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iphone-stun.strato-iphone.de:3478 | |
numb.viagenie.ca:3478 | |
s1.taraba.net:3478 | |
s2.taraba.net:3478 | |
stun.12connect.com:3478 | |
stun.12voip.com:3478 | |
stun.1und1.de:3478 | |
stun.2talk.co.nz:3478 | |
stun.2talk.com:3478 | |
stun.3clogic.com:3478 | |
stun.3cx.com:3478 | |
stun.a-mm.tv:3478 | |
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stun.annatel.net:3478 | |
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stun.arbuz.ru:3478 | |
stun.avigora.com:3478 | |
stun.avigora.fr:3478 | |
stun.awa-shima.com:3478 | |
stun.awt.be:3478 | |
stun.b2b2c.ca:3478 | |
stun.bahnhof.net:3478 | |
stun.barracuda.com:3478 | |
stun.bluesip.net:3478 | |
stun.bmwgs.cz:3478 | |
stun.botonakis.com:3478 | |
stun.budgetphone.nl:3478 | |
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stun.comtube.com:3478 | |
stun.comtube.ru:3478 | |
stun.cope.es:3478 | |
stun.counterpath.com:3478 | |
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stun.dcalling.de:3478 | |
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stun.demos.ru:3478 | |
stun.develz.org:3478 | |
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stun.easybell.de:3478 | |
stun.easycall.pl:3478 | |
stun.easyvoip.com:3478 | |
stun.efficace-factory.com:3478 | |
stun.einsundeins.com:3478 | |
stun.einsundeins.de:3478 | |
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stun.etoilediese.fr:3478 | |
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stun.gmx.de:3478 | |
stun.gmx.net:3478 | |
stun.gradwell.com:3478 | |
stun.halonet.pl:3478 | |
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stun.ipfire.org:3478 | |
stun.ippi.fr:3478 | |
stun.ipshka.com:3478 | |
stun.iptel.org:3478 | |
stun.irian.at:3478 | |
stun.it1.hr:3478 | |
stun.ivao.aero:3478 | |
stun.jappix.com:3478 | |
stun.jumblo.com:3478 | |
stun.justvoip.com:3478 | |
stun.kanet.ru:3478 | |
stun.kiwilink.co.nz:3478 | |
stun.kundenserver.de:3478 | |
stun.l.google.com:19302 | |
stun.linea7.net:3478 | |
stun.linphone.org:3478 | |
stun.liveo.fr:3478 | |
stun.lowratevoip.com:3478 | |
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stun.magnet.ie:3478 | |
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stun.mit.de:3478 | |
stun.mitake.com.tw:3478 | |
stun.miwifi.com:3478 | |
stun.modulus.gr:3478 | |
stun.mozcom.com:3478 | |
stun.myvoiptraffic.com:3478 | |
stun.mywatson.it:3478 | |
stun.nas.net:3478 | |
stun.neotel.co.za:3478 | |
stun.netappel.com:3478 | |
stun.netappel.fr:3478 | |
stun.netgsm.com.tr:3478 | |
stun.nfon.net:3478 | |
stun.noblogs.org:3478 | |
stun.noc.ams-ix.net:3478 | |
stun.node4.co.uk:3478 | |
stun.nonoh.net:3478 | |
stun.nottingham.ac.uk:3478 | |
stun.nova.is:3478 | |
stun.nventure.com:3478 | |
stun.on.net.mk:3478 | |
stun.ooma.com:3478 | |
stun.ooonet.ru:3478 | |
stun.oriontelekom.rs:3478 | |
stun.outland-net.de:3478 | |
stun.ozekiphone.com:3478 | |
stun.patlive.com:3478 | |
stun.personal-voip.de:3478 | |
stun.petcube.com:3478 | |
stun.phone.com:3478 | |
stun.phoneserve.com:3478 | |
stun.pjsip.org:3478 | |
stun.poivy.com:3478 | |
stun.powerpbx.org:3478 | |
stun.powervoip.com:3478 | |
stun.ppdi.com:3478 | |
stun.prizee.com:3478 | |
stun.qq.com:3478 | |
stun.qvod.com:3478 | |
stun.rackco.com:3478 | |
stun.rapidnet.de:3478 | |
stun.rb-net.com:3478 | |
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stun.schlund.de:3478 | |
stun.services.mozilla.com:3478 | |
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stun.siplogin.de:3478 | |
stun.sipnet.net:3478 | |
stun.sipnet.ru:3478 | |
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stun.sippeer.dk:3478 | |
stun.siptraffic.com:3478 | |
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stun.snafu.de:3478 | |
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stun.solcon.nl:3478 | |
stun.solnet.ch:3478 | |
stun.sonetel.com:3478 | |
stun.sonetel.net:3478 | |
stun.sovtest.ru:3478 | |
stun.speedy.com.ar:3478 | |
stun.spokn.com:3478 | |
stun.srce.hr:3478 | |
stun.ssl7.net:3478 | |
stun.stunprotocol.org:3478 | |
stun.symform.com:3478 | |
stun.symplicity.com:3478 | |
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stun.ucallweconn.net:3478 | |
stun.ucsb.edu:3478 | |
stun.ucw.cz:3478 | |
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stun.unseen.is:3478 | |
stun.usfamily.net:3478 | |
stun.veoh.com:3478 | |
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stun.virtual-call.com:3478 | |
stun.viva.gr:3478 | |
stun.vivox.com:3478 | |
stun.vline.com:3478 | |
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stun.voxgratia.org:3478 | |
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stun.voys.nl:3478 | |
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stun.vyke.com:3478 | |
stun.webcalldirect.com:3478 | |
stun.whoi.edu:3478 | |
stun.wifirst.net:3478 | |
stun.wwdl.net:3478 | |
stun.xs4all.nl:3478 | |
stun.xtratelecom.es:3478 | |
stun.yesss.at:3478 | |
stun.zadarma.com:3478 | |
stun.zadv.com:3478 | |
stun.zoiper.com:3478 | |
stun1.faktortel.com.au:3478 | |
stun1.l.google.com:19302 | |
stun1.voiceeclipse.net:3478 | |
stun2.l.google.com:19302 | |
stun3.l.google.com:19302 | |
stun4.l.google.com:19302 | |
stunserver.org:3478 | |
stun.sipnet.net:3478 | |
stun.sipnet.ru:3478 | |
stun.stunprotocol.org:3478 | | | |
stun.nextcloud.com:443 | |
relay.webwormhole.io | |
stun.flashdance.cx:3478 |
can i create my own stun server only for my website?
