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Last active February 10, 2020 21:51
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// Copyright 2015 Mårten Rånge
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
module DynamicJson =
open System
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
exception JsonCastException of Type
type Json =
| JsonValue of JValue
| JsonObject of JObject
| JsonArray of JArray
| JsonMissingProperty of JToken*string
| JsonIndexOutOfRange of JToken*int
| JsonUnrecognizedType of obj
static member AsJson (o : obj) =
match o with
| :? JObject as jobj-> JsonObject jobj
| :? JArray as jarr -> JsonArray jarr
| :? JValue as jval -> JsonValue jval
| _ -> JsonUnrecognizedType o
member x.Path =
match x with
| JsonValue v -> v.Path
| JsonObject o -> o.Path
| JsonArray a -> a.Path
| JsonMissingProperty (t,key) -> t.Path + "." + key
| JsonIndexOutOfRange (t,idx) -> sprintf "%s.[%d]" t.Path idx
| JsonUnrecognizedType v -> "<NULL>"
override x.ToString () =
match x with
| JsonValue v -> sprintf "Value: %s" <| v.ToString ()
| JsonObject o -> sprintf "Object: %s" <| o.ToString ()
| JsonArray a -> sprintf "Array: %s" <| a.ToString ()
| JsonMissingProperty (t,key) -> sprintf "Missing property: %s.%s" t.Path key
| JsonIndexOutOfRange (t,idx) -> sprintf "Out of range: %s.[%d]" t.Path idx
| JsonUnrecognizedType v -> sprintf "Value: %s" <| v.ToString ()
static member (?) (json : Json, key : string) : Json =
match json with
| JsonValue jval -> JsonMissingProperty (jval, key)
| JsonArray jarr -> JsonMissingProperty (jarr, key)
| JsonObject jobj ->
let p = jobj.Property key
if p <> null then
Json.AsJson p.Value
JsonMissingProperty (jobj, key)
| _ -> json
member x.Item (idx : int) : Json =
match x with
| JsonValue jval -> JsonIndexOutOfRange (jval, idx)
| JsonObject jobj -> JsonIndexOutOfRange (jobj, idx)
| JsonArray jarr ->
if idx < 0 then
JsonIndexOutOfRange (jarr, idx)
elif idx >= jarr.Count then
JsonIndexOutOfRange (jarr, idx)
Json.AsJson jarr.[idx]
| _ -> x
member x.HasValue =
match x with
| JsonValue jval -> true
| _ -> false
member x.CastTo<'T> () =
match x with
| JsonValue jval -> jval.ToObject<'T>()
| JsonIndexOutOfRange (t, idx) ->
raise (IndexOutOfRangeException (x.ToString ()))
| _ ->
raise (InvalidCastException ())
let asJson (o : obj) = Json.AsJson o
let hasValue (json : Json) = json.HasValue
let castTo<'T> (json : Json) = json.CastTo<'T> ()
let describe (json : Json) = json.ToString ()
module Test =
let json = """
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"id": 24,
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
open DynamicJson
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Test
let main argv =
let json = asJson <| JsonConvert.DeserializeObject Test.json
let missing = describe json?glossary?missingProp?nextProp.[1]
let seeAlso = castTo<string> json?glossary?GlossDiv?GlossList?GlossEntry?GlossDef?GlossSeeAlso.[1]
printfn "%A" missing
printfn "%A" seeAlso
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mrange commented Feb 7, 2020

Would this work for you: json.glossaries.ToArray |> (fun j -> j?title)

There are AFAIK two dynamic operators in F# (havent read spec lately): ? (get) and ?<- set. So create a rich operator language in F# for dynamic ops is a bit limited.

This could be done json.glossaries.MapArrayWith?title

IE MapArray returns an object that allows you select an attribute from the element in json array.

Perhaps acceptable if one comes up with a more succinct name?

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mrange commented Feb 7, 2020

It's an interesting question, I will think a bit. Can't guarantee I come up with anything :)

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mrange commented Feb 8, 2020

I have been tinkering a bit with a newer version to support dynamic access to json array and objects. If you are interested you can take a look, it's quite rough at the moment but perhaps you see where I am going from the examples:

I realized I probably should rethink what a query is and by doing so I think I can increase the compasability of the queries over arrays

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I actually ended up with something like your first example, json.glossaries.ToArray |> (fun j -> j?title), on Friday.

module DynamicJson =
  let (|?|) (json : Json) (f : Json -> Json) : Json seq =
    match json with
    | JsonValue  jval -> Seq.singleton <| JsonNotAnArray jval
    | JsonObject jobj -> Seq.singleton <| JsonNotAnArray jobj
    | JsonArray  jarr -> (Json.ToJson >> f) <| jarr
    | _               -> Seq.singleton json

let ids = result?messages|?|(fun x -> x?message_id)  |> castTo<string>

but where you're going with F# Dynamic JSON #2 is looking so good. Thank you for this!

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mrange commented Feb 10, 2020

Perhaps it would be better to base this around the JSON API in dotnet core rather than NewtonSoft JSON.

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mrange commented Feb 10, 2020

Well that didn't work out as System.Text.Json doesn't have a writable DOM

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mrange commented Feb 10, 2020

Well, I thought I create repo around the F# navigate ideas. Feel free to have a look at the example programs and jot down some ideas if you have them

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