P\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6563" => ["\x000Q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6564" => ["\x000R\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6565" => ["\x000S\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6566" => ["\x000T\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6567" => ["\x000U\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6568" => ["\x000V\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6569" => ["\x000W\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6570" => ["\x000X\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6583;6571" => ["\x000Y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6528" => ["\x000.\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6529" => ["\x000/\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6530" => ["\x0000\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6531" => ["\x0001\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6532" => ["\x0002\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6533" => ["\x0003\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6534" => ["\x0004\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6535" => ["\x0005\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6536" => ["\x0006\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6537" => ["\x0007\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6538" => ["\x0008\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6539" => ["\x0009\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6540" => ["\x000:\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6541" => ["\x000;\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6542" => ["\x000<\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6543" => ["\x000=\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6544" => ["\x000>\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6545" => ["\x000?\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6546" => ["\x000\@\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6547" => ["\x000A\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6548" => ["\x000B\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6549" => ["\x000C\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6550" => ["\x000D\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6551" => ["\x000E\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6552" => ["\x000F\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6553" => ["\x000G\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6554" => ["\x000H\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6555" => ["\x000I\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6556" => ["\x000J\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6557" => ["\x000K\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6558" => ["\x000L\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6559" => ["\x000M\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6560" => ["\x000N\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6561" => ["\x000O\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6562" => ["\x000P\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6563" => ["\x000Q\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6564" => ["\x000R\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6565" => ["\x000S\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6566" => ["\x000T\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6567" => ["\x000U\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6568" => ["\x000V\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6569" => ["\x000W\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6570" => ["\x000X\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6586;6571" => ["\x000Y\0 \0\2\0\0", "\x000d\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6917;6965" => ["\x001\a\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6919;6965" => ["\x001\t\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6921;6965" => ["\x001\13\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6923;6965" => ["\x001\r\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6925;6965" => ["\x001\17\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6929;6965" => ["\x001\23\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6970;6965" => ["\x001B\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6972;6965" => ["\x001D\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6974;6965" => ["\x001G\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6975;6965" => ["\x001H\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"6978;6965" => ["\x001J\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"69937;69927" => ["\0/\xBE\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"69938;69927" => ["\0/\xBF\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"70471;70462" => ["\0*\xA5\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"70471;70487" => ["\0*\xA6\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"70841;70832" => ["\0*\xE9\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"70841;70842" => ["\0*\xE8\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"70841;70845" => ["\0*\xEB\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"71096;71087" => ["\0+%\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"71097;71087" => ["\0+&\0 \0\2\0\0"],
"76;183" => ["\0\34\xF2\0 \0\b\0\0", "\0\0\0\1\13\0\2\0\0"],
"76;903" => ["\0\34\xF2\0 \0\b\0\0", "\0\0\0\1\13\0\2\0\0"],
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2962 => 2,
3014 => 2,
3015 => 2,
3142 => 2,
3263 => 2,
3270 => 3,
3274 => 2,
3398 => 2,
3399 => 2,
3545 => 3,
3548 => 2,
3648 => 2,
3649 => 2,
3650 => 2,
3651 => 2,
3652 => 2,
3661 => 2,
3776 => 2,
3777 => 2,
3778 => 2,
3779 => 2,
3780 => 2,
3789 => 2,
3953 => 2,
4018 => 3,
4019 => 3,
4133 => 2,
6581 => 2,
6582 => 2,
6583 => 2,
6586 => 2,
6917 => 2,
6919 => 2,
6921 => 2,
6923 => 2,
6925 => 2,
6929 => 2,
6970 => 2,
6972 => 2,
6974 => 2,
6975 => 2,
6978 => 2,
43701 => 2,
43702 => 2,
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43707 => 2,
43708 => 2,
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69938 => 2,
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71097 => 2,
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table => "allkeys.txt",
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variable => "shifted",
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[undef, { presort => {} }],
[{ final => 1 }, { sortkey => {} }],
{ sortname => {} },
{ author => {} },
{ editor => {} },
{ translator => {} },
{ sorttitle => {} },
{ title => {} },
[undef, { sortyear => {} }, { year => {} }],
[undef, { sorttitle => {} }, { title => {} }],
[undef, { volume => {} }, { "0" => {} }],
sortschemename => "nyt",
type => "entry",
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REALNAME => "C:/Users/Moritz/AppData/Local/Temp/k8hvZ7GkAI",
}, "File::Temp::Dir"),
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[274]> INFO - Processing section 0
[274]> DEBUG - Looking for directly cited keys: gruber:w:2004
[293]> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'blockkscpaitals.bib' for section 0
[293]> TRACE - Entering extract_entries() in driver 'bibtex'
[293]> DEBUG - Caching data for BibTeX format file 'blockkscpaitals.bib' for section 0
[297]> INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
[297]> TRACE - Buffer before decoding -> '%% LaTeX2e file `blockkscpaitals.bib'
%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
%% from source `blockkscpaitals' on 2017/02/18.
