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Last active February 25, 2017 20:41
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Mod 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

  • Plan A: Have job offer by the end of Mod 4 at a place that I am excited to work at and is in alignment with my personal and professional goals.
  • Plan B: Have freelance stuff (business cards, portfolio, contract, pricing, process, listings on freelance sites/directories, business plan, MAYBE get an LLC) dialed by end of Mod 4 AND at least one job in the pipeline.

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

Coding (both including your module 4 curriculum and anything outside of it):

  • Spend 30min per day working through Exercism drills
  • Put together web scraping tutorial (like I have been promising for months) and present it at one spike
  • Take advantage of as many opporunities as possible to learn JS and JS frameworks and incorporate them into projects
  • Pair with lower mod students to force me to revisit and work through old material
  • Meet with Ian Douglas for technical interview prep practice (and attend at least two of his Monday evening sessions)

Opportunities Research:

  • Contact old coworkers, let them know I am officially on the job market and to let me know if they hear of anything.
  • Follow up with people that I met at job fair, even if job is not on the table.
  • Pick one meetup and attend religiously for all of mod 4 - currently would like to meet with Code for Denver on Monday evenings. Most people who came out of bootcamps/were self-taught that I have spoken with have said this is how they found their first jobs.
  • Identify potential targets for freelance work and make first contact (create Google Spreadsheet for this)

Cold Outreach/Network:

  • Identify and contact at least one new person per week. Focus on making connections through meetups, etc. rather than cold emailng.
  • Get Turing friends to play wingman/wingwoman with me at networking events... this makes it a much more enjoyable expereince for me and eliminates my usual excuse of not wanting to go because I'm afraid of not seeing familiar faces and being awkward.

Personal Branding (This section is optional):

  • Finalize design for business cards and print
  • Write one blog post per week
  • Revisit all social media/job board profiles and make sure all are in alignment (style, tone, description) with one another


  • Goal is to get as much non-repetitive work done as possible done over intermission week. Already have appointments scheduled with Meg and Ian on calendar. Code for Denver meetups are on my calendar as well. Will start freelance target spreadsheet over intermission week. Everything else TBD.

Module Tasks:

  • Create web scraping tutorial and present at spike
  • Two complete job applications (i.e. insider contact, tailored cover letter and resume) per week
  • Attend at least 3 networking events
  • Find and commit to one meetup group that is a good fit for me

Weekly Tasks:

  • Code for Denver every Moday evening, attend one other meetup per week to see if any others are a good fit.
  • 30 min daily for exercisms
  • 1 blog post
  • ID and contact one new person per week to build network
  • 1 pairing session with lower mod student
  • 5 hrs total PD activities per week as time allows.

What I Will Work on with Meg

  • How best to leverage prior experence in industry in distinguising myself from other bootcamp grads
  • Fine-tuning of elevator pitch/personal story
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