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Created April 18, 2021 11:35
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[0;30;42m>>> ======= GUI Inspect =======[0m
Sun Apr 18 13:34:38 CEST 2021
mvc kmom01 veax20
download, docker
Inspect GUI v2.8.2 (2021-04-16)
[0;30;42m>>> ======= Download (and potato) =======[0m
Doing a silent download, potatoe if needed.
[0;30;42m>>> ======= Pre kmom01 =======[0m
[0;30;42m>>> ======= Docker run scripts =======[0m
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml run --rm --service-ports server bash .dbwebb/inspect-src/kmom.d/run.bash kmom01 veax20 .log/inspect/docker.txt
[32;01m>>> -------------- Start -------------------------[0m
Running scripts in '/home/dbwebb/repo/.dbwebb/inspect-src/kmom.d/kmom01'.
[32;01m>>> -------------- 005_starta-apache.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 005_starta-apache.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 010_rsync-repo.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 010_rsync-repo.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 012_is-git-repo.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 012_is-git-repo.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 014_check-repo-remote.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 014_check-repo-remote.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 016_check-out-latest-tag.bash -------------------------[0m
[veax20] using tag = v1.0.1
[0;30;42mOK[0m 016_check-out-latest-tag.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 020_git-tag-exists.bash -------------------------[0m
[veax20] tag >= 1.0.0 and < 2.0.0 (v1.0.1)
[0;30;42mOK[0m 020_git-tag-exists.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 022_git-tags.bash -------------------------[0m
[veax20] tags=2
[0;30;42mOK[0m 022_git-tags.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 024_git-commits.bash -------------------------[0m
[veax20] commits=9
addNewLine 5bb3222 - Your Name, 5 days ago : clean up code
0a068cf - Your Name, 5 days ago : add feature to let player choose what score to save
c67593b - Your Name, 5 days ago : add score table
daa71db - Your Name, 6 days ago : basic yatzy game implemented
0625635 - Your Name, 6 days ago : add controller for 21 Game
[0;30;42mOK[0m 024_git-commits.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 030_check-paths.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 030_check-paths.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 050_make-clean-all-install.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 050_make-clean-all-install.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 070_make-test.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 070_make-test.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 072_make-phpcpd.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 072_make-phpcpd.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 074_make-phpcs.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 074_make-phpcs.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 076_make-phpmd.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;43mWARNING[0m 076_make-phpmd.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 078_make-phpstan.bash -------------------------[0m
[0;30;42mOK[0m 078_make-phpstan.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 090_log-summary.bash -------------------------[0m
[+] is Git repo
[+] remote = ''
[+] using tag = 'v1.0.1'
[+] Has tag between 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 (v1.0.1)
[+] Number of tags = 2 (>=1)
[+] Number of commits = 9 (>=5)
[+] check dirs (5/5)
[+] make clean-all install
[+] make test
[+] phpcpd: clones (5 build/phpcpd)
[+] phpcs: code style PSR12 (0 build/phpcs)
[-] phpmd: mess detected (5 build/phpmd)
[+] phpstan: mess detected (3 build/phpstan)
[0;30;42mOK[0m 090_log-summary.bash
[32;01m>>> -------------- 100_bash.bash -------------------------[0m
[veax20] Do manual stuff (e/exit to exit)
Makefile* composer.json* doc/ src/ composer.lock* docker-compose.yaml* vendor/
build/ config/ htdocs/ view/
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