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Created July 14, 2015 13:17
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Mårten Rånge.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
// copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution.
// If you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
// By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
// by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Text
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module ParserModule =
type Error =
| NoError
| Expected of string
| Unexpected of string
| Fork of Error*Error
| Group of Error list
// A Parser is a function that:
// Takes an input string
// Takes an integer pointing to the next unconsumed character in the input string
// Takes an integer pointing at the position error messages should be collected
// Returns an optional result
// Returns accumulated error messages for the error position
// Returns the next unconsumed position
// Returns the most unconsumed position
type Parser<'T> = string*int*int -> 'T option*Error*int*int
module Detail =
let ueos = Unexpected "EOS"
let eeos = Expected "EOS"
let inline err pe pos epos =
if pos = epos then
let inline errjoin lpe rpe =
match lpe, rpe with
| NoError , _ -> rpe
| _ , NoError -> lpe
| _ , _ -> Fork (lpe, rpe)
let inline errgroup errs =
let ee = errs |> List.filter (function NoError -> false | _ -> true)
if ee.IsEmpty then NoError
else Group ee
open Detail
let result ov err pos mpos = ov, err, pos, mpos
let success v err pos mpos = result (Some v) err pos mpos
let failure err pos mpos = result None err pos mpos
// Parser "Atoms"
let preturn (v : 'T) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
success v NoError pos pos
let pfail (pe : Error) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
failure (err pe pos epos) pos pos
let peos : Parser<unit> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
if pos >= s.Length then
success () NoError pos pos
failure (err eeos pos epos) pos pos
let psatisfy pe f : Parser<char> =
let pe = errgroup [ueos; pe]
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
if pos >= s.Length then
failure (err pe pos epos) pos pos
elif f s.[pos] then
success s.[pos] NoError (pos + 1) (pos + 1)
failure (err pe pos epos) pos pos
let pchar = psatisfy (Expected "char") <| fun _ -> true
let pdigit = psatisfy (Expected "digit") Char.IsDigit
let phexdigit = psatisfy (Expected "hexdigit") <| fun ch ->
(Char.IsDigit ch) || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')
let pletter = psatisfy (Expected "letter") Char.IsLetter
let pwhitespace = psatisfy (Expected "whitespace") Char.IsWhiteSpace
let pskip (ch : char) : Parser<unit> =
let pe = errgroup [ueos; Expected <| sprintf "'%s'" (ch.ToString ())]
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
if pos >= s.Length then
failure (err pe pos epos) pos pos
elif s.[pos] = ch then
success () NoError (pos + 1) (pos + 1)
failure (err pe pos epos) pos pos
let pstr (exp : string) : Parser<unit> =
let expected = Expected <| sprintf "'%s'" exp
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let e = pos + exp.Length
if e > s.Length then
failure (err expected pos epos) pos pos
let rec loop pp =
if pp < e then
let c = s.[pp] = exp.[pp - pos]
c && (loop (pp + 1))
if loop pos then
success () (err expected pos epos) e e
failure (err expected pos epos) pos pos
let panyOf (anyOf : string) : Parser<char> =
let pe =
|> (fun ch -> Expected <| sprintf "'%s'" (ch.ToString ()))
|> Seq.toList
|> errgroup
psatisfy pe (fun ch -> (anyOf.IndexOf ch) > -1)
// Parser modifiers
let pbind
(t : Parser<'T>)
(fu : 'T -> Parser<'U>) : Parser<'U> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let ovt,terr,tpos, tmpos = t (s,pos,epos)
match ovt with
| Some vt ->
let u = fu vt
let ovu, uerr, upos, umpos = u (s,tpos,epos)
result ovu (errjoin terr uerr) upos (max tmpos umpos)
| _ ->
failure terr tpos tmpos
let inline (>>=) t fu = pbind t fu
let inline pright t u = t >>= fun _ -> u
let inline pcombine t u = pright t u
let inline (>>.) t u = pright t u
let inline pleft t u = t >>= fun left -> u >>= fun _ -> preturn left
let inline (.>>) t u = pleft t u
