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Created December 12, 2014 21:09
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A monadic interpreter
type Value =
| NoValue
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| String of string
| Double of double
| Void
// With interpreters it's often good to have a stack of variables
// For instance when the interpreter calls a function typically a stackframe is pushed
// and when the function returns the stackframe is popped.
type InterpreterStack =
| Empty
| StackFrame of Map<string, Value>*InterpreterStack
let inline OrElse (f : unit->'T option) (ov : 'T option) =
match ov with
| Some _ -> ov
| _ -> f ()
let rec LookupValue (nm : string) (stack : InterpreterStack) : Value option =
match stack with
| StackFrame (m,p) ->
m.TryFind nm
|> OrElse (fun () -> LookupValue nm p)
| _ -> None
let rec SetValue (nm : string) (v : Value) (stack : InterpreterStack) : InterpreterStack =
match stack with
| StackFrame (m,p) ->
let mm = m |> Map.remove nm |> Map.add nm v
StackFrame (mm,p)
| _ ->
let mm = Map.empty |> Map.add nm v
StackFrame (mm,Empty)
// This Context can of course be expanded for more interpret utility state
type InterpreterContext =
Stack : InterpreterStack
static member New (s : InterpreterStack) = { Stack = s }
type InterpreterError =
| UndefinedError of string
| ValueNotFound of string
// Interpreter takes a context and
// 1. Returns a value if successful, if no value is returned interpretation should be aborted
// 2. Returns discovered errors, may be more than one. The presence of an error doesn't abort
// 3. Returns updated context
type Interpreter<'T> = InterpreterContext -> 'T option * InterpreterError list * InterpreterContext
module Interpreter =
// Delay is an important function to have in order to get correct behavior
let Delay (d : unit -> Interpreter<'T>) = d ()
let Return (v : 'T) : Interpreter<'T> =
fun ctx ->
(Some v), [], ctx
// Bind is where the magic happens as usual
let Bind (t : Interpreter<'T>) (fu : 'T -> Interpreter<'U>) : Interpreter<'U> =
fun ctx ->
let otv, terrors, tctx = t ctx
match otv with
// If the first interpreter is successful then we shall execute the second one
// with the first result as input
| Some tv ->
let u = fu tv
let ouv, uerrors, uctx = u tctx
ouv, uerrors@terrors, uctx
// If the first interpreter has failed then we return None
// this will according to railway oriented programming causes
// all subsequent binds to fail as well
| _ ->
None, terrors, tctx
let inline Zero () : Interpreter<unit> = Return ()
type InterpreterBuilder() =
member b.Bind(t, fu) = Bind t fu
member b.Delay(d) = Delay (d)
member b.Return(v) = Return v
member b.ReturnFrom(t) = t
member b.Zero() = Zero ()
let interpreter = InterpreterBuilder()
let GetContext : Interpreter<InterpreterContext> =
fun ctx -> Some ctx, [], ctx
let SetContext ctx : Interpreter<unit> =
fun _ -> Some (), [], ctx
// This raises an error that will abort the interpreter
let RaiseCriticalError (e : InterpreterError) : Interpreter<_> =
fun ctx -> None, [e], ctx
// This raises an warning that will not abort the interpreter
// a value has to be specified
let RaiseNonCriticalError (v : 'T) (e : InterpreterError) : Interpreter<'T> =
fun ctx -> Some v, [e], ctx
// GetValue looks for a value
// If not found an error will be raised that will abort the interpreter
let GetValue nm : Interpreter<_> =
interpreter {
let! ctx = GetContext
let ov = LookupValue nm ctx.Stack
let result =
match ov with
| Some v -> Return v
| _ -> RaiseCriticalError (ValueNotFound nm)
return! result
// FindValue looks for a value
// If not found an error will be raised that will NOT abort the interpreter
let FindValue nm =
interpreter {
let! ctx = GetContext
let ov = LookupValue nm ctx.Stack
let result =
match ov with
| Some v -> Return v
| _ -> RaiseNonCriticalError NoValue (ValueNotFound nm)
return! result
let SetValue nm v =
interpreter {
let! ctx = GetContext
let stack = SetValue nm v ctx.Stack
let nctx = InterpreterContext.New stack
do! SetContext nctx
return ()
open Interpreter
let main argv =
let ctx = InterpreterContext.New Empty
let first =
interpreter {
printfn "First is starting..."
do! SetValue "Test1" <| String "Testing"
let! v1 = GetValue "Test1"
printfn "Test1 = %A" v1
let! v2 = GetValue "Test2"
printfn "Test2 = %A" v2
let! v3 = GetValue "Test3"
printfn "Test3 = %A" v3
printfn "First is done"
let second =
interpreter {
printfn "Second is starting..."
do! SetValue "Test1" <| String "Testing"
let! v1 = FindValue "Test1"
printfn "Test1 = %A" v1
let! v2 = FindValue "Test2"
printfn "Test2 = %A" v2
let! v3 = FindValue "Test3"
printfn "Test3 = %A" v3
printfn "Second is done"
let fv, ferrors, fctx = first ctx
printfn "First: Value = %A, Errors = %A, Context = %A" fv ferrors fctx
let sv, serrors, sctx = second ctx
printfn "Second: Value = %A, Errors = %A, Context = %A" sv serrors sctx
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