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Demonstrating monadic forms in F# and WPF
// A Formlet library for WPF - Inspired by Formlets in Websharper
// The Formlet concept will work fine for Windows.Forms and Xamarin.Forms as well
// This Formlet library doesn't try to be complete. It's an illustration on how
// a Formlet library can be built
#r "PresentationCore.dll"
#r "PresentationFrameWork.dll"
#r "WindowsBase.dll"
#r "System.Xaml.dll"
module FormletLibrary =
open System.Threading.Tasks
// IFormletElement is an UI element that represents Formlet
type IFormletElement =
type IAdornerFormletElement =
inherit IFormletElement
type ILabelFormletElement =
inherit IFormletElement
type TaskResult<'T> =
| Result of 'T
| Exception of exn
| Cancelled
| Delayed
// FormletContext is passed to Formlet operations
type FormletContext =
// Rebuild triggers a build up of FormletElements (ie the UI)
abstract Rebuild : (unit -> unit) with get
// Submit triggers a submit request (will not be processed if there validation failures)
abstract Submit : (unit -> unit) with get
// Reset triggers a reset of the FormletElements (back to initial state)
abstract Reset : (unit -> unit) with get
// Gets the Task result if available, otherwise awaits it and returns the fallback value
abstract GetTaskResult : Task<'T> -> TaskResult<'T>
// CollectFailureTree is an aggregate of all validation failures seen during Collect
// Empty means no validation failures exists and submit can proceed
// A validation failure is pair of a path and the message. The path informs the user where the validation
// failed
type CollectFailureTree =
| Empty
| Leaf of string list*string
| Group of string list*string []
| Fork of CollectFailureTree*CollectFailureTree
member x.Join r =
match x, r with
| Empty , _ -> r
| _ , Empty -> x
| Group (_, [||]) , _ -> r
| _ , Group (_, [||]) -> x
| _ , _ -> Fork (x, r)
member x.Flatten () : (string list*string) [] =
let ra = ResizeArray<string list*string> 16
let rec loop = function
| Empty -> ()
| Leaf (p, s) -> ra.Add (p, s)
| Group (_, [||])-> ()
| Group (p, ss) ->
for s in ss do
ra.Add (p, s)
| Fork (l, r) ->
loop l
loop r
loop x
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.toArray
type FormletTree =
| Empty
| Leaf of IFormletElement
| Fork of FormletTree*FormletTree
| Many of FormletTree []
| Adorner of IAdornerFormletElement*FormletTree
| Label of ILabelFormletElement*FormletTree
| Tag of string*FormletTree
// TODO: This is often used with Adorners but it's not rock-solid
// In order to match the expected behavior should introduce
// wrapping element in those cases we are adorning a Fork
// If this is scrapped AllowNullLiteral can be removed on IFormletElement
member x.FormletElement : IFormletElement =
match x with
| Empty -> null
| Leaf fe -> fe
| Fork (lft, rft) ->
let re = rft.FormletElement
if re <> null then re
else lft.FormletElement
| Many fts ->
if fts.Length > 0 then fts.[fts.Length - 1].FormletElement
else null
| Adorner (fe, _) -> upcast fe
| Label (_, ft) -> ft.FormletElement
| Tag (_, ft) -> ft.FormletElement
member inline x.Split () : FormletTree*FormletTree =
match x with
| Fork (l,r) -> l , r
| _ -> Empty, Empty
member inline x.Join y = Fork (x, y)
member inline x.GetMany () : FormletTree [] =
match x with
| Many fts -> fts
| _ -> [||]
member inline x.GetTagged (l : string) : FormletTree =
match x with
| Tag (tag, t) when tag = l -> t
| _ -> Empty
member inline x.GetLeaf (ctor : unit -> 'T) : 'T =
match x with
| Leaf (:? 'T as fe) -> fe
| _ -> ctor ()
member inline x.GetAdorner (ctor : unit -> 'T) : 'T*FormletTree =
match x with
| Adorner (:? 'T as fe, ft) -> fe , ft
| _ -> ctor () , Empty
member inline x.GetLabel (ctor : unit -> 'T) : 'T*FormletTree=
match x with
| Label (:? 'T as fe, ft) -> fe , ft
| _ -> ctor () , Empty
type FormletResult<'T>(v : 'T, cft : CollectFailureTree, ft : FormletTree) =
