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Last active May 19, 2019 09:10
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module FsLenses =
type [<AbstractClass>] Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>() =
abstract View: 'S -> 'A
abstract Over: ('A -> 'B) -> 'S -> 'T
abstract Set : 'B -> 'S -> 'T
module Lens =
let inline view (l : Lens<_, _, _, _>) s = l.View s
let inline over (l : Lens<_, _, _, _>) f s = l.Over f s
let inline set (l : Lens<_, _, _, _>) v s = l.Set v s
let inline lens getter setter =
{ new Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>() with
override x.View s = getter s
override x.Over f s = setter (getter s |> f) s
override x.Set v s = setter v s
let inline combine a b =
{ new Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>() with
override x.View s = s |> view a |> view b
override x.Over f s = s |> set a (s |> view a |> over b f)
override x.Set v s = s |> set a (s |> view a |> set b v)
let inline fstL () = lens fst (fun f (_, s) -> (f, s))
let inline sndL () = lens snd (fun s (f, _) -> (f, s))
type Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B> with
static member inline (>->) (a, b) = Lens.combine a b
open FsLenses
open Lens
type Inner<'A> =
Id : int
Value : 'A
module Inner =
let inline idL () = lens (fun {Id = id} -> id) (fun id i -> { i with Id = id})
let inline valueL () = lens (fun {Value = v } -> v ) (fun v { Id = id } -> { Id = id; Value = v})
type Outer<'A> =
Id : int
Inner : Inner<'A>
module Outer =
let inline idL () = lens (fun {Id = id} -> id) (fun id o -> { o with Id = id})
let inline innerL () = lens (fun {Inner = i } -> i ) (fun i { Id = id } -> { Id = id; Inner = i})
let main argv =
let i = (1, (2, "3"))
let l = sndL () >-> fstL ()
let v = view l i
let o = i |> set l "4"
printfn "%A" i
printfn "%A" v
printfn "%A" o
let i = { Id = 1; Inner = { Id = 11; Value = 123 } }
let l = Outer.innerL () >-> Inner.valueL ()
let v = view l i
let o = i |> over l (fun v -> v + 1 |> string)
printfn "%A" i
printfn "%A" v
printfn "%A" o
// Inspired by:
module FsLenses =
type [<AbstractClass>] Functor<'T> () =
abstract fmap: ('T -> 'U) -> Functor<'U>
type [<Sealed>] Const<'C, 'T> (c: 'C) =
inherit Functor<'T> ()
override x.fmap f = Const<'C, 'U> (c) :> Functor<'U>
member x.Value = c
type [<Sealed>] Identity<'T> (v: 'T) =
inherit Functor<'T> ()
override x.fmap f = Identity<'U> (f v) :> Functor<'U>
member x.Value = v
let fConst c = Const<_, _> (c) :> Functor<_>
let fIdentity v = Identity<_> (v) :> Functor<_>
type Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B> =
| L of (('A -> Functor<'B>) -> ('S -> Functor<'T>))
member x.F = let (L f) = x in f
type Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B> with
static member (>->) (L a, L b) = L (b >> a)
module Lens =
let view (l : Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>) s =
let c = (s |> l.F fConst) :?> Const<'A, _>
let update (l : Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>) f s =
let i = (s |> l.F (f >> fIdentity)) :?> Identity<_>
let set (l : Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B>) v s = s |> update l (fun _ -> v)
let lens get set : Lens<'S, 'T, 'A, 'B> =
L (fun f s -> (get s |> f).fmap (fun v -> set v s))
let fstL () = lens fst (fun f (_, s) -> (f, s))
let sndL () = lens snd (fun s (f, _) -> (f, s))
open FsLenses
open Lens
let main argv =
let i = (1, (2, "3"))
let l = sndL () >-> fstL ()
let v = view l i
let o = i |> set l 4
printfn "%A" i
printfn "%A" v
printfn "%A" o
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