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Created March 18, 2017 12:29
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module RResult =
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text
type RBad =
| Message of string
| Exception of exn
| Object of obj
| DescribedObject of string*obj
member x.DescribeTo (sb : StringBuilder) =
let inline app (t : string) = sb.Append t |> ignore
match x with
| Message msg -> app "Message: " ; app msg
| Exception e -> app "Exception: " ; app e.Message
| Object o -> app "Object: " ; sb.Append o |> ignore
| DescribedObject (d, _)-> app "Object: " ; sb.Append d |> ignore
type RBadTree =
| Leaf of RBad
| Fork of RBadTree*RBadTree
member x.Visit (visitor: RBad -> bool) : bool =
let stack = Stack<RBadTree> 16
let rec follow t =
let inline pop () =
if stack.Count > 0 then
follow (stack.Pop ())
match t with
| Leaf v -> visitor v && pop ()
| Fork (l, r) -> stack.Push r; follow l
follow x
member x.Flatten () : RBad [] =
let result = ResizeArray 16
x.Visit (fun v -> result.Add v; true) |> ignore
result.ToArray ()
member x.Describe () : string =
let sb = StringBuilder 16
(fun rbad ->
if sb.Length > 0 then sb.Append "; " |> ignore
rbad.DescribeTo sb
) |> ignore
sb.ToString ()
member x.Join o = Fork (x, o)
type RResult<'T> =
| Good of good : 'T
| Bad of bad : RBadTree
member x.StructuredDisplayString =
match x with
| Good good -> sprintf "Good (%A)" good
| Bad bad -> sprintf "Bad (%A)" bad
override x.ToString() = x.StructuredDisplayString
module RResult =
exception DerefException of RBadTree
// Monad
let inline rreturn v = RResult.Good v
let inline rbind (uf : 'T -> RResult<'U>) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'U> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good tgood -> uf tgood
// Kleisli
let inline rarr f = fun v -> rreturn (f v)
let inline rkleisli uf tf = fun v -> rbind uf (tf v)
// Applicative
let inline rpure f = rreturn f
let inline rapply (t : RResult<'T>) (f : RResult<'T -> 'U>) : RResult<'U> =
match f, t with
| RResult.Bad fbad , RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad (fbad.Join tbad)
| RResult.Bad fbad , _ -> RResult.Bad fbad
| _ , RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good fgood , RResult.Good tgood -> rreturn (fgood tgood)
// Functor
let inline rmap (m : 'T -> 'U) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'U> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good tgood -> rreturn (m tgood)
// Lifts
let inline rgood v = rreturn v
let inline rbad b = RResult.Bad (RBadTree.Leaf b)
let inline rmsg msg = rbad (RBad.Message msg)
let inline rexn e = rbad (RBad.Exception e)
// Misc
let inline rdelay (tf : unit -> RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T> =
tf ()
let inline rthen uf t = rbind uf t
let inline rdebug name (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> printfn "BAD - %s - %A" name tbad
| RResult.Good tgood -> printfn "GOOD - %s - %A" name tgood
let inline rbadBind (m : RBadTree -> RResult<'T>) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> (m tbad)
| RResult.Good _ -> t
let inline rbadMap (m : RBadTree -> RBadTree) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad (m tbad)
| RResult.Good _ -> t
let inline rpickle (uf : 'T -> RResult<'U>) (bf : RBadTree -> RResult<'U>) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'U> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> bf tbad
| RResult.Good tgood -> uf tgood
let inline rtoResult (t : RResult<'T>) =
match t with
| RResult.Good good -> Ok good
| RResult.Bad bad -> Error bad
// Exception aware combinators
let inline rcatch (uf : 'T -> RResult<'U>) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'U> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good tgood ->
uf tgood
| e -> rexn e
let inline rcatchMap (m : 'T -> 'U) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'U> =
match t with
| RResult.Bad tbad -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good tgood ->
rreturn (m tgood)
| e -> rexn e
// Common combinators
let inline rorElse (s : RResult<'T>) (f : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T> =
match f, s with
| RResult.Good _ , _ -> f
| _ , RResult.Good _ -> s
| RResult.Bad fbad, RResult.Bad sbad -> RResult.Bad (fbad.Join sbad)
let inline rpair (u : RResult<'U>) (t : RResult<'T>) : RResult<'T*'U> =
match t, u with
| RResult.Good tgood , RResult.Good ugood -> rreturn (tgood, ugood)
| RResult.Bad tbad , RResult.Good _ -> RResult.Bad tbad
| RResult.Good _ , RResult.Bad ubad -> RResult.Bad ubad
| RResult.Bad tbad , RResult.Bad ubad -> RResult.Bad (tbad.Join ubad)
// Unpacking results
let inline rderef (t : RResult<'T>) : 'T =
match t with
| RResult.Good tgood -> tgood
| RResult.Bad tbad -> raise (DerefException tbad)
let inline rderefOr (bf : RBadTree -> 'T) (t : RResult<'T>) : 'T =
match t with
| RResult.Good tgood -> tgood
| RResult.Bad tbad -> bf tbad
let inline runpack (onGood : 'T -> 'U) (onBad : RBadTree -> 'U) (t : RResult<'T>) : 'U =
match t with
| RResult.Good tgood -> onGood tgood
| RResult.Bad tbad -> onBad tbad
type Builder () =
member inline x.Bind (t, uf) = rbind uf t
member inline x.Delay tf = rdelay tf
member inline x.Return v = rreturn v
member inline x.ReturnFrom t = t : RResult<_>
member inline x.Zero () = rreturn LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<_>
let rresult = RResult.Builder ()
type RResult<'T> with
static member inline (>>=) (x, uf) = RResult.rbind uf x
static member inline (<*>) (x, t) = RResult.rapply t x
static member inline (|>>) (x, m) = RResult.rmap m x
static member inline (<|>) (x, s) = RResult.rorElse s x
static member inline (~%%) x = RResult.rderef x
static member inline (%%) (x, bf) = RResult.rderefOr bf x
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