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Untethered Conciousness moreaki

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moreaki / kk.c
Created January 2, 2017 21:20
Test code to compare different diassembly and decompiling strategies on MacOSX
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define d32 32-__builtin_clz
#define d64 64-__builtin_clzl
#define F_U32 "%24u: f1_u32:%2d f2_u32:%2d f1_u64:%2d f2_u64:%2d type:%18s\n"
#define F_U64 "%24llu: f1_u32:%2d f2_u32:%2d f1_u64:%2d f2_u64:%2d type:%18s\n"
/* kk.c: Testcode for debugging decompiling functionality
// PropertyMacros.h
// Created by Nicolas Bouilleaud on 12/04/12,
// using ideas by Uli Kusterer (
// Laurent Deniau (!topic/comp.std.c/d-6Mj5Lko_s)
// and Nick Forge (
/*/../bin/ls > /dev/null
clang $0 -o $COMPILED -framework Foundation;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])