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Aaron Cruz mraaroncruz

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scottlowe / tsearch_migration.sql
Created April 27, 2011 20:51
SQL required to create a TSVECTOR column with associated triggers and indexes
-- Add the new tsvector column
ALTER TABLE articles ADD COLUMN tsv tsvector;
-- Create a function that will generate a tsvector from text data found in both the
-- title and body columns, but give a higher relevancy rating 'A' to the title data
CREATE FUNCTION articles_generate_tsvector() RETURNS trigger AS $$
new.tsv :=
setweight(to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', coalesce(new.title,'')), 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', coalesce(new.body,'')), 'B');
kares / scheduled_job.rb
Created June 14, 2011 11:31
Recurring Job using Delayed::Job
# Recurring Job using Delayed::Job
# Setup Your job the "plain-old" DJ (perform) way, include this module
# and Your handler will re-schedule itself every time it succeeds.
# Sample :
# class MyJob
# include Delayed::ScheduledJob
# Pass in the name of the site you wich to create a cert for
domain_name = ARGV[0]
if domain_name == nil
puts "Y U No give me a domain name?"
system "openssl genrsa -out #{domain_name}.key 1024"
system "openssl req -new -key #{domain_name}.key -out #{domain_name}.csr -subj '/C=US/ST=NJ/L=Monroe/O=MyCompany/OU=IT/CN=#{domain_name}'"
system "cp #{domain_name}.key #{domain_name}.key.bak"
isaacbowen / will_paginate.rb
Created August 30, 2011 21:37
extends will_paginate to play well with Twitter's Bootstrap
# config/initializers/will_paginate.rb
module WillPaginate
module ActionView
def will_paginate(collection = nil, options = {})
options[:renderer] ||= BootstrapLinkRenderer
super.try :html_safe
class BootstrapLinkRenderer < LinkRenderer
rtomayko / optparse-template.rb
Last active June 3, 2023 03:16
Ruby optparse template
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#/ Usage: <progname> [options]...
#/ How does this script make my life easier?
# ** Tip: use #/ lines to define the --help usage message.
$stderr.sync = true
require 'optparse'
# default options
flag = false
option = "default value"
shapeshed / unicorn
Created September 16, 2011 10:12
Unicorn / Monit setup
set -e
# Example init script, this can be used with nginx, too,
# since nginx and unicorn accept the same signals
# Feel free to change any of the following variables for your app:
kylelemons / valsort.go
Created September 22, 2011 21:36
Sort a map by its values
package main
import "fmt"
import "sort"
func main() {
m := map[string]int{
"One": 1,
"Two": 2,
"Three": 3,
soemarko / theme.html
Created November 26, 2011 16:18
embed github gist to tumblr
<!-- Add the following lines to theme's html code right before </head> -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Usage: just add <div class="gist">[gist URL]</div>
Example: <div class="gist"></div>
ileitch / gist:1459987
Created December 11, 2011 11:08
Interruptible sleep in Ruby
module InterruptibleSleep
def interruptible_sleep(seconds)
@_sleep_check, @_sleep_interrupt = IO.pipe[@_sleep_check], nil, nil, seconds)
def interrupt_sleep
@_sleep_interrupt.close if @_sleep_interrupt
topliceanu / micro-mustache.js
Created December 30, 2011 04:22
John Resig's Micro Template with changed tags from <%=, %> into more mustache-esque {{= and }}
// Simple JavaScript Templating
// John Resig - - MIT Licensed
var cache = {};
this.tmpl = function tmpl(str, data){
// Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to
// load the template - and be sure to cache the result.
var fn = !/\W/.test(str) ?
cache[str] = cache[str] ||