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Last active January 23, 2019 18:03
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module Continuum =
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Net
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
module Common =
let inline tid () = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
let inline dbreak () = Debugger.Break ()
let inline invoke c ctx continuation = c (struct (ctx, continuation))
open Common
// TODO: Implement Fork/Join
type CoStackFrame =
| CoFinally of (unit -> unit)
| CoUsing of IDisposable
| CoWith of (exn -> unit -> unit)
type Coresult<'T> =
| Success of 'T
| Exception of exn
// | Cancelled
type CounrollAction =
| Execute of (unit -> unit)
| Exception of exn
| Continue
type [<AbstractClass>] CoContext () =
let costack = Stack<CoStackFrame> 16
let rec run raiser a =
let activeException =
a ()
| e -> e
if activeException <> null then
unroll raiser activeException
and unroll raiser activeException =
if costack.Count > 0 then
let action =
// TODO: Avoid try/with per pop
match costack.Pop () with
| CoFinally f ->
f ()
| CoUsing d ->
if d <> null then d.Dispose ()
| CoWith e ->
if activeException <> null then
e activeException |> CounrollAction.Execute
| e -> CounrollAction.Exception e
match action with
| CounrollAction.Execute a -> run raiser a
| CounrollAction.Exception e -> unroll raiser e // How to make activeException the inner exception?
| CounrollAction.Continue -> unroll raiser activeException
if activeException <> null then
raiser activeException
member x.Continue (a : unit -> unit) =
run (fun e -> x.Raise e) a
member x.PushFrame csf =
costack.Push csf
member x.PopFrame () =
match costack.Pop () with
| CoUsing d -> if d <> null then d.Dispose ()
| CoFinally f -> f ()
| CoWith _ -> ()
abstract Raise: exn -> unit
type [<Sealed>] CoContext<'T> (continuation : Coresult<'T> -> unit) =
inherit CoContext ()
member x.Run (t : Coroutine<'T>) =
let a () = invoke t (x :> CoContext) (fun v -> continuation (Coresult.Success v))
x.Continue a
override x.Raise e =
continuation (Coresult.Exception e)
and Coroutine<'T> = (struct (CoContext*('T -> unit))) -> unit
// Monad
let inline coreturn (v : 'T) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
continuation v
let inline cobind (t : Coroutine<'T>) (uf : 'T -> Coroutine<'U>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
invoke t ctx (fun tv ->
let u = uf tv
invoke u ctx continuation
let inline cocombine (t : Coroutine<'T>) (u : Coroutine<'U>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
invoke t ctx (fun _ -> invoke u ctx continuation)
// Arrow
let inline coarr f v = coreturn (f v)
let inline cokleisli tf uf = fun tv -> cobind (tf tv) uf
// Applicative
let inline copure f = coreturn f
let inline coap (f : Coroutine<'T -> 'U>) (t : Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
invoke f ctx (fun fv -> invoke t ctx (fun tv -> continuation (fv tv)))
// Functor
let inline comap (m : 'T -> 'U) (t : Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
invoke t ctx (fun tv -> continuation (m tv))
let inline cotryFinally (t : Coroutine<'T>) (f : unit -> unit) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
ctx.PushFrame (CoFinally f)
invoke t ctx (fun tv -> ctx.PopFrame (); continuation tv)
let inline cotryWith (t : Coroutine<'T>) (ef : exn -> Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
ctx.PushFrame (CoWith (fun e () -> invoke (ef e) ctx continuation))
invoke t ctx (fun tv -> ctx.PopFrame (); continuation tv)
let inline cousing (v : #IDisposable) (uf : 'T -> Coroutine<'U>) : Coroutine<'U> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
ctx.PushFrame (CoUsing v)
let u = uf v
invoke u ctx (fun uv -> ctx.PopFrame (); continuation uv)
type CoroutineBuilder () =
member inline x.Bind (t, uf) = cobind t uf
member inline x.Combine (t, u) = cocombine t u
member inline x.Return v = coreturn v
member inline x.ReturnFrom t = t : Coroutine<_>
member inline x.TryFinally t a = cotryFinally t a
member inline x.TryWith t ef = cotryWith t ef
member inline x.Using (v, uf) = cousing v uf
member inline x.Zero () = coreturn LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<_>
let coroutine = CoroutineBuilder ()
module Infixes =
let inline (<*>) f t = coap f t
let inline (>>=) t uf = cobind t uf
let inline (>>.) t u = cocombine t u
let inline (>=>) tf uf = cokleisli tf uf
let inline (|>>) t m = comap m t
let inline codebug name (t : Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
printfn "BEFORE - %s - tid: %d" name (tid ())
invoke t ctx (fun tv ->
printfn "AFTER - %s - tid: %d" name (tid ())
continuation tv
let inline cobreak (t : Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
dbreak ()
invoke t ctx (fun tv ->
dbreak ()
continuation tv
let inline codelay (tf : unit -> Coroutine<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
let t = tf ()
invoke t ctx continuation
let inline corun (t : Coroutine<'T>) (continuation : Coresult<'T> -> unit) : unit =
let ctx = CoContext<_> continuation
ctx.Run t
let inline coadaptTask (t : Task<'T>) : Coroutine<'T> =
fun struct (ctx, continuation) ->
t.ContinueWith (fun (t : Task<'T>) -> ctx.Continue (fun () -> continuation t.Result)) |> ignore
let codownloadStringFrom (uri : Uri) : Coroutine<string> =
fun () -> cousing (new WebClient ()) (fun wc -> coadaptTask (wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync uri))
|> codelay
module Samples =
open Continuum
open Continuum.Infixes
open System
let inline len (s : string) = s.Length
let test =
coroutine {
let! google = codownloadStringFrom (Uri "") |> codebug "google"
let! bing = codownloadStringFrom (Uri "") |> codebug "bing"
return google.Length, bing.Length
} |> codebug "test"
let test2 =
copure (fun google bing -> len google, len bing)
<*> codownloadStringFrom (Uri "") |> codebug "google"
<*> codownloadStringFrom (Uri "") |> codebug "bing"
let dtest =
codownloadStringFrom (Uri "") |>> len |> cobreak
let run () =
printfn "Starting..."
corun test2 (printfn "Result: %A")
corun test2 (printfn "Result: %A")
printfn "Executing"
let main argv =
try ()
printfn "Press any key..."
System.Console.ReadKey () |> ignore
| e ->
printfn "Caught: %s" e.Message
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