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Created February 15, 2018 12:58
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module SumProduct (
KnownColor (..)
, RGB (..)
, redColor
, magenta
, red
) where
-- | To calculate how many possible values the new type has, we count and sum
-- all the possible values, therefore "sum type"
data KnownColor -- the new type's name
= Red -- One possible value
| Blue
| Green
redColor :: KnownColor
redColor =
-- | To calculate how many possible values the new type has, we count and
-- multiply the amount of possible values for each type. Therefore "product
-- type"
-- data RGB
-- = MkRGB Int Int Int
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | | +- This is the blue component
| | |
| | +----- This is the green component
| |
| +--------- This is the red component
+------------- This is called the value constructor, or "tag"
magenta :: RGB
magenta =
MkRGB 255 0 255
-- | Records allow us to name the fields in a product type
-- There is more to records, but we won't talk too much about it here
data RGB =
rgbRed :: Int
, rgbGreen :: Int
, rgbBlue :: Int
red :: RGB
red =
rgbRed = 255
, rgbGreen = 0
, rgbBlue = 0
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