member x.Value = v
member x.CollectFailureTree = cft
member x.FormletTree = ft
member inline x.KeepRight (o : FormletResult<'U>) : FormletResult<'U> =
FormletResult<'U> (o.Value, x.CollectFailureTree.Join o.CollectFailureTree, x.FormletTree.Join o.FormletTree)
member inline x.MergeCollectFailureTree (cft : CollectFailureTree) : FormletResult<'T> =
FormletResult<'T> (x.Value, cft, x.FormletTree)
member inline x.ChangeValue (v : 'U) : FormletResult<'U> =
FormletResult<'U> (v, x.CollectFailureTree, x.FormletTree)
member inline x.ChangeFormletTree (ft : FormletTree) : FormletResult<'T> =
FormletResult<'T> (x.Value, x.CollectFailureTree, ft)
let inline result (v : 'T) cft ft: FormletResult<'T> =
FormletResult<'T> (v, cft, ft)
let inline success (v : 'T) ft : FormletResult<'T> =
result v CollectFailureTree.Empty ft
// Formlet is a function that given a
// formlet context
// the path to the FormletTree
// the FormletTree which represents the current UI state
// produces a FormletResult which is
// a best effort value
// a CollectFailureTree that indicates if the value is valid
// a FormletTree which represent the new UI state
type Formlet<'T> =
| Formlet of (FormletContext*string list*FormletTree -> FormletResult<'T>)
member inline x.Run (fc, p, ft) =
let (Formlet f) = x
f (fc, p, ft)
// Core formlet module, has classics like bind/return/...
module Formlet =
open System
// The all important bind operation
// Note that BuildUp returns a best effort value of 'T that will be used
// to call uf with.
let bind (t : Formlet<'T>) (uf : 'T -> Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'U> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tft, uft = ft.Split ()
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
let u = uf tfr.Value
let ufr = u.Run (fc, p, uft)
tfr.KeepRight ufr
// The all important return operation
let return_ v : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
success v FormletTree.Empty
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
let apply (t : Formlet<'A -> 'B>) (u : Formlet<'A>) : Formlet<'B> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tft, uft = ft.Split ()
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
let ufr = u.Run (fc, p, uft)
(tfr.KeepRight ufr).ChangeValue (tfr.Value ufr.Value)
let bindTask (t : Task<'T>) (ud : Formlet<'U>) (uf : 'T -> Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'U> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
match fc.GetTaskResult t with
| TaskResult.Result tv ->
let u = uf tv
u.Run (fc, p, ft)
| _ -> //TODO: Handle exception states
ud.Run (fc, p, ft)
let many (ts : Formlet<'T> []) : Formlet<'T []> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let n = ts.Length
if n < 1 then
success [||] FormletTree.Empty
let fts = ft.GetMany ()
let nvs = Array.zeroCreate<'T> n
let nfts = Array.zeroCreate<FormletTree> n
let rec loop i (ncft : CollectFailureTree) =
if i < n then
let tft = if i < fts.Length then fts.[i] else FormletTree.Empty
let t = ts.[i]
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
nvs.[i] <- tfr.Value
nfts.[i] <- tfr.FormletTree
loop (i + 1) (ncft.Join tfr.CollectFailureTree)
let ncft = loop 0 CollectFailureTree.Empty
result nvs ncft (FormletTree.Many nfts)
let map (m : 'T -> 'U) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'U> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
tfr.ChangeValue (m tfr.Value)
let pair (t : Formlet<'T>) (u : Formlet<'U>) : Formlet<'T*'U> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tft, uft = ft.Split ()
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
let ufr = u.Run (fc, p, uft)
(tfr.KeepRight ufr).ChangeValue (tfr.Value, ufr.Value)
let returnFrom t : Formlet<'T> = t
let tag (l : string) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tft = ft.GetTagged l
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
tfr.ChangeFormletTree (FormletTree.Tag (l, tft))