let inline pbetween b e p = b >>. p .>> e
let inline pmap p m = p >>= fun v -> preturn (m v)
let inline (|>>) p m = pmap p m
let inline (>>!) p v = p >>= fun _ -> preturn v
let pdebug (p : Parser<'T>) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = p (s,pos,epos)
result ovp perr ppos pmpos
let ptrampoline<'T> () : Parser<'T>*Parser<'T> ref =
let r = ref <| preturn Unchecked.defaultof<'T>
let p =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = !r (s,pos,epos)
result ovp perr ppos pmpos
p, r
let popt (p : Parser<'T>) : Parser<'T option> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = p (s,pos,epos)
match ovp with
| Some vp ->
success (Some vp) perr ppos pmpos
| _ ->
success None perr pos pmpos
let inline (>>?) p v = popt p >>= function None -> preturn v | Some vv -> preturn vv
let pmany (p : Parser<'T>) : Parser<'T list> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let rec loop r cpos =
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = p (s,cpos,epos)
match ovp with
| Some vp ->
loop ((perr,vp)::r) ppos
| _ ->
let errs, vs = r |> List.rev |> List.unzip
let group = errgroup (perr::errs)
success vs group cpos pmpos
loop [] pos
let pwhitespaces= pmany pwhitespace >>! ()
let pmany1 p = pmany p >>= fun l -> if l.IsEmpty then pfail NoError else preturn l
let mapListToString = List.toArray >> fun cs -> String(cs)
let pmanyStr p = pmany p |>> mapListToString
let pmanyStr1 p = pmany1 p |>> mapListToString
let pmanySepBy1 (p : Parser<'T>) (psep : Parser<_>) : Parser<'T list> =
>>= fun first ->
pmany (psep >>. p)
>>= fun rest -> preturn (first::rest)
let pmanySepBy (p : Parser<'T>) (psep : Parser<_>) : Parser<'T list> =
pmanySepBy1 p psep
>>? []
let pchainl (p : Parser<'T>) (psep : Parser<'T -> 'T -> 'T>) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let rec loop v errs cpos cmpos =
let ovs, serr, spos, smpos = psep (s,cpos,epos)
let maxmpos = max smpos cmpos
match ovs with
| Some vs ->
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = p (s,spos,epos)
let maxmpos = max pmpos maxmpos
match ovp with
| Some vp ->
loop (vs v vp) (perr::serr::errs) ppos maxmpos
| _ ->
failure (errgroup (perr::serr::errs)) ppos maxmpos
| None ->
success v (errgroup (serr::errs)) cpos maxmpos
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos = p (s,pos,epos)
match ovp with
| Some vp ->
loop vp [perr] ppos pmpos
| _ ->
failure perr ppos pmpos
let pchoice (ps : Parser<'T> list) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
// eloop is used to collect errors at epos
let rec eloop perrs mpos ps =
match ps with
| [] ->
mpos, errgroup perrs
| p::ps ->
let _, perr, _, pmpos = p (s,pos,epos)
eloop (perr::perrs) (max pmpos mpos) ps
// loop tests parsers until it find the first match
let rec loop perrs mpos ps =
match ps with
| [] ->
failure (errgroup perrs) mpos mpos
| p::ps ->
let ovp, perr, ppos, pmpos= p (s,pos,epos)
match ovp with
| Some vp ->
let lmpos = max pmpos mpos
let lmpos, err =
if epos = pmpos then
eloop (perr::perrs) lmpos ps
lmpos, NoError
success vp err ppos pmpos
| _ ->
loop (perr::perrs) (max pmpos mpos) ps
loop [] 0 ps
let pnatural : Parser<uint64*int> =
pmany1 pdigit
|>> fun digits ->
let res = digits |> List.fold (fun s ch -> s * 10UL + (uint64 ch - uint64 '0')) 0UL
res, digits.Length
let puint64 = pnatural |>> fun (ui,_) -> ui
let puint32 = pnatural |>> fun (ui,_) -> uint32 ui
let pdelay (ft : unit -> Parser<'T>) : Parser<'T> =
fun (s,pos,epos) ->
let t = ft ()
t (s,pos,epos)
// Computation Expression builder
type ParserBuilder()=
member x.Delay(ft) = pdelay ft
member x.Return(v) = preturn v
member x.Bind(t,fu) = pbind t fu
member x.Combine(t,u) = pcombine t u
let parser = ParserBuilder()
// Parse function
type Result<'T> =
| Success of 'T*int
| Failure of string*int
let parse (p : Parser<'T>) (s : string) : Result<'T> =
let ov, _, pos, mpos = p (s, 0, Int32.MaxValue)
match ov with
| Some v -> Success (v, pos)
| None ->
// If parsing failed, rerun the parser with the error position set
// This will return all detected errors at that position
// This approach reduces error collection cost during successful parses
let _, err, _, _ = p (s, 0, mpos)
let sb = StringBuilder ()
