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Last active June 10, 2024 09:40
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Jenkins Pipeline: How to run stage(s) in all nodes that match label string ?
import jenkins.model.*
collectBuildEnv = [:]
def getNodes(String label) {
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.nodes.collect { thisAgent ->
if (thisAgent.labelString.contains("${label}")) {
// this works too
// if (thisAagent.labelString == "${label}") {
def dumpBuildEnv(String agentName) {
node("${agentName}") {
stage("Env in ${agentName}") {
echo "running on agent, ${agentName}"
sh 'printenv'
def processTask() {
// Replace label-string with the label name that you may have
def nodeList = getNodes("label-string")
for(i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) {
def agentName = nodeList[i]
// skip the null entries in the nodeList
if (agentName != null) {
println "Prearing task for " + agentName
collectBuildEnv["node_" + agentName] = {
pipeline {
// I prefer to have a dedicated node to execute admin tasks
agent {
label "admin-agent"
options {
stages {
stage('agents-tasks') {
steps {
script {
parallel collectBuildEnv
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mramanathan commented Nov 20, 2018

Tested on Jenkins instance running v2.32.2, had to whitelist couple of methods, though.

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Value for "label-string" (handled in line 27) is case sensitive.

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aviadcye commented Dec 7, 2020

Worked for me.
Thanks :)

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Nice to hear that. Thanks for the feedback.


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Worked as expected, nice!
Little typo in L10. thisAagent -> thisAgent

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nightskyguy commented May 18, 2023

You don't need to use any restricted functions if you use the nodesByLabel step in a scripted pipeline

def nodeList = nodesByLabel label: MyLabel, offline: false

Set offline: true if you want to also select agents that are offline.

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        stage('Checkout') {
            agent { label "jenkinsnodes" }
            steps {
                script {
                 def nodes = nodesByLabel label: 'jenkinsnodes'
                 nodes = nodes.sort()

                    Map tasks = [:]
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
                        def label = nodes[i]
                        def stageName = "Checkout ${nodes[i]}"
                        tasks[label] = {
                            node(label) {
                                stage(stageName) {
                                  checkout scm
                    timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') {

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