let taskResult (t : Task<'T>) : Formlet<'T option> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
match fc.GetTaskResult t with
| TaskResult.Result tv ->
success (Some tv) FormletTree.Empty
| _ -> //TODO: Handle exception states
success None FormletTree.Empty
let yield_ (tf : unit -> Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let t = tf ()
t.Run (fc, p, ft)
let inline zero () : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
success LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<'T> FormletTree.Empty
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
let generate (n : int) (tf : int -> Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T []> =
let ts = Array.init n tf
many ts
let join (t : Formlet<Formlet<'T>>) : Formlet<'T> = bind t id
// FormletBuilder is the computation expression builder that
// will allow us to define Formlets in a convenient way
type FormletBuilder() =
member inline x.Bind (t, uf) = bind t uf
member inline x.Return v = return_ v
member inline x.ReturnFrom t = returnFrom t
member inline x.Yield tf = yield_ tf
member inline x.Zero () = zero ()
let formlet = Formlet.FormletBuilder ()
module Infixes =
let inline (<&>) t u = Formlet.apply t u
let inline (>>=) t uf = Formlet.bind t uf
let inline (|>>) t m = m t
let inline (<*>) t u = Formlet.pair t u
// Ensure module contains various Formlets used for validation
module Ensure =
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// usingValidator validates the 'T value using the validator function. The validator returns
// an array of strings representing all validation failures found during validation
// An empty array indicates success
let usingValidator (validator : 'T -> string []) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
let errs = validator tfr.Value
if errs.Length = 0 then
tfr.MergeCollectFailureTree (CollectFailureTree.Group (p, errs))
// usingRegEx validates the string value using checkWith as a regex. If no match is found
// regex fails with failWith
let usingRegEx (checkWith : string) (failWith : string) (t : Formlet<string>) : Formlet<string> =
let f v = if Regex.IsMatch (v, checkWith) then [||] else [|failWith|]
usingValidator f t
// notEmpty validates the string value to be non-empty
let notEmpty (t : Formlet<string>) : Formlet<string> =
let f v = if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace v then [|"Input a value"|] else [||]
usingValidator f t
// failWith always fails with message
let failWith (m : string) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
let a = [|m|]
let f v = a
usingValidator f t
module Wpf =
module internal Elements =
open System
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.Text
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Data
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Animation
open System.Windows.Documents
let elementMargin = Thickness 2.
let labelColumn = 0
let inputColumn = 1
let inline notsame f s =
Object.ReferenceEquals (f, s) |> not
let inline clamp v b e =
if v < b then b
elif e < v then e
else v
let inline clearChildren (p : Panel) : unit =
p.Children.Clear ()
let inline addChild (p : Panel) (c : UIElement) : unit =
p.Children.Add c |> ignore
let auto = GridLength.Auto
let inline star v = GridLength (v, GridUnitType.Star)
let inline pixel v = GridLength (v, GridUnitType.Pixel)
let star1 = star 1.
let addGridColumn (g : Grid) (w : GridLength) : unit =
g.ColumnDefinitions.Add (ColumnDefinition (Width = w))
let addGridRow (g : Grid) (h : GridLength) : unit =
g.RowDefinitions.Add (RowDefinition (Height = h))
let addGridChild (g : Grid) x y cx cy (ui : UIElement) : unit =
Grid.SetColumn (ui, x)
Grid.SetRow (ui, y)
Grid.SetColumnSpan (ui, cx)
Grid.SetRowSpan (ui, cy)
g.Children.Add ui |> ignore
let doNothing _ = ()
let defaultCtor () = new 'T ()
let button c onclick =
let b = Button ()
b.Margin <- Thickness 2.
b.Padding <- Thickness (12., 2., 12., 2.)
