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Created July 24, 2014 18:43
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Parameter ID for a simple pendulum using direct collocation.
function pendsi;
% System identification on a simple pendulum system
% The problem was described and solved by shooting in Vyasarayani et al., Multibody Syst Dyn (2011) 26:411–424
% Here we use Direct Collocation
global problem
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% run a simulation to generate data
problem.N = 5000; % number of samples
duration = 50;
noise = 0; % we will add this much noise to the data
problem.tgrid = linspace(0, duration, problem.N);
problem.h = duration/(problem.N-1); % time step between nodes
y0 = [pi/6 ; 0]; % initial state
parameters.p = 10; % value for parameter p
[t,y] = ode23(@odefun, problem.tgrid, y0);
problem.ymeasured = y(:,1); % we measure only the state variable y1
problem.ymeasured = problem.ymeasured + noise*randn(size(problem.ymeasured));
% initializations
problem.Ncon = 2*(problem.N-1); % number of constraints due to discretized dynamics
problem.Nvar = 2*problem.N+1; % number of unknowns: y1,y2 at N nodes and one unknown system parameter
problem.iy1 = 2*(1:problem.N)-1; % where the y1 variables are located within the X vector
% solve the identification problem with a random initial guess
X0 = 100*randn(problem.Nvar,1);
problem.label = 'from random initial guess';
% solve the identification problem with measured y1(t) in the initial guess
X0 = zeros(problem.Nvar,1);
X0(problem.iy1) = problem.ymeasured; % use the measured y1(t) in the initial guess (but not y2(t))
X0(end) = 0.1; % initial guess for parameter p
problem.label = 'using measurements in initial guess';
% start of embedded functions
function solve(X0)
% solve the optimization problem with IPOPT
MaxIterations = 1000;
funcs.objective = @objfun;
funcs.gradient = @objgrad;
funcs.constraints = @confun;
funcs.jacobian = @conjac;
funcs.jacobianstructure = @conjacstructure; = [repmat([-1;-10],problem.N,1) ; -100]; % lower bounds for the unknowns X, -1 rad for y1, -10 rad/s for y2, -100 for p
options.ub = [repmat([ 1; 10],problem.N,1) ; 100]; % upper bounds for the unknowns X = zeros(problem.Ncon,1); = zeros(problem.Ncon,1);
options.ipopt.max_iter = MaxIterations;
options.ipopt.hessian_approximation = 'limited-memory';
[X, info] = ipopt(X0,funcs,options);
% plot results
show(X, confun(X));
function ydot = odefun(t,y)
% pendulum dynamics using model parameter p
ydot = zeros(2,1);
ydot(1) = y(2);
ydot(2) = -parameters.p * sin(y(1));
end % end of function pendsi
function F = objfun(X);
% objective function: integral of squared differences between data and simulation
global problem
F = problem.h * sum((X(problem.iy1) - problem.ymeasured).^2);
function G = objgrad(X);
% gradient of the objective function coded in objfun
global problem
G = zeros(problem.Nvar,1);
G(problem.iy1) = 2 * problem.h * (X(problem.iy1) - problem.ymeasured);
function c = confun(X)
% constraint function (dynamics constraints)
global problem
% size of constraint vector
c = zeros(problem.Ncon,1);
% dynamics constraints
p = X(end); % use last element of X as the current estimate of parameter p
iy = [1 2]; % index for state variables y within X
h = problem.h;
for i=1:problem.N-1
y = X(iy); % state variables at node i
ynext = X(iy+2); % state variables at node i+1
% use trapezoidal integration formula as dynamics constraint
c(2*i-1) = (ynext(1) - y(1))/h - (ynext(2)+y(2))/2; % dy1/dt - y2 = 0
c(2*i) = (ynext(2) - y(2))/h + p*(sin(ynext(1))+sin(y(1)))/2; % dy2/dt + p*sin(y1) = 0
iy = iy + 2;
% show current iterate, every second
if toc > 1.0
function J = conjac(X)
global problem
% size of Jacobian
J = spalloc(problem.Ncon, problem.Nvar, 9*(problem.N-1)); % there are 9 nonzero elements for each node
% Jacobian of dynamics constraints
p = X(end); % use last element of X as the current estimate of parameter p
iy = [1 2]; % index for state variables y within X
h = problem.h;
for i=1:problem.N-1
y = X(iy); % state variables at node i
ynext = X(iy+2); % state variables at node i+1
% c(2*i-1) = (ynext(1) - y(1))/h - (ynext(2)+y(2))/2; % dy1/dt - y2 = 0
J(2*i-1, iy(1)) = -1/h;
J(2*i-1, iy(1)+2) = 1/h;
J(2*i-1, iy(2)) = -0.5;
J(2*i-1, iy(2)+2) = -0.5;
% c(2*i) = (ynext(2) - y(2))/h + p*(sin(ynext(1))+sin(y(1)))/2; % dy2/dt + p*sin(y1) = 0
J(2*i, iy(2)) = -1/h;
J(2*i, iy(2)+2) = 1/h;
J(2*i, iy(1)) = p*cos(y(1))/2;
J(2*i, iy(1)+2) = p*cos(ynext(1))/2;
J(2*i, end) = (sin(ynext(1))+sin(y(1)))/2; % derivative of this constraint violation with respect to parameter p
iy = iy + 2;
function J = conjacstructure(X)
% determine structure of the Jacobian calculated by function conjac
global problem
J = spalloc(problem.Ncon, problem.Nvar, 9*(problem.N-1));
% dynamics constraints
iy = [1 2]; % index for state variables y within X
for i=1:problem.N-1
J(2*i-1, iy(1)) = 1;
J(2*i-1, iy(1)+2) = 1;
J(2*i-1, iy(2)) = 1;
J(2*i-1, iy(2)+2) = 1;
J(2*i, iy(2)) = 1;
J(2*i, iy(2)+2) = 1;
J(2*i, iy(1)) = 1;
J(2*i, iy(1)+2) = 1;
J(2*i, end) = 1;
iy = iy + 2;
function show(X,c)
global problem
% plot the current solution
x = X(problem.iy1);
plot(problem.tgrid, x*180/pi, problem.tgrid, problem.ymeasured*180/pi);
title(['estimated p = ' num2str(X(end)) ' ' problem.label] );
subplot(2,1,2);plot(c);title('constraint violations');
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