Thanks, @terefang . I assume these are all servers that work for you?
Sorry for newbie question, but is there any public STUNT servers, meaning STUN that also works for TCP, not only UDP?
Is it still active?. BTW, is there any difference using so many stun servers without a single turn server? Because, I'm only using one stun server from goole and it keeps failed.
can i create my own stun server only for my website?
Yes, take a look at coturn.
A nice tutorial is given here to set coturn up for nextcloud: Nextcloud Docs.
ATTENTION: The tutorial set it up as TURN server too. You might disable the TURN component by using stun-only
Other details how to configure the server are in the Wiki.
To restrict access, take a look at secure-stun
Two more:
As of today google stun servers are not working properly.
I don't know what happened and how to contact google to fix them.
As of today google stun servers are not working properly.
I don't know what happened and how to contact google to fix them.
It looks like Google servers are violating the RFC 5389 spec. For my limited use client I'm seeing XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute replies regardless of the client initiation type. If your client adheres to the original RFC 3489 protocol you'll fail during the initial address mapping stage.
if you as doctor google, you will find pretty many list of servers ... just wrote a script to check if they are online
String _hostAddress = "";
for(String _line : IOUtil.toString(new FileReader(".../resources/stun.list")).split("\\n"))
HostAndPort _hp = HostAndPort.fromString(_line.trim());
FastDiscoveryTest _dt = new FastDiscoveryTest(InetAddress.getByName(_hostAddress), p, _hp.getHost(), _hp.getPort());
DiscoveryInfo _di = _dt.testTCP();
if(_di.getPublicIP()!=null && _di.getPublicPort()!=0)
catch (Exception _xe)
log.error(_xe.getMessage(), _xe);
btw ... you need java, guava, and de.javawi.jstun
Here is my little nodejs program for representing these lists as iceServers js array of urls, I think it may help someone:
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const readline = require('readline');const readInterface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('./servers.txt'),
console: false
});let result = "[";
readInterface.on('line', function(line) {
result +={ url: '${line}' },
+ os.EOL;
});readInterface.on('close', ()=>{
result = result.slice(0, result.length - 2);
result += os.EOL + "]"
fs.writeFile("./result.txt", result, ()=>{
@unkindypie Fixed it :
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const readline = require("readline");
const readInterface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream("./servers.txt"),
console: false,
let result = [];
readInterface.on("line", function (line) {
result.push({ urls: `${line}` }), +os.EOL;
readInterface.on("close", () => {
fs.writeFile("./servers.json", JSON.stringify(result), () => {
Here is my little nodejs program for representing these lists as iceServers js array of urls, I think it may help someone: const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const readline = require('readline');
const readInterface = readline.createInterface({ input: fs.createReadStream('./servers.txt'), console: false });
let result = "[";
readInterface.on('line', function(line) { result +=
{ url: '${line}' },
+ os.EOL; });readInterface.on('close', ()=>{ result = result.slice(0, result.length - 2); result += os.EOL + "]" console.log(result); fs.writeFile("./result.txt", result, ()=>{ console.log('Done.'); }) })
this is very useful matey,
I maintain a reguarly updated list of STUN servers. You can check it out here: https://github.com/pradt2/always-online-stun
Hi, does anyone know if these public servers have limits? I and wondering if it would be possible to query these servers too often and get our services blocked for running queries? More specifically the stun.l.google.com servers. Thanks
Please On flutter RTCVideoView for local video not loading fast is not fast to display How do I make it faster?
Try this for testing STUN/TURN addresses.
Did also include a feature to test the availability of the list from above.
New free STUN server: https://freestun.net/
you can also try Open Relay Project for free STUN and TURN servers.
thx @codeWriter22
My udp/tcp/v4/v6 stun server: stun.flashdance.cx:3478
Is stunserver.org:3478
My udp/tcp/v4/v6 stun server: stun.flashdance.cx:3478
My udp/tcp/v4/v6 stun server: stun.flashdance.cx:3478
Does it work fast for you or what do you mean? π
My udp/tcp/v4/v6 stun server: stun.flashdance.cx:3478
πDoes it work fast for you or what do you mean? π
Work Fine & Fast!
My udp/tcp/v4/v6 stun server: stun.flashdance.cx:3478
πDoes it work fast for you or what do you mean? π
Work Fine & Fast! Thanks!
U're welcome π
Found on https://www.stunprotocol.org/
Here is my little nodejs program for representing these lists as iceServers js array of urls, I think it may help someone:
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const readline = require('readline');
const readInterface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('./servers.txt'),
console: false
let result = "[";
readInterface.on('line', function(line) {
result +=
{ url: '${line}' },
+ os.EOL;});
readInterface.on('close', ()=>{
result = result.slice(0, result.length - 2);
result += os.EOL + "]"
fs.writeFile("./result.txt", result, ()=>{