let newline () = ignore <| sb.AppendLine ()
let append (ss : string) = ignore <| sb.Append ss
let prelude = "Failed to parse: "
append <| sprintf "%s%s" prelude s
newline ()
ignore <| sb.Append(' ', prelude.Length + pos)
ignore <| sb.Append '^'
let es = ResizeArray<string> ()
let ues = ResizeArray<string> ()
let rec extractError = function
| NoError -> ()
| Expected e -> es.Add e
| Unexpected ue -> ues.Add ue
| Fork (l,r) ->
extractError l
extractError r
| Group es ->
es |> List.iter extractError
extractError err
let buildString description (vs : ResizeArray<string>) =
let ss = vs |> Seq.sort |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toArray
if ss.Length = 0 then
newline ()
append description
let e = ss.Length - 1
for i = 0 to e do
let s = ss.[i]
let prepend =
if i = 0 then ""
elif i = e then " or "
else ", "
ignore <| sb.Append prepend
ignore <| sb.Append (ss.[i])
buildString "Expected " es
buildString "Unexpected " ues
Failure (sb.ToString (), pos)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module CalculatorModule =
open ParserModule
open System.Text
type BinaryOperator =
| Add
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Divide
| Modulo
let binaryOperation = function
| Add -> ( + )
| Subtract -> ( - )
| Multiply -> ( * )
| Divide -> ( / )
| Modulo -> ( % )
let binaryOperatorName = function
| Add -> '+'
| Subtract -> '-'
| Multiply -> '*'
| Divide -> '/'
| Modulo -> '%'
type Expression =
| Value of int
| Variable of string
| Binary of Expression*BinaryOperator*Expression
let mapBinaryOperator =
let bin op l r = Binary (l, op, r)
| '+' -> bin Add
| '-' -> bin Subtract
| '*' -> bin Multiply
| '/' -> bin Divide
| '%' -> bin Modulo
| _ -> bin Add
let rec eval (lookup : string->int) = function
| Value i -> i
| Variable v -> lookup v
| Binary (l,bop,r)->
let lv = eval lookup l
let rv = eval lookup r
let bf = binaryOperation bop
bf lv rv
let stringifyExpression e =
let sb = StringBuilder ()
let rec impl = function
| Value i ->
ignore <| sb.Append i
| Variable v ->
ignore <| sb.Append '\''
ignore <| sb.Append v
ignore <| sb.Append '\''
| Binary (l,bop,r)->
ignore <| sb.Append '('
impl l
ignore <| sb.Append (binaryOperatorName bop)
impl r
ignore <| sb.Append ')'
impl e
sb.ToString ()
let pexpression =
let ptk ch = pskip ch .>> pwhitespaces
let pexpr, rpexpr = ptrampoline<Expression> ()
let pvalue = puint32 |>> fun ui -> Value (int ui)
let pvariable = pmanyStr1 pletter |>> Variable
let psubexpr = pbetween (ptk '(') (ptk ')') pexpr
let pterm = pchoice [pvalue; pvariable; psubexpr] .>> pwhitespaces
let pop0 = panyOf "*/%" |>> mapBinaryOperator .>> pwhitespaces
let plevel0 = pchainl pterm pop0
let pop1 = panyOf "+-" |>> mapBinaryOperator .>> pwhitespaces
let plevel1 = pchainl plevel0 pop1
rpexpr := plevel1
pwhitespaces >>. plevel1 .>> peos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module JSONModule =
open ParserModule
open System.Text
type JSON =
| NullValue
| BooleanValue of bool
| NumberValue of float
| StringValue of string
| ArrayValue of JSON list
| ObjectValue of (string*JSON) list
let stringifyJSON json =
let sb = StringBuilder ()
let appStr (s : string) =
ignore <| sb.Append '"'
ignore <| sb.Append s // TODO: Add escaping
ignore <| sb.Append '"'
let rec impl = function
| NullValue ->
ignore <| sb.Append "null"
| BooleanValue true ->
ignore <| sb.Append "true"
| BooleanValue false ->
ignore <| sb.Append "false"
| NumberValue n ->
ignore <| sb.Append n
| StringValue s ->
appStr s
| ArrayValue vs ->
ignore <| sb.Append '['
let mutable prepend = ""
for v in vs do
ignore <| sb.Append prepend
impl v
prepend <- ", "
ignore <| sb.Append ']'
| ObjectValue ms ->
ignore <| sb.Append '{'
let mutable prepend = ""
for k,v in ms do
ignore <| sb.Append prepend
appStr k
ignore <| sb.Append ':'
impl v
prepend <- ", "
ignore <| sb.Append '}'
impl json
sb.ToString ()
let pjson =
let parray , rparray = ptrampoline<JSON> ()
let pobject , rpobject = ptrampoline<JSON> ()
let pnull = pstr "null" >>! NullValue
let pboolean=
pstr "true" >>! BooleanValue true
pstr "false" >>! BooleanValue false
let pnumber =
let psign : Parser<float->float>=
pskip '-' >>! fun d -> -d
>>? id
let pfrac =
parser {
do! pskip '.'
