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Created May 8, 2015 22:29
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open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open System
open System.Reflection
let mutable errors = 0
let print (cc : ConsoleColor) (prefix : string) (msg : string) : unit =
let old = Console.ForegroundColor
Console.ForegroundColor <- cc
Console.Write prefix
Console.WriteLine msg
Console.ForegroundColor <- old
let error msg =
errors <- errors + 1
print ConsoleColor.Red "ERROR : " msg
let info msg = print ConsoleColor.Gray "INFO : " msg
let warning msg = print ConsoleColor.Yellow "WARNING : " msg
let success msg = print ConsoleColor.Green "SUCCESS : " msg
let highlight msg = print ConsoleColor.White "HIGHLIGHT: " msg
let errorf fmt = Printf.kprintf error fmt
let infof fmt = Printf.kprintf info fmt
let warningf fmt = Printf.kprintf warning fmt
let successf fmt = Printf.kprintf success fmt
let highlightf fmt = Printf.kprintf highlight fmt
type Expectation<'T> = Expectation of (('T-> unit) -> unit)
let expect_eq (expected : 'T) (actual : 'T) : Expectation<unit> =
Expectation <| fun a ->
if expected = actual then
a ()
errorf "EQ: %A=%A" expected actual
a ()
let assert_some (actual : 'T option) : Expectation<'T> =
Expectation <| fun a ->
match actual with
| Some v -> a v
| _ ->
error "SOME: None"
module ExpectationMonad =
let Delay (ft : unit -> Expectation<'T>) : Expectation<'T> =
ft ()
let Return v : Expectation<'T> =
Expectation <| fun a ->
a v
let Bind (t : Expectation<'T>) (fu : 'T -> Expectation<'U>) : Expectation<'U> =
Expectation <| fun uv ->
let (Expectation tt) = t
tt (fun vt ->
let (Expectation u) = fu vt
u uv)
type ExpectationBuilder() =
member x.Return v = Return v
member x.Bind (t,fu) = Bind t fu
member x.Delay ft = Delay ft
let expect = ExpectationMonad.ExpectationBuilder ()
let (>>=) f s = ExpectationMonad.Bind f s
let run (e : Expectation<'T>) : unit =
let (Expectation ee) = e
ee (fun _ -> ())
type TestAttribute() =
inherit Attribute()
let runTests () =
let assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ()
let types = assembly.GetTypes ()
let methods =
|> Seq.collect (fun t -> t.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public))
|> Seq.filter (fun m -> m.GetCustomAttribute<TestAttribute>() <> null)
|> Seq.filter (fun m -> m.GetParameters().Length = 0)
|> Seq.filter (fun m -> m.ReturnType = typeof<Void>)
|> Seq.sortBy (fun m -> m.Name)
|> Seq.toArray
highlightf "Found %d tests" methods.Length
for meth in methods do
infof "Running test: %s" meth.Name
ignore <| meth.Invoke (null, [||])
| :? TargetInvocationException as e ->
errorf " threw exception: %s" e.InnerException.Message
| e ->
errorf " threw exception: %s" e.Message
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test code
open M3.HRON.FSharp
open HRON
let simple = """
# This is an ini file using hron
# object values are started with '@'
Hello World from hron!
Hello there!
String values in hron are started with '='
Just as in Python, indentation is significant in hron
Indentation promotes readability but also allows hron string values
to be multi-line and relieves them from the need for escaping.
Let us say that again, there exists _no_ character escaping in hron.
Letters like this are fine in an hron string: &<>\"'@=
This helps readability!
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Customers
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Partner
let expect_hstring (expected : string) (actual : HRONQuery) = expect_eq expected actual.AsString
let ``Basic HRON tests`` () : unit =
let checkConnection (connection : HRONQuery) dbName connectionString timeOut user pwd =
expect {
do! expect_hstring dbName (connection ? Name )
do! expect_hstring connectionString (connection ? ConnectionString)
do! expect_hstring timeOut (connection ? TimeOut )
let u = connection ? User
do! expect_hstring user (u ? UserName)
do! expect_hstring pwd (u ? Password)
expect {
let! hron = assert_some <| parse simple
let query = hron.Query
let greeting = query ? Greeting ? Title
do! expect_hstring "Hello World from hron!" greeting
let conns = query ? DataBaseConnection
do! checkConnection conns "CustomerDB" @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Customers" "10" "ATestUser" "123"
do! checkConnection conns.[0] "CustomerDB" @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Customers" "10" "ATestUser" "123"
do! checkConnection conns.[1] "PartnerDB" @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Partner" "30" "AnotherTestUser" "12345"
} |> run
let main argv =
runTests ()
| e ->
errorf "EXCEPTION: %s" e.Message
if errors > 0 then
errorf "%d errors detected" errors
success "All tests passed"
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