b.Content <- c
b.Click.Add onclick
type TaskRepository (rebuild : unit -> unit) =
let repo = ConcurrentDictionary<Task, bool> ()
let r t =
repo.TryRemove t |> ignore
rebuild ()
member x.GetTaskResult<'T> (t : Task<'T>) : TaskResult<'T> =
// TODO: Handle exception states
if t.IsCompleted then
TaskResult.Result t.Result
elif t.IsCanceled then
TaskResult.Exception t.Exception
elif t.IsFaulted then
if repo.TryAdd (t, true) then
t.ContinueWith (Action<Task> r) |> ignore
type WpfFormletContext(rebuild : unit -> unit, submit : unit -> unit, reset : unit -> unit, repo : TaskRepository) =
interface FormletContext with
override x.Rebuild = rebuild
override x.Submit = submit
override x.Reset = reset
override x.GetTaskResult t = repo.GetTaskResult t
type ErrorAdorner (ui : UIElement) =
inherit Adorner (ui)
let errorPen = Pen (Brushes.Red, 1.0)
override x.OnRender ctx =
base.OnRender ctx
let sz = x.RenderSize
ctx.DrawRectangle (null, errorPen, Rect sz)
type Properties () =
static let register nm t (dv : obj) = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached (nm, t, typeof<Properties>, PropertyMetadata dv)
static let errorAdornerProperty = register "ErrorAdorner" typeof<ErrorAdorner> null
static let collectFailureTreeProperty = register "CollectFailureTree" typeof<CollectFailureTree> CollectFailureTree.Empty
static let clockProperty = register "Clock" typeof<float> 0.
static member ErrorAdornerProperty = errorAdornerProperty
static member CollectFailureTreeProperty = collectFailureTreeProperty
static member ClockProperty = clockProperty
static member GetFormletErrorAdorner (d : DependencyObject) : ErrorAdorner =
downcast d.GetValue Properties.ErrorAdornerProperty
static member SetFormletErrorAdorner (d : DependencyObject, ea : ErrorAdorner) : unit =
if notsame (Properties.GetFormletErrorAdorner d) ea then
d.SetValue (Properties.ErrorAdornerProperty, ea)
static member GetCollectFailureTree (d : DependencyObject) : CollectFailureTree =
downcast d.GetValue Properties.CollectFailureTreeProperty
static member SetCollectFailureTree (d : DependencyObject, cft : CollectFailureTree) : unit =
if Properties.GetCollectFailureTree d <> cft then
d.SetValue (Properties.CollectFailureTreeProperty, cft)
static member GetClock (d : DependencyObject) : float =
downcast d.GetValue Properties.ClockProperty
static member SetClock (d : DependencyObject, c : float) : unit =
if Properties.GetClock d <> c then
d.SetValue (Properties.ClockProperty, c)
let toolTipOpening (o : obj) e =
match o with
| :? UIElement as ui ->
let cft = Properties.GetCollectFailureTree ui
match cft with
| CollectFailureTree.Empty -> ToolTipService.SetToolTip (ui, "Ok")
| _ ->
let fs = cft.Flatten ()
let sb = StringBuilder "Validation failed:"
for (_, f) in fs do
sb.AppendFormat ("\n {0}", f) |> ignore
ToolTipService.SetToolTip (ui, sb.ToString ())
| _ -> ()
let addErrorAdorner (ui : UIElement) : unit =
let l = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer ui
if l <> null then
let ea = Properties.GetFormletErrorAdorner ui
let ea =
if ea = null then
let ea = ErrorAdorner ui
Properties.SetFormletErrorAdorner (ui, ea)
ToolTipService.SetToolTip (ui, "Ok")
ToolTipService.AddToolTipOpeningHandler (ui, ToolTipEventHandler toolTipOpening)
if ui.IsVisible && ui.IsEnabled then
ea.Visibility <- Visibility.Visible
ea.Visibility <- Visibility.Collapsed
l.Remove ea
l.Add ea
let removeErrorAdorner (ui : UIElement) : unit =
let l = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer ui
if l <> null then
let ea = Properties.GetFormletErrorAdorner ui
if ea <> null then
l.Remove ea
let updateErrorAdorner (f : IFormletElement) : unit =
match f with
