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societal evolution engineer

Manfred Touron moul

societal evolution engineer
View GitHub Profile
--- src/c/src/mt_adaptor.c 2014-10-30 13:40:02.000000000 +0100
+++ src/c/src/mt_adaptor.c 2014-10-30 13:40:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -483,25 +483,9 @@
int32_t fetch_and_add(volatile int32_t* operand, int incr)
#ifndef WIN32
- int32_t result;
- asm __volatile__(
- "lock xaddl %0,%1\n"
- : "=r"(result), "=m"(*(int *)operand)
moul / node-spawn-stdio.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
require('child_process').spawn('ssh', 'localhost -t -- bash'.split(' '), {stdio: 'inherit'});
moul / boot-1.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
��l�High speed PHY - Ver 2.0.0 (COM-PHY-V20)
DDR3 Training Sequence - Ver 4.0.0
DDR3 Training Sequence - Ended Successfully
Status = MV_OK
BootROM: Image checksum verification PASSED
U-Boot 2011.12 (Mar 23 2015 - 16:06:25) Marvell version: 2012_Q4.0p16
JogoShugh / AsyncAwait.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
SpaceMiner gitlab API
// npm install -g babel
// Then run with babel-node like this:
// babel-node --stage 2 index.js
import gitlab from 'gitlab';
import request from 'request';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
let apiBaseUrl = ''; = Promise.promisify(, request);
paulirish / gist:616412
Created October 8, 2010 05:38
"iframe" sitedown fallback via <object>
<!-- so it turns out that the object tag can act like an iframe
but the cool thing is you can nest object tags inside eachother for a fallback path.
what this means is you can "objectframe" a site.. and if it fails.. (site down, offline, whatever).. it'll use the next one.
so you can objectframe the live site and fallback to a screenshot.
or something.
demo at :
cd /path/to/platform/sites/
drush sql-query "SHOW TABLES" | tail -n +2 | xargs -I '{}' echo "ALTER TABLE {} ENGINE=INNODB;" > alter_table.sql
perl -p -i -e 's/(search_[a-z_]+ ENGINE=)INNODB/\1MYISAM/g' alter_table.sql
cat alter_table.sql | `drush sql-connect`
itsjustkarissa / dabblet.css
Created February 9, 2012 15:17
Kit-Cat Clock
* Kit-Cat Clock
body {
/*margin: 200px;*/
henrik /
Created February 12, 2012 21:46
Animate number changes step by step (e.g. "1.1" -> "1.2" -> "1.3") with CoffeeScript and jQuery. And some other methods around number formatting.
# Examples
console.log NumberWrangler.format(123456.78)
console.log NumberWrangler.format("1234")
console.log NumberWrangler.formatDecimalComma("123456.78")
console.log NumberWrangler.parse("123,4 56.78")
console.log NumberWrangler.parseDecimalComma("123.4 56,78")
console.log NumberWrangler.countDecimals(1.2345)
# Requires jQuery:
moul /
Created March 27, 2012 14:59
Personalized Web Options
[{"name":"Standard AdBlocker","urlRegex":"^http://","urlExcludeRegex":"","enabled":false,"preserveDocWrite":false,"css":"","html":"","js":"","filters":[{"tags":"div,table","attribute":"id,class","value":"","valueRegex":"([-_]|\\b)(MarketGid(Composite)?\\d+|(adv?|ban(ner)?)\\d+x\\d+|y\\d+_direct\\d+)([-_]|\\b)"},{"tags":"div,table","attribute":"id,class","value":"","valueRegex":"^(top|left|right|bottom)[-_]?(ad|ban(n?er)?)s?\\d*(x\\d+)?$"},{"tags":"div,table","attribute":"id,class","value":"","valueRegex":"([-_]|\\b)(adv?|ban(n?er)?)[-_]?\\d+x\\d+[-_]?[a-z]*([-_]|\\b)"},{"tags":"div,table","attribute":"id,class","value":"","valueRegex":"([-_]|\\b)(bann?er|reklama|advertisement)s?[-_]?\\d*(x\\d+)?([-_]|\\b)"},{"tags":"div,table","attribute":"id,class","value":"","valueRegex":"([-_]|\\b)sidebar[-_]?ads?([-_]|\\b)"},{"tags":"","attribute":"id,class","value":"begun_table,baner,banner,ad,adv,reklama,google_companion_ad_div,google_ads_site,Advertisement,adBar,adBox","valueRegex":""},{"tags":"div","attribute":"id","v
anonymous / Download image + resize it - Node.js
Created December 25, 2012 15:28
Using a request stream and directly send the image to graphicsmagick
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');
var gm = require('gm');
gm(request(''), 'brabra.png')
.resize(240, 240)
.write('doodle2.png', function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('done');