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Cameron Moore moorereason

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Hook definition

Hooks are defined as JSON objects. Please note that in order to be considered valid, a hook object must contain the id and execute-command properties. All other properties are considered optional.

Properties (keys)

Name Type Description
id string specifies the ID of your hook. This value is used to create the HTTP endpoint (http://yourserver:port/hooks/your-hook-id)
execute-command string specifies the command that should be executed when the hook is triggered
command-working-directory string specifies the working directory that will be used for the script when it's executed
moorereason / main.go
Created January 1, 2019 21:00
Resty Tracer
package main
import (
moorereason /
Last active December 28, 2018 03:50
Gist PHP highlighting


$foo = "bar";
$baz = 1 + 2 + 3;
# Configuration ################################## {{{
# use 256 colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# increase scroll-back history
set -g history-limit 5000
# use vim key bindings
setw -g mode-keys vi