| :? UIElement as ui ->
match Properties.GetCollectFailureTree ui with
| CollectFailureTree.Empty ->
removeErrorAdorner ui
| _ -> addErrorAdorner ui
| _ -> ()
let setCollectFailureTree (f: IFormletElement) (cft : CollectFailureTree) : unit =
match f with
| :? UIElement as ui -> Properties.SetCollectFailureTree (ui, cft)
| _ -> ()
type AdornedGrid () as ae =
inherit Grid ()
addGridColumn ae auto
addGridColumn ae star1
member x.SetAdorned (ft : FormletTree) : unit =
let rds = x.RowDefinitions
let cs = x.Children
rds.Clear ()
cs.Clear ()
let inline add c (fe : IFormletElement) r =
match fe with
| :? UIElement as ui ->
rds.Add (RowDefinition (Height = auto))
Grid.SetColumn (ui, c)
Grid.SetRow (ui, r)
cs.Add ui |> ignore
r + 1
| _ -> r
let rec loop t r =
match t with
| FormletTree.Empty -> r
| FormletTree.Leaf fe -> add inputColumn fe r
| FormletTree.Fork (lft, rft) ->
let r = loop lft r
loop rft r
| FormletTree.Many fts ->
let rec iloop ii rr =
if ii < fts.Length then
let rr = loop fts.[ii] rr
iloop (ii + 1) rr
iloop 0 r
| FormletTree.Adorner (fe, _) -> add inputColumn fe r
| FormletTree.Label (fe, ft) ->
add labelColumn fe r |> ignore // Preserve row
loop ft r
| FormletTree.Tag (_, ft) -> loop ft r
loop ft 0 |> ignore
type StackElement (o : Orientation) =
inherit StackPanel (Orientation = o)
let adorned = AdornedGrid ()
member x.Adorned = adorned
member x.ClearAdorned () = clearChildren adorned
member x.SetAdorned ft = adorned.SetAdorned ft
interface IAdornerFormletElement
type GridElement () =
inherit Grid ()
let adorned = AdornedGrid ()
member x.Adorned = adorned
member x.ClearAdorned () = clearChildren adorned
member x.SetAdorned ft = adorned.SetAdorned ft
interface IAdornerFormletElement
type BorderElement () =
inherit Border ()
let adorned = AdornedGrid ()
member x.Adorned = adorned
member x.ClearAdorned () = clearChildren adorned
member x.SetAdorned ft = adorned.SetAdorned ft
interface IAdornerFormletElement
type BuzyElement () as be =
inherit FrameworkElement ()
static let animation =
let a = DoubleAnimation (1., 0., TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.5 |> Duration)
a.RepeatBehavior <- RepeatBehavior.Forever
a.Freeze ()
static let count = 12
static let color = Colors.Black
static let brush i =
let ratio = float i / float count
let brush = SolidColorBrush color
brush.Opacity <- 0.
let transform cx cy o=
let m = Matrix.Identity
m.Translate (o, 0.)
m.Rotate (ratio * 360.)
m.Translate (cx, cy)
MatrixTransform m
let opacity o =
brush.Opacity <- (o + ratio) % 1.
brush, transform, opacity
static let textBrush =
let b = SolidColorBrush (color, Opacity = 0.75)
b.Freeze ()
static let typeFace = Typeface (FontFamily "Calibri", FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal)
let brushes = Array.init count brush
let mutable buzyText = "Please wait..."
let formattedText sz = FormattedText (buzyText, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeFace, sz, textBrush)
let loaded e =
be.BeginAnimation (Properties.ClockProperty, animation)
let unloaded e =
be.BeginAnimation (Properties.ClockProperty, null)
be.Margin <- Thickness 4.
be.Loaded.Add loaded
be.Unloaded.Add unloaded
member x.BuzyText
with get () = buzyText
and set v =
if buzyText <> v then
buzyText <- v
x.InvalidateVisual ()
override x.OnPropertyChanged e =
base.OnPropertyChanged e
if e.Property = Properties.ClockProperty then
if x.IsLoaded && x.Visibility = Visibility.Visible then
let v = e.NewValue :?> float
for _, _, opacity in brushes do
opacity v
override x.OnRender ctx =
let cx = x.ActualWidth
let cy = x.ActualHeight
let xy = min cx cy
if xy > 0. then
let ft = formattedText xy
let off = xy / 4.
let w = xy / 4.
