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F# simple and slow parser combinators
// Inspired by:
// A Parser is a function that given a string and an index into that string
// produces a parsed value and the index of the first unparsed character in the string
type Parser<'T> = P of (string -> int -> ('T*int) option)
module Parser =
open System
// Runs the parser on a string
let parse (P t) s = t s 0
// A parser that always fails
let fail () = P <| fun s i ->
// A parser that always succeeds with v
let value v = P <| fun s i ->
Some (v, i)
// Some grammars are recursive which requires us to be able to
// create a "placeholder" parser that we use when building our parsers.
// When we are ready we replace the placeholder parser using the setter function
let placeholder<'T> () : Parser<'T>*(Parser<'T> -> unit) =
let mutable gp = fail ()
let pre =
P <| fun s i ->
let (P p) = gp
p s i
let upd p = gp <- p
pre, upd
// The monadic bind combinator
// A powerful way to bind parsers together
let (>>=) (P t) uf = P <| fun s i ->
match t s i with
| None -> None
| Some (tv, ti) ->
let (P u) = uf tv
u s ti
// Either-or combinator
// If t succeeds return that result otherwise try u
let (<|>) (P t) (P u) = P <| fun s i ->
match t s i with
| None -> u s i
| o -> o
// Applicative functor apply
let (<*>) f t = f >>= (fun fv -> t >>= (fun tv -> value (fv tv)))
// Map operation
let (|>>) t f = t >>= (fun tv -> value (f tv))
// If t succeeds return v
let (|>!) t v = t >>= (fun tv -> value v)
// Combines result of two parsers using m
let combine m f s = value m <*> f <*> s
// Combines two parsers and return result as pair
let (.>>.) f s = combine (fun x y -> (x, y)) f s
// Combines two parsers but only keep result of first
let (.>>) f s = combine (fun x _ -> x) f s
// Combines two parsers but only keep result of second
let (>>.) f s = combine (fun _ x -> x) f s
// Repeats t until it fails and returns all successfully parsed values as list
let many t =
let rec loop a =
let next = t >>= (fun tv -> loop (tv::a))
next <|> value a
loop [] |>> List.rev
// As many but requires at least 1 successful value
let many1 t =
let c f r = f::r
value c <*> t <*> many t
// Chains parsers separated by an operator parser
// Left associative
let chainl t o =
let rec loop a =
let next = o >>= (fun ov -> t >>= (fun tv -> loop (ov a tv)))
next <|> value a
t >>= loop
// Succeeds if EOF
let eof = P <| fun s i ->
if i < s.Length then None else Some ((), i)
// Extracts a single char unless at EOF
let char = P <| fun s i ->
if i < s.Length then Some (s.[i], i + 1) else None
// Checks if the extracted char satisfies t
let satisfy t = char >>= (fun ch -> if t ch then value ch else fail ())
// Skips a specific character
let skipChar c = char >>= (fun ch -> if ch = c then value () else fail ())
// Ensures runs o before e and c after e. Only keeps result of e
let between o e c = o >>. e .>> c
let digit = satisfy Char.IsDigit
let letter = satisfy Char.IsLetter
let whitespace = satisfy Char.IsWhiteSpace
let whitespaces = many whitespace
module Calculator =
open Parser
// The expression tree
type AST =
| Number of int
| Identifier of string
| Operation of char*(int -> int -> int)*AST*AST
// For the group parser we the inner expression which almost the full
// expression, therefore it's a recursive grammar and we predefine the inner
// parser and sets it later
let inner, setInner = placeholder<AST> ()
// Parses a group term
let group = between (skipChar '(' .>> whitespaces) inner (skipChar ')' .>> whitespaces)
// Parses an identifier term
let identifier =
many1 letter
|>> (fun cs -> cs |> List.toArray |> System.String |> Identifier)
// Parses an number term
let number =
let folder s v = 10*s + (int v - int '0')
many1 digit
|>> (fun cs -> cs |> List.fold folder 0 |> Number)
// Combines group, identifer and number in a term parser
let term =
group <|> identifier <|> number
.>> whitespaces
let op c f = skipChar c |>! (fun l r -> Operation (c, f, l, r))
// Defines the different operator parsers
let op_plus = op '+' ( + )
let op_minus = op '-' ( - )
let op_multiply = op '*' ( * )
let op_divide = op '/' ( / )
// Chains terms with mulitply and divide
let op0 = chainl term (op_multiply <|> op_divide .>> whitespaces)
// Chains previous with plus and minus
// by splitting in different steps we get different precedence
let op1 = chainl op0 (op_plus <|> op_minus .>> whitespaces)
// We can now set the inner express to op1
do setInner op1
// The full parser
let expr = between whitespaces op1 eof
// Evals an expression tree given an environment map
let eval env e =
let rec loop t =
match t with
| Number n -> n
| Identifier i -> env |> Map.find i
| Operation (_,f, l, r) -> f (loop l) (loop r)
loop e
open Parser
open Calculator
let main argv =
let env =
"x" , 3
"y" , 4
"xyz" , 5
|> Map.ofArray
let tests = [|
"x + 2*y"
"(x + 2)*y"
for test in tests do
match parse expr test with
| None -> printfn "%s: Failed to parse" test
| Some (e, _) -> printfn "%s: eval: %d, expr: %A" test (eval env e) e
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