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mosjin /
Created October 19, 2024 15:13 — forked from kimgiftww/
Activate Windows 11 Pro free

An guide how to activate Windows 11 Pro for free


Because you will get some more features like an Bitlocker and host your device as an External Desktop which can be accessed through the internet

Am i also able to switch from any other edition to Pro?

The answer is yes! You can switch from almost any edition to Pro completely for free!

Note for users with unactivated Pro edition

People which already have Pro, but not activated, can skip to this step.

Getting started

What you first need to do is open CMD (Command Prompt) as Administrator using this keyboard key:

Registration Code
Name :
mosjin /
Created December 1, 2021 01:01 — forked from Preston-Landers/
pyuac - elevate a Python process with UAC on Windows
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vim: fileencoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4
THIS CODE IS OUTDATED! Please use this instead:
mosjin /
Created December 1, 2021 01:01 — forked from sylvainpelissier/
pyuac - elevate a Python process with UAC on Windows compatible Python 3.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vim: fileencoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4
"""User Access Control for Microsoft Windows Vista and higher. This is
only for the Windows platform.
This will relaunch either the current script - with all the same command
line parameters - or else you can provide a different script/program to
run. If the current user doesn't normally have admin rights, he'll be
mosjin / .gitconfig
Created March 11, 2020 15:15 — forked from shawndumas/.gitconfig
Using WinMerge as the git Diff/Merge Tool on Windows 64bit
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
keepTemporaries = false
tool = winmerge
[mergetool "winmerge"]
name = WinMerge
mosjin / Install Python 3.7.0 on CentOS 7
Last active December 16, 2019 12:07 — forked from wpupru/Install Python 3.7.0 on CentOS 7
Install Python 3.7.0 on Centos 7
Install Python 3.7.0 on CentOS/RHEL 7
# To avoid encounter error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ctypes'"
# we need install 'libffi-devel' together.
yum install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel
2.Download Python 3.7:

解决 Git 在 windows 下中文乱码的问题


中文乱码的根源在于 windows 基于一些历史原因无法全面支持 utf-8 编码格式,并且也无法通过有效手段令其全面支持。


  1. 安装
mosjin /
Created October 30, 2019 02:43 — forked from akabe/
Install zeromq-devel on CentOS7
#!/bin/sh -xeu
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y zeromq-devel

开发者接入Mixin Network说明


1. 开发者自己创建一个mixin 账户

2. 开发者使用注册的mixin账户创建App并进行配置

Mixin Network 使用

1. App 注册以及 Mixin API 认证说明

首先在手机上安装并注册好个人的 Mixin 账户,然后访问 使用 Mixin 的摄像头扫码登录,完成 App 的注册。

注册成功 App 之后,点击相应 App 的 “Click to generate a new session”,会出现三组数据,第一行的 6 位数字是 App 自己的提现 PIN 码,第二行的 UUID 是 session ID,最后一部分 RSA PRIVATE KEY 是跟 API 进行交互时用来签名 JWT 的私钥。

API 认证方式为标准的 JWT RSA 签名,JWT claims 必须包含的信息为