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Last active July 3, 2016 12:57
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module StupidParser =
open System
// General Parser functions & types
type ParserState = string*int
type ParserResult<'T> = ('T*ParserState) option
type Parser<'T> = ParserState -> ParserResult<'T>
let success v ps : ParserResult<_> = (v, ps) |> Some
let failure : ParserResult<_> = None
let ``\0`` : Parser<Unit> =
fun (s,i) ->
if i < s.Length then failure
else success () (s, s.Length)
let foldAtLeast n f z : Parser<_> =
fun (s,i) ->
let rec loop v p =
if p < s.Length then
match f v s.[p] with
| Some v -> loop v (p + 1)
| _ -> v, p
v, p
let v, p = loop z i
if i + n <= p then success v (s, p)
else failure
let pick picks : Parser<_> =
fun (s,i) ->
if i < s.Length then
let c = s.[i]
match picks |> Array.tryFind (fst >> (=) c) with
| Some (_, v) -> success v (s, (i + 1))
| _ -> failure
else failure
let sepBy (|Term|_|) (|Separator|_|) : Parser<int> =
let rec loop = function
| Term (tv, Separator (sep, Loop (lv, ps))) -> success (sep tv lv) ps
| Term (tv, ps) -> success tv ps
| _ -> failure
and (|Loop|_|) = loop
let (.>>) (|Left|_|) (|Right|_|) : Parser<_> = function
| Left (v, Right (_, ps)) -> success v ps
| _ -> failure
let (>>.) (|Left|_|) (|Right|_|) : Parser<_> = function
| Left (_, Right (v, ps)) -> success v ps
| _ -> failure
// Calculator expression parser
let `` `` = foldAtLeast 0 (fun _ c -> if Char.IsWhiteSpace c then Some () else None) ()
let ``(`` = pick [|'(', ()|] .>> `` ``
let ``)`` = pick [|')', ()|] .>> `` ``
let ``*/`` = pick [|'*', (*); '/', (/)|] .>> `` ``
let ``+-`` = pick [|'+', (+); '-', (-)|] .>> `` ``
let (|Int|_|) = foldAtLeast 1 (fun v c -> if Char.IsDigit c then Some (v + int c - int '0') else None) 0 .>> `` ``
let rec term = function
| Sub (v, ps) -> success v ps
| Int (v, ps) -> success v ps
| _ -> failure
and ``e*/e`` = sepBy term ``*/``
and ``e+-e`` = sepBy ``e*/e`` ``+-``
and (|Sub|_|) = ``(`` >>. ``e+-e`` .>> ``)``
let full = `` `` >>. ``e+-e`` .>> ``\0``
let parse s =
match full (s, 0) with
| Some (v, _) -> Some v
| _ -> None
let main argv =
let examples = [| " 1 "; "1 - 3"; "1*3"; "1 + 2*3 - 2"; "1 + 2*(3 - 2)" |]
for example in examples do
match StupidParser.parse example with
| Some v -> printfn "%s -> %d" example v
| _ -> printfn "%s -> FAILED" example
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