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Created September 6, 2019 17:35
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Hook defs

Hook definition

Hooks are defined as JSON objects. Please note that in order to be considered valid, a hook object must contain the id and execute-command properties. All other properties are considered optional.

Properties (keys)

Name Type Description
id string specifies the ID of your hook. This value is used to create the HTTP endpoint (http://yourserver:port/hooks/your-hook-id)
execute-command string specifies the command that should be executed when the hook is triggered
command-working-directory string specifies the working directory that will be used for the script when it's executed
response-message string specifies the string that will be returned to the hook initiator
response-headers map{string}string specifies the list of headers in format {"name": "X-Example-Header", "value": "it works"} that will be returned in HTTP response for the hook
include-command-output-in-response boolean whether webhook should wait for the command to finish and return the raw output as a response to the hook initiator. If the command fails to execute or encounters any errors while executing the response will result in 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status code, otherwise the 200 OK status code will be returned.
include-command-output-in-response-on-error boolean whether webhook should include command stdout & stderror as a response in failed executions. It only works if include-command-output-in-response is set to true.
parse-parameters-as-json - specifies the list of arguments that contain JSON strings. These parameters will be decoded by webhook and you can access them like regular objects in rules and pass-arguments-to-command.
pass-arguments-to-command - specifies the list of arguments that will be passed to the command. Check Referencing request values page to see how to reference the values from the request. If you want to pass a static string value to your command you can specify it as { "source": "string", "name": "argumentvalue" }
pass-environment-to-command - specifies the list of arguments that will be passed to the command as environment variables. If you do not specify the "envname" field in the referenced value, the hook will be in format "HOOK_argumentname", otherwise "envname" field will be used as it's name. Check Referencing request values page to see how to reference the values from the request. If you want to pass a static string value to your command you can specify it as { "source": "string", "envname": "SOMETHING", "name": "argumentvalue" }
pass-file-to-command - specifies a list of entries that will be serialized as a file. Incoming data will be serialized in a request-temporary-file (otherwise parallel calls of the hook would lead to concurrent overwritings of the file). The filename to be addressed within the subsequent script is provided via an environment variable. Use envname to specify the name of the environment variable. If envname is not provided HOOK_ and the name used to reference the request value are used. Defining command-working-directory will store the file relative to this location, if not provided, the systems temporary file directory will be used. If base64decode is true, the incoming binary data will be base 64 decoded prior to storing it into the file. By default the corresponding file will be removed after the webhook exited.
trigger-rule - specifies the rule that will be evaluated in order to determine should the hook be triggered. Check Hook rules page to see the list of valid rules and their usage
trigger-rule-mismatch-http-response-code - specifies the HTTP status code to be returned when the trigger rule is not satisfied


Check out Hook examples page for more complex examples of hooks.

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