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Last active April 27, 2016 09:50
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Minimalistic Parser Combinators in F#
// Minimalistic Parser Combinator in F#
// Neither Performance nor Error Reporting has been considered
// For production code you are better off using
// Inspired by the classic:
type ParserPos
type ParserResult<'T> = 'T option*int<ParserPos>
type Parser<'T> = string*int<ParserPos> -> ParserResult<'T>
module Parser =
let inline Success v i : ParserResult<'T> = Some v, i
let inline Failure i : ParserResult<'T> = None, i
let inline (|MatchSuccess|MatchFailure|) (r : ParserResult<'T>) =
match r with
| None, i -> MatchFailure i
| Some v, i -> MatchSuccess (v, i)
// Fundamental Parsers
let Bind (t : Parser<'T>) (uf : 'T -> Parser<'U>) : Parser<'U> =
fun (s, i) ->
match t (s, i) with
| MatchFailure ii -> Failure ii
| MatchSuccess (vv, ii) -> uf vv (s, ii)
let inline (>>=) t uf = Bind t uf
let Literal ch : Parser<unit> =
fun (s, i) ->
if int i < s.Length && ch = s.[int i] then Success () (i + 1<ParserPos>)
else Failure i
let EOS : Parser<unit> =
fun (s, i) ->
if int i < s.Length then Failure i
else Success () i
let Fail : Parser<'T> =
fun (s, i) ->
Failure i
let Opt (t : Parser<'T>) : Parser<'T option> =
fun (s, i) ->
match t (s, i) with
| MatchFailure _ -> Success None i
| MatchSuccess (vv, ii) -> Success (Some vv) ii
let Return v : Parser<'T> =
fun (s, i) ->
Success v i
let Satisfy f : Parser<char> =
fun (s, i) ->
if int i < s.Length && f s.[int i] then Success s.[int i] (i + 1<ParserPos>)
else Failure i
// Parser Forwarders
let Forwarder<'T> () : Parser<'T>*(Parser<'T> -> unit) =
let rp = ref Fail
let p (s, i) = !rp (s, i)
let sp p = rp := p
p, sp
// Parser Debuggers
let Trace name t : Parser<'T> =
fun (s, i) ->
printfn "Before %s" name
match t (s, i) with
| MatchFailure ii ->
printfn "Failed %s@%d" name ii
Failure ii
| MatchSuccess (vv, ii) ->
printfn "Success %s@%d = %A" name ii vv
Success vv ii
// Parser Modifiers
let Map m t : Parser<'U> = t >>= fun v -> Return (m v)
let inline (|>>) p m = Map m p
let inline (>>!) p v = p |>> (fun _ -> v)
let Pair t u : Parser<'T*'U> = t >>= fun tv -> u >>= fun uv -> Return (tv, uv)
let inline (.>>.) t u = Pair t u
let inline KeepLeft t u : Parser<'T> = Pair t u |>> fst
let inline (.>>) t u = KeepLeft t u
let inline KeepRight t u : Parser<'U> = Pair t u |>> snd
let inline (>>.) t u = KeepRight t u
let Between b t e : Parser<'T> = b >>. t .>> e
let Many t : Parser<'T list> =
let ot = Opt t
let rec loop pvs = ot >>= function Some pv -> loop (pv::pvs) | _ -> Return (pvs |> List.rev)
loop []
let Many1 t : Parser<'T list> = Many t >>= function [] -> Fail | vs -> Return vs
let SepBy term op : Parser<'T> =
let oop = Opt op
let rec loop v = oop >>= function Some f -> (term >>= fun vv -> loop (f v vv)) | _ -> Return v
term >>= loop
let OrElse t u : Parser<'T> =
let ot = Opt t
ot >>= function Some tv -> Return tv | _ -> u
let inline (<|>) t u = OrElse t u
// Char Parsers
let Digit : Parser<char> = Satisfy System.Char.IsDigit
let Letter : Parser<char> = Satisfy System.Char.IsLetter
let LetterOrDigit : Parser<char> = Satisfy System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit
let WhiteSpace : Parser<char> = Satisfy System.Char.IsWhiteSpace
// String Parsers
let ManyChar p : Parser<string> = Many p |>> (List.toArray >> System.String)
let ManyChar2 f r : Parser<string> = f >>= fun ch -> Many r |>> fun rest -> ch::rest |> List.toArray |> System.String
let ManyChar1 f : Parser<string> = ManyChar2 f f
// Parse
let Parse (t : Parser<'T>) (s : string) : 'T option*int =
match t (s, 0<ParserPos>) with
| MatchFailure ii -> None, int ii
| MatchSuccess (v, ii) -> Some v, int ii
module ExpressionParser =
type Operator =
| Add
| Divide
| Multiply
| Subtract
type Expression =
| Value of int
| Variable of string
| Binary of Expression*Operator*Expression
module Details =
open Parser
let FullExpr =
let binary op l r = Binary (l, op, r)
let add = binary Add
let subtract = binary Subtract
let multiply = binary Multiply
let divide = binary Divide
let expr, setExpr = Forwarder<Expression> ()
let whitespace = Many WhiteSpace
let token ch = Literal ch .>> whitespace
let subexpr = Between (token '(') expr (token ')')
let int = ManyChar1 Digit |>> (System.Int32.Parse >> Value)
let variable = ManyChar2 Letter LetterOrDigit |>> Variable
let term = (subexpr <|> int <|> variable) .>> whitespace
let op ch f = token ch >>! f
let opMultiplyLike = SepBy term (op '*' multiply <|> op '/' divide)
let opAddLike = SepBy opMultiplyLike (op '+' add <|> op '-' subtract)
setExpr opAddLike
expr .>> EOS
let Parse s = Parser.Parse Details.FullExpr s
let AsString e =
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder ()
let rec loop e =
match e with
| Value v -> sb.Append v |> ignore
| Variable v -> sb.Append v |> ignore
| Binary (l,op, r) ->
sb.Append '(' |> ignore
loop l
let ch =
match op with
| Add -> '+'
| Divide -> '/'
| Multiply -> '*'
| Subtract -> '-'
sb.Append ch |> ignore
loop r
sb.Append ')' |> ignore
loop e
sb.ToString ()
let main argv =
let input = "12*x + 4*y + z*(x + z)"
let expr = ExpressionParser.Parse input
let str =
match expr with
| Some e, _ -> ExpressionParser.AsString e
| _, p -> sprintf "Parsing failed@%d" p
printfn "Input : %s" input
printfn "Expr : %A" expr
printfn "AsString : %s" str
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