let! ui,i = pnatural
return (float ui) * (pown 10.0 -i)
} >>? 0.0
let pexp =
parser {
do! pchoice [pskip 'e'; pskip 'E']
let! sign = psign
let! ui,_ = pnatural
let scale = sign (double ui)
return pown 10.0 (int scale)
} >>? 1.0
let pzero =
pskip '0'
|>> fun ch -> 0.0
let pfull =
parser {
let! i,_ = pnatural
let! f = pfrac
let! e = pexp
return (float i + f)*e
parser {
let! s = psign
let! n = pchoice [pzero; pfull]
return NumberValue (s n)
let prawstring =
let phex =
|>> fun ch ->
if Char.IsDigit ch then int ch - int '0'
elif ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F' then int ch - int 'A' + 10
elif ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f' then int ch - int 'a' + 10
else 0
let pstring_token = pskip '"'
let pch = psatisfy (Expected "char") (function '"' | '\\' -> false | _ -> true)
let pech =
parser {
do! pskip '\\'
let! c = panyOf "\"\\/bfnrt"
let r =
match c with
| 'b' -> '\b'
| 'f' -> '\f'
| 'n' -> '\n'
| 'r' -> '\r'
| 't' -> '\t'
| _ -> c
return r
let puch =
parser {
do! pskip '\\'
do! pskip 'u'
let! v0 = phex
let! v1 = phex
let! v2 = phex
let! v3 = phex
let ui = (v0 <<< 12) + (v1 <<< 8) + (v2 <<< 4) + v3
return char ui
let pstr = pmany (pchoice [pch; pech; puch]) |>> (List.toArray >> fun cs -> String(cs))
pbetween pstring_token pstring_token pstr
let pstring = prawstring |>> StringValue
let pvalue = pchoice [pnull; pboolean; pnumber; pstring; parray; pobject] .>> pwhitespaces
let ptk ch = pskip ch .>> pwhitespaces
let parr =
let pvalues = pmanySepBy pvalue (ptk ',') |>> ArrayValue
pbetween (ptk '[') (ptk ']') pvalues
let pobj =
let pmember =
parser {
let! name = prawstring .>> pwhitespaces
do! ptk ':'
let! value = pvalue
return name, value
let pmembers = pmanySepBy pmember (ptk ',') |>> ObjectValue
pbetween (ptk '{') (ptk '}') pmembers
rparray := parr
rpobject := pobj
pwhitespaces >>. pchoice [pobject; parray] .>> peos
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
open ParserModule
open CalculatorModule
open JSONModule
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let parseAndPrint (p : Parser<'T>) (a : 'T -> string) s =
printfn "Input: %s" s
let res = parse p s
match res with
| Success (v,pos) ->
printfn "Success : Parsing stopped at pos: %d\nAST : %A\nFriendly: %s" pos v (a v)
| Failure (msg, pos) ->
printfn "Failed : Parsing stopped at pos: %d\n%s" pos msg
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
let main argv =
let parse s = parseAndPrint pjson stringifyJSON s
let rec loop () =
printfn "-- \nEnter expression to be parsed"
let line = Console.ReadLine ()
if line.Length > 0 then
parse line
loop ()
loop ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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