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mollybrown /
Last active January 24, 2022 07:51
Week 1 Homework for DE-Zoomcamp

Question 1. Google Cloud SDK:

Install Google Cloud SDK. What's the version you have?

$ gcloud --version

> Google Cloud SDK 368.0.0
> bq 2.0.72
> core 2022.01.07
> gsutil 5.6
mollybrown /
Last active April 19, 2017 00:46
Interview Prep Refelction

Interview Prep Reflection

First off, I'm glad that Turing has such an awesome resource as Ian Douglas to help with tech interview prep. Admittedly I was not looking forward to the process, but I'm still glad I had a relatively "safe" oppurtunity to do so (to say nothing of the excellent and thorough feedback I recieved as well). Going into the interview, I predicted that I would do decently well asnwering the "conceptual" technical questions and struggle with the code challenge, which was pretty much what actually happened in the end. I was reminded that I can be somewhat long-winded when people ask me open-ended questions, and that I need to work on getting my "how did you get into development" pitch focused and clear. In a few spots I totally gave the right answer and then backtracked and said I didn't actually know, which was both suprising to hear in the review and made me think I should be more confident in my answers if I think I can at least partially answer. Main takeaway from the session was that

mollybrown /
Last active April 26, 2017 18:32
Post-Grad Action Plan

Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template

Some things to consider:

  • What do you envision for your career?
  • What do you want your 2nd and 3rd jobs to look like?
  • How do you want to be involved with the Turing community? The greater developer community?
  • Where do your passions lie?

How to complete this plan:

mollybrown / OSS-pitches
Created March 21, 2017 04:33
## Contributing to If Me
* Why: It is a open-source mental health support app, and I am a huge proponent of mental health advocacy and support efforts.
* What: I found a feature/enhancement request that looks very do-able: Basically changing the code to allow for a comma separated list to be entered into a form.
* I Need: To dig into their code and then get in touch with the owner of the repo. I recently implemented this functionality did this in my personal project for mod 3, so I think it would be an easy win for me.
* When I’m done: Hopefully they accept my work?
## Contributing to Code for Denver Project (Circular)
* Why: Code for Denver is an organization I have wanted to get involved with ever since starting Turing, and is at the top of my list for after I am finished. There are also Turing alums involved with the group, so getting involved with the group WHILE finishing my mod 4 OSS contributions would work doubly in my favor.
* What: CfD’s current proj
mollybrown /
Last active February 25, 2017 20:41
Mod 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Action Plan

Module 4 Goals

  • Plan A: Have job offer by the end of Mod 4 at a place that I am excited to work at and is in alignment with my personal and professional goals.
  • Plan B: Have freelance stuff (business cards, portfolio, contract, pricing, process, listings on freelance sites/directories, business plan, MAYBE get an LLC) dialed by end of Mod 4 AND at least one job in the pipeline.

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

Coding (both including your module 4 curriculum and anything outside of it):

  • Spend 30min per day working through Exercism drills
  • Put together web scraping tutorial (like I have been promising for months) and present it at one spike
mollybrown / mod-2-concept-overview
Last active January 11, 2017 00:03
Overview of Mod 2 Concepts
## Week One - Module 2 Recap
1. List the five common HTTP verbs and what the purpose is of each verb.
- GET: Ask the server for a resource.
- POST: Submit data to the server.
- PUT: Create or update (in whole) a resource on the server.
- PATCH: Update (in part) a resource on the server.
- DELETE: Destroy a resource on the server.
2. What is Sinatra?
- Sinatra is a DSL which responds to HTTP requests and is used for web development.
mollybrown / captcha-lightning-talk-outline
Created December 8, 2016 18:56
CAPTCHA lightning talk outline
1. Intro
What is CAPTCHA? (its an acronym!)
What is the purpose/motivation?
- Present a problem/test that is very difficult for computers to solve but not for humans as a security measure.
- Generally used whenever you want to prevent a bot from automatically completing a process (account registration, protecting comment spam in blogs, preventing automatic downloading of content, etc.)
2. Overview of different iterations/versions
CAPTCHA: first uses began in 2003
- warped text
reCAPTCHA: 2007
mollybrown / bike-share-DTR
Created December 2, 2016 00:15
DTR for Bike Share project
Group Member Names: Mike Schutte, Ethan Bennett, Caroline Powell, Molly Brown
Project Manager: Molly Brown
Defining the Relationship (DTR) Questions:
When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?
All group members are available to work 4:30-6:30pm on weekdays.
1:00-5:00pm Saturday/Sunday afternoon.
mollybrown / black-thursday-retro
Created November 10, 2016 20:50
Black Thursday Retrospective
A. An oppurtunity for improvement in our group dynamic would mostly involve both of us managing our anxities better. For the first few days of the project, we got caught in something of a vicious cycle were my partner was pushing hard to make quick progress through the project and I began to withdraw as I could not fully grasp the structure of the project at the pace he was pushing it forward. This then left him feeling more responsible for driving the work, and me less confident to contribute. After a few days this resolved itself as I caught up, but we could have avoided it in the first place by both of us being a bit more relaxed.
B. In the end, my role wound up being the highly detail-oriented counter-balance to my parter's big-picture thinking. I will be honest and say however that there was a lot of a teacher/student dynamic at well, especially in the first few days as I strugged to wrap my mind around the project structure and logic. While I would be more comfortable feeling that we were on closer fo
mollybrown / spaced_repetition_lightning_talk
Created October 22, 2016 01:00
Outline for lightning talk on spaced repetition
# Forget Less, Cram More Into Your Brain With Spaced Repetition Techniques
## Problem Focus
The process of forgetting is constantly undermining our efforts to hold on to what we are trying to learn. How do we most effectively fight against the process of forgetting and retain what we learn long-term? Some techniques are better than others. Will cover:
* Natural limitations of the brain: we can only remember five to seven new pieces of information at a time
* The Forgetting Curve
* Futility of Cramming
## Proposed Solution