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Last active November 4, 2023 00:50
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
open System
open System.Threading
open System.Collections.Generic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type Continuation<'T> = 'T -> unit
type Coroutine<'T> = Continuation<'T> -> unit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Coroutine =
let Bind (t : Coroutine<'T>) (fu : 'T -> Coroutine<'U>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun continuation ->
let inner tv =
let u = fu tv
u continuation
t inner
let Combine (t : Coroutine<'T>) (u : Coroutine<'U>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun continuation ->
let inner _ =
u continuation
t inner
let Delay (ft : unit -> Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun continuation ->
let t = ft ()
t continuation
let For (s : seq<'T>) (ft : 'T -> Coroutine<unit>) : Coroutine<unit> =
fun continuation ->
let e = s.GetEnumerator ()
let rec loop () =
if e.MoveNext () then
let t = ft e.Current
t loop
e.Dispose ()
continuation ()
loop ()
let Return v : Coroutine<'T> =
fun continuation ->
continuation v
let ReturnFrom t : Coroutine<'T> = t
let While (test : unit -> bool) (t : Coroutine<unit>) : Coroutine<unit> =
fun continuation ->
let rec loop () =
if test () then
t loop
continuation ()
loop ()
let Zero : Coroutine<unit> =
fun continuation ->
continuation ()
type CoroutineBuilder() =
member x.Bind (t, fu) = Bind t fu
member x.Combine (t,u) = Combine t u
member x.Delay (ft) = Delay ft
member x.For (s, ft) = For s ft
member x.Return (v) = Return v
member x.ReturnFrom (t) = ReturnFrom t
member x.While (test, t)= While test t
member x.Zero () = Zero
let coroutine = Coroutine.CoroutineBuilder()
let (Yield : Coroutine<unit>, RunYielded: unit -> unit) =
let yielded = Queue<unit->unit> ()
let y continuation =
yielded.Enqueue continuation
let run () =
while yielded.Count > 0 do
yielded.Dequeue () ()
y, run
let ( >>= ) (t, fu) = Coroutine.Bind t fu
let Child (t : Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<Coroutine<'T>> =
fun continuation ->
let rc = ref None
let rv = ref None
let nt : Coroutine<'T> =
fun nc ->
match !rv with
| Some v -> nc v
| None ->
rc := Some nc
let childc v =
match !rc with
| Some c -> c v
| None ->
rv := Some v
t childc
continuation nt
let Run (cr : Coroutine<'T>) : 'T =
let value = ref None
cr <| fun v -> value := Some v
RunYielded ()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
let Trace (kind : string) (i : int) =
let tid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
Console.WriteLine ("{0} - {1}: {2}", tid, kind, i);
let Pop (q : Queue<'T>) =
coroutine {
while q.Count = 0 do
do! Yield
return q.Dequeue ()
let Push (q : Queue<'T>) (v : 'T) : unit =
q.Enqueue v
let queue = Queue<int> ()
let rec Popper =
coroutine {
let! first = Pop queue
let mutable v = first
while v > -1 do
Trace "Popped" v
let! rest = Pop queue
v <- rest
Trace "Pop done" -1
return ()
let Pusher =
coroutine {
for v = 0 to 10 do
Trace "Pushed" v
Push queue v
do! Yield
Trace "Push done" -1
Push queue -1
do! Yield
let sample =
coroutine {
Trace "Sample" 0
let! popper = Child Popper
let! pusher = Child Pusher
do! popper
do! pusher
let main argv =
Run sample
| e -> printfn "Exception: %s" e.Message
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saboco commented Jan 24, 2019

I found this code fascinating.
As long as I searched for good resources to learn continuations an ultimately coroutines, I haven't found any that goes as far as to understand how to desing a code like this. I know there is much that comes from experience with this kind of code, but if you have any article, book or something else that can help me in my learning process it would be very much welcome.

I wanted to know if it's a limitation of f# that almost all implementations I've found yield is always ((unit -> unit) -> unit), it can't be implemented a yield that yields values?

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abelbraaksma commented Nov 4, 2023

@saboco you are totally free to code it in whatever way you see fit. The syntax for yield is 'T -> M<'T> and for YieldFrom it is M<'T> -> M<'T>. The type that you use for 'T is up to the designer of the computation expression. See:

(I know this is 4 years in the future since your question, and I didn't write the code above, but maybe it helps someone else happening upon this post)

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