let bw = 2.* (off + w)
let sw = 8.
let tw = ft.Width
let fw = min cx (bw + sw + tw)
let bh = bw
let th = ft.Height
let fh = min cy (max bh th)
let ox = (cx - fw) / 2.
let oy = (cy - fh) / 2.
let h2 = w / 5. / 2.
let r = Rect (0., -h2, w, 2.*h2)
for brush, transform, _ in brushes do
ctx.PushTransform (transform (ox + bw / 2.) (oy + bw / 2.) off)
ctx.DrawRectangle (brush, null, r)
ctx.Pop ()
ctx.DrawText (ft, Point (ox + bw + sw, (cy - th) / 2.))
interface IFormletElement
type CheckElement () as ce =
inherit CheckBox ()
ce.Margin <- elementMargin
ce.IsChecked <- Nullable<bool> false
member val Rebuild = doNothing with get, set
member x.Label
with get () : string = downcast x.Content
and set (v : string) = x.Content <- v
override x.OnChecked e =
base.OnChecked e
x.Rebuild ()
override x.OnUnchecked e =
base.OnUnchecked e
x.Rebuild ()
interface IFormletElement
type ChoiceElement<'T> () as ce =
inherit ComboBox ()
let mutable choices : (string*'T) [] = [||]
ce.Margin <- elementMargin
member val Rebuild = doNothing with get, set
member x.Choice =
let i = clamp x.SelectedIndex 0 (choices.Length - 1)
let _, choice = choices.[i]
member x.SetChoices i cs =
if notsame choices cs then
choices <- cs
x.Items.Clear ()
for t, _ in cs do
x.Items.Add t |> ignore
x.SelectedIndex <- clamp i 0 (choices.Length - 1)
override x.OnSelectionChanged e =
base.OnSelectionChanged e
x.Rebuild ()
interface IFormletElement
type FormElement<'T> (onSubmit : 'T -> unit, f : Formlet<'T>) as fe =
inherit BorderElement ()
let mutable ft = FormletTree.Empty
// TODO: Make sure we don't double dispatch Rebuilds
let post (a : unit -> unit) : unit =
let a = Action a
let d : Delegate = upcast a
fe.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke (Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, d) |> ignore
let rec rebuildAndCollect () =
fe.ClearAdorned ()
let fc = WpfFormletContext (postRebuild, postSubmit, postReset, repo)
let tfr = f.Run (fc, [], ft)
ft <- tfr.FormletTree
fe.SetAdorned ft
// We must wait to update error adorners till after we setup the visual tree
let rec loop t =
match t with
| FormletTree.Empty -> ()
| FormletTree.Leaf fe -> updateErrorAdorner fe
| FormletTree.Fork (lft, rft) -> loop lft; loop rft
| FormletTree.Many fts ->
let rec iloop ii =
if ii < fts.Length then
let rr = loop fts.[ii]
iloop (ii + 1)
iloop 0
| FormletTree.Adorner (fe, ft)-> updateErrorAdorner fe; loop ft
| FormletTree.Label (fe, ft) -> updateErrorAdorner fe; loop ft
| FormletTree.Tag (_, ft) -> loop ft
loop ft
match tfr.CollectFailureTree with
| CollectFailureTree.Empty -> Some tfr.Value
| _ -> None
and rebuild () =
rebuildAndCollect () |> ignore
and submit () =
match rebuildAndCollect () with
| Some v -> onSubmit v
| _ -> ()
and reset () =
ft <- FormletTree.Empty
rebuild ()
and postRebuild () = post rebuild
and postSubmit () = post submit
and postReset () = post reset
and repo = TaskRepository postRebuild
let loaded v = postRebuild ()
fe.Loaded.Add loaded
fe.Child <- fe.Adorned
type GroupElement () as ge =
inherit GridElement ()
let label =
let label = TextBlock ()
label.Background <- Brushes.White
label.HorizontalAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Left
label.VerticalAlignment <- VerticalAlignment.Top
label.RenderTransform <- TranslateTransform (6., -8.)
let border =
let border = Border ()
border.BorderThickness <- Thickness 2.
border.Padding <- Thickness 4.
