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davidsteppenbeck / PreviewProviderModifier.swift
Last active October 31, 2022 10:30
A SwiftUI view modifier for simple preview providers.
import SwiftUI
enum PreviewProviderMode: CaseIterable {
/// Use for a light appearance preview.
case lightMode
/// Use for a dark appearance preview.
case darkMode
ole / !
Last active June 24, 2024 18:00
A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

Note: I used a Swift 5.3 compiler build from a few weeks ago that I had laying around. Because of ABI stability, I don't think the swift-reflection-dump version has to match the compiler version that was used to build the binary, but I'm not 100% sure.

import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
struct ContentView: View {
@State var gradientAngle: Double = 0
var colors = [
jordansinger / LockScreen.swift
Created May 11, 2020 23:24
Let’s recreate the iPhone lock screen using SwiftUI and Swift Playgrounds on iPad
import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport
struct Screen: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
Text("5:45").font(.system(size: 64, weight: .thin))
Text("Monday, May 11").font(.system(size: 24))
}.padding(.vertical, 32)
xtabbas / SnapCarousel.swift
Created May 10, 2020 18:13
A carousel that snap items in place build on top of SwiftUI
// SnapCarousel.swift
// prototype5
// Created by xtabbas on 5/7/20.
// Copyright © 2020 xtadevs. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
yesleon / UIWindow+AuthenticationSession.swift
Last active July 13, 2020 03:51
A wrapper around ASWebAuthenticationSession and SFAuthenticationSession.
// Usage:
// Facebook:
// 1. Follow this guide (WITHOUT setting up a URL scheme in Xcode):
// 2. call startFacebookAuthenticationSession(appID:completionHandler:) on a window:
mecid / Calendar.swift
Last active July 10, 2024 09:17
SwiftUI Calendar view using LazyVGrid
import SwiftUI
extension Calendar {
func generateDates(
inside interval: DateInterval,
matching components: DateComponents
) -> [Date] {
var dates: [Date] = []
mdiep / diff-values.swift
Created February 4, 2020 13:02
Diff values with Mirror and AnyHashable
import Foundation
// Diff values for better test assertions.
// Enums and collections left as an exercise for the reader.
// A difference between two values
struct Difference: CustomStringConvertible {
let path: String
let actual: String
mdiep / diff-values.swift
Last active February 13, 2024 21:01
Diff values with Codable, CaseIterable, and KeyPaths
import Foundation
// Diff objects for better test assertions.
// Implemented in a way that:
// 1. The compiler generates as much code as possible
// 2. You'll get a compiler error if you forget a property
// Nested support and collections left as an exercise for the reader.
danielmartin /
Last active March 9, 2024 02:00
Add support for a better Xcode's Jump to Next Counterpart in Swift

If you work on a Swift project that follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture or similar, you may want to jump to counterpart in Xcode from your view to your model, and then to your view model. (ie. by using Ctrl+Cmd+Up and Ctrl+Cmd+Down).

You can do this in recent versions of Xcode by setting a configuration default.

From a terminal, just type this command and press Enter:

defaults write IDEAdditionalCounterpartSuffixes -array-add "ViewModel" "View"