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morhekil / config
Created March 15, 2022 10:36 — forked from ltk/config
Split Test Load Balancer Nginx Configuration
map $split_test_cookie_name $split_test_cookie {
default $cookie_split_test_version;
upstream {
split_clients "app${remote_addr}${http_user_agent}${date_gmt}" $upstream_variant {
10% "test";

Node.js Workshop


  • Install node
  • Download repo and get it running
  • Sign up for trial account for lambda service

Day 1

# Some default enhancements/settings for IRB, based on
require 'irb'
unless defined? ETC_IRBRC_LOADED
# Require RubyGems by default.
require 'rubygems'
# Activate auto-completion.
morhekil / case.js
Created August 29, 2017 14:37
mobx computed behaviour test case
import { whyRun, observable, computed } from 'mobx';
class Store {
@observable value = false;
@computed get notValue() {
return !this.value;
class Tryme
def call1
target = 'boom'
puts target
def call2 = 'boom'
puts target
morhekil /
Last active January 24, 2018 14:58 — forked from wayne5540/
This article is to show how to inject JavaScript into iframs under iOS web view and so we can communicate with it.

[iOS - Swift] How to communicate with iFrames inside WebView

One of the core technologies at the heart of Onefill is its ability to auto-fill even the most complex form on a website with 100% precision, with a single tap. And the techology that built does allow us to do just that, but with one exception - iframes.

And while you might think that iframes are a thing of the past (who would use them these days, right?) - the reality is that they're often powering some of the most critical piece of functionality there is on online store - its payment

Building a GraphQL API in Rails - Part 1

This is a series blog post cover above three topics of GraphQL:

  1. About GraphQL
  2. Building a basic API with Rails
  3. Some best practices

GraphQL has been around for a while already, and it is not a new thing. The reason I decided to investigate it is because Github have recently released their GraphQL API alpha. Github has been on a forefront of API-driven development for quite some time now, and their RESTful API is an exemplary API design used as a reference by many developers - so it's pretty interesting to see what's new they have released.

Validate JSON schema in Rails


  1. What/Why JSON schema
  2. Apply to rails model validation
  3. Test your API endpoint with schema matcher
  4. Homework for a curious reader
  5. References
morhekil /
Created October 8, 2016 14:10
TCPSocket based implementation of ServerRenderingPool for react-on-rails, with safe error handling and auto-reconnect

This is an implementation of ServerRenderingPool for react-on-rails that connects to NodeJS process over a TCP socket, instead of a UNIX socket.

The code handles socket disconnections, and attempts to reestablish connection to NodeJS server process in these cases. Also, if a connection-related exception was caught, it will not raise an exception in Rails server, but report it to Airbrake and return empty result - to let standard front-end code deal run its course.

The should be placed into an initializer (e.g. config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb), and its configuration block expanded with your usual configuration.

morhekil / i18n.js
Last active August 9, 2016 14:36
I grew frustrated trying to deal with FormatJS, react-intl et al, and wrote a simple wrapper around polyglot, numeral and moment js to localise a React app.
// Simple i18n wrapper around polyglot, numeral and moment libraries:
// This is to achieve goals:
// 1. Have a locale message storage that can be decomposed into subsets,
// and passed down the dependency chain. Think providing a subset of locale
// strings to child components.
// 2. Centralise configuration, and normalise API of both moment and numeral