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Last active August 9, 2016 14:36
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I grew frustrated trying to deal with FormatJS, react-intl et al, and wrote a simple wrapper around polyglot, numeral and moment js to localise a React app.
// Simple i18n wrapper around polyglot, numeral and moment libraries:
// This is to achieve goals:
// 1. Have a locale message storage that can be decomposed into subsets,
// and passed down the dependency chain. Think providing a subset of locale
// strings to child components.
// 2. Centralise configuration, and normalise API of both moment and numeral
// libraries.
// Usage:
// import i18n from './i18n';
// const locale = i18n('ru', { greetings: { hello: 'Привет, %{username}!' } });
// const greets = locale.ns('greetings');
// const string = greets.t('hello', { username: 'Einstein' });
// const number = greets.numeral.set(100000).format('0,000.00');
// const datetime = greets.moment.set('2016-01-01').format('LLLL');
// Subset and the original objects are functionally equivalent, and either one
// can be used for number and time formatting - making it easy to use subset
// objects injected as dependencies.
// See tests below for more usage examples.
import Polyglot from 'node-polyglot';
import moment from 'moment';
import numeralRU from 'numeral/languages/ru';
import numeral from 'numeral';
numeral.language('ru', numeralRU);
const i18n = (locale, phrases) => {
const polyglot = new Polyglot({ locale, phrases });
const localiser = (prefix) => ({
numeral: (x) => numeral.language(locale) && numeral(x),
moment: (x) => moment(x).locale(locale),
toString() { return prefix; },
t(key, opts) { return polyglot.t(`${prefix}${key}`, opts); },
ns(str) { return localiser(`${prefix}${str}.`); }
return localiser('');
export default i18n;
import { test } from 'ava';
import i18n from '../i18n';
test('basic translation', t => {
const locale = i18n('ru', { boo: 'Boo Boo' });'boo'), 'Boo Boo');
test('namespace extraction', t => {
const locale = i18n('ru', { boo: { woo: { moo: 'Moo Moo' } } });
const woo = locale.ns('boo').ns('woo');'moo'), 'Moo Moo');
test('interpolation', t => {
const locale = i18n('ru', { boo: 'Hi there %{username}' });'boo', { username: 'mrfreeman' }), 'Hi there mrfreeman');
test('pluralization', t => {
const locale = i18n('ru', { boo: 'One thing |||| Many things' });'boo', 1), 'One thing');'boo', 2), 'Many things');
test('numeral js integration', t => {
// note the order - numeral only has a global language,
// so we can't mix it as we can with momentjs
const ru = i18n('ru', { });
const en = i18n('en', { });'0,000.00'), '10 000,00');'0,000.00'), '10,000.00');
test('moment js integration', t => {
const ru = i18n('ru', { });
const en = i18n('en', { });'2016-01-01').format('L'), '01.01.2016');'2016-01-01').format('L'), '01/01/2016');
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