author = {Gruber, Wolfgang},
title = {COBOL},
[301]> TRACE - String before latex_decode() -> '%% LaTeX2e file `blockkscpaitals.bib'
%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
%% from source `blockkscpaitals' on 2017/02/18.
author = {Gruber, Wolfgang},
title = {COBOL},
[302]> TRACE - String in latex_decode() now -> '%% LaTeX2e file `blockkscpaitals.bib'
%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
%% from source `blockkscpaitals' on 2017/02/18.
author = {Gruber, Wolfgang},
title = {C{OL},
[302]> TRACE - Buffer after decoding -> '%% LaTeX2e file `blockkscpaitals.bib'
%% generated by the `filecontents' environment
%% from source `blockkscpaitals' on 2017/02/18.
author = {Gruber, Wolfgang},
title = {C{OL},
[303]> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'blockkscpaitals.bib'
[306]> WARN - Entry gruber:w:2004 does not parse correctly
[306]> DEBUG - Text::BibTeX cache keys:
[307]> DEBUG - Wanted keys: gruber:w:2004
[307]> DEBUG - Looking for key 'gruber:w:2004' in Text::BibTeX cache
[307]> DEBUG - Wanted keys now: gruber:w:2004
[307]> DEBUG - Directly cited keys not found for section '0': gruber:w:2004
[307]> WARN - I didn't find a database entry for 'gruber:w:2004' (section 0)
[307]> DEBUG - Building dependents for keys:
[307]> TRACE - Recursing in get_dependents with:
[307]> DEBUG - Citekeys for section '0' after fetching data:
[307]> DEBUG - Creating dynamic entries (sets/related) for section 0
[308]> DEBUG - Resolving XDATA entries for section 0
[308]> DEBUG - Adding set members to citekeys for section 0
[308]> DEBUG - Processing explicit and implicit xref/crossrefs for section 0
[308]> DEBUG - Postprocessing entries in section 0 (before uniqueness)
[308]> DEBUG - Finished processing entries in section 0 (before uniqueness)
[308]> DEBUG - Postprocessing visible names for section 0
[308]> DEBUG - Postprocessing entries in section 0 (after uniqueness)
[308]> DEBUG - Finished processing entries in section 0 (after uniqueness)
[308]> DEBUG - Populated sortlist 'nyt/global/' of type 'entry' with sortscheme 'nyt' and sorting name key scheme 'global' in section 0 with keys:
[308]> DEBUG - Checking sorting cache for scheme 'nyt' with sorting name key scheme 'global'
[308]> DEBUG - No sorting cache entry for scheme 'nyt' with sorting name key scheme 'global'
[308]> DEBUG - Sorting is by default case-SENSITIVE
[308]> DEBUG - Keys before sort:
[309]> TRACE - Sorting sortlist 'nyt/global/' of type 'entry' with sortscheme 'nyt'. Scheme is
locale => "en-US",
spec => [
[{}, { presort => {} }],
[{ final => 1 }, { sortkey => {} }],
{ sortname => {} },
{ author => {} },
{ editor => {} },
{ translator => {} },
{ sorttitle => {} },
{ title => {} },
[{}, { sortyear => {} }, { year => {} }],
[{}, { sorttitle => {} }, { title => {} }],
[{}, { volume => {} }, { "0" => {} }],
[309]> DEBUG - Locale for sorting is 'en-US'
[318]> DEBUG - Collation options: (
[318]> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
[318]> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
[319]> INFO - Sorting list 'nyt/global/' of type 'entry' with scheme 'nyt' and locale 'en-US'
[320]> DEBUG - Sorting with Unicode::Collate (level => 4, normalization => prenormalized, upper_before_lower => 1, variable => non-ignorable, UCA version: 8.0.0, Locale: default)
[320]> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-US'
[320]> DEBUG - Keys after sort:
[321]> DEBUG - Adding sorting cache entry for scheme 'nyt' with sorting name key scheme 'global'
[588] biber-MSWIN64:397> TRACE -
############# Dump of final config object: ################
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