border.CornerRadius <- CornerRadius 4.
border.BorderBrush <- Brushes.LightBlue
border.Child <- ge.Adorned
ge.Margin <- Thickness (0., 8., 0., 2.)
addChild ge border
addChild ge label
member x.Label
with get () = label.Text
and set v = label.Text <- v
type LabelElement () as le =
inherit TextBlock ()
le.Margin <- Thickness (2., 2., 8., 0.)
interface ILabelFormletElement
type ListElementListBoxItem () as lbi =
inherit ListBoxItem ()
let adorned = AdornedGrid ()
lbi.Content <- adorned
lbi.HorizontalContentAlignment <- HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
member x.Adorned = adorned
member x.ClearAdorned () = clearChildren adorned
member x.SetAdorned ft = adorned.SetAdorned ft
type ListElementListBox () as lb =
inherit ListBox ()
lb.SelectionMode <- SelectionMode.Single
KeyboardNavigation.SetTabNavigation (lb, KeyboardNavigationMode.Local)
override x.GetContainerForItemOverride () =
upcast ListElementListBoxItem ()
type ListElementAction =
| Append
| Remove of int
type ListElement () as le =
inherit StackPanel (Orientation = Orientation.Vertical)
let items = ListElementListBox ()
let actions = ResizeArray<ListElementAction> 16
let append =
let click _ = actions.Add ListElementAction.Append; le.Rebuild ()
button "_Append" click
let remove =
let click _ =
let i = items.SelectedIndex
if i > -1 then
actions.Add (ListElementAction.Remove i)
le.Rebuild ()
button "_Remove" click
let buttons = StackPanel (Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal)
addChild buttons append
addChild buttons remove
addChild le buttons
addChild le items
member x.Actions = actions
member val Rebuild = doNothing with get, set
member x.SetAdornedHeight (h : float) =
items.Height <- h
member x.SetManyAdorned (fts : FormletTree []) =
let items = items.Items
let lbis = Array.zeroCreate items.Count
let rec iloop i =
if i < lbis.Length then
lbis.[i] <- items.[i] :?> ListElementListBoxItem
iloop (i + 1)
iloop 0
let rec cloop i =
if i < lbis.Length then
let lbi = lbis.[i]
lbi.ClearAdorned ()
cloop (i + 1)
cloop 0
let l = min fts.Length lbis.Length
let rec sloop i =
if i < l then
let ft = fts.[i]
let lbi = lbis.[i]
lbi.SetAdorned ft
sloop (i + 1)
sloop 0
if fts.Length < lbis.Length then
let rec rloop () =
if fts.Length < items.Count then
items.RemoveAt (items.Count - 1)
rloop ()
rloop ()
elif lbis.Length < fts.Length then
let rec aloop i =
if i < fts.Length then
let ft = fts.[i]
let lbi = ListElementListBoxItem ()
lbi.SetAdorned ft
items.Add lbi |> ignore
aloop (i + 1)
aloop lbis.Length
interface IAdornerFormletElement
type TextElement () as te =
inherit TextBox ()
let mutable v = ""
let rebuild () =
let t = te.Text
if v <> t then
v <- t
te.Rebuild ()
te.Margin <- elementMargin
member val Rebuild = doNothing with get, set
override x.OnKeyUp e =
base.OnKeyUp e
match e.Key with
| Input.Key.Enter
| Input.Key.Return -> rebuild ()
| _ -> ()
override x.OnLostFocus e =
base.OnLostFocus e
rebuild ()
interface IFormletElement
type SubmitElement () as se =
inherit StackElement (Orientation.Vertical)
let button c onclick =
let b = Button ()
b.Margin <- Thickness 2.
b.Padding <- Thickness (12., 2., 12., 2.)
b.Content <- c
b.Click.Add onclick
let submit =
let b = button "_Submit" (fun _ -> se.Submit ())
b.IsDefault <- true
let reset = button "_Reset" (fun _ -> se.Reset ())
let errors =
let tb = TextBox ()
tb.VerticalScrollBarVisibility <- ScrollBarVisibility.Visible
tb.MaxLines <- 6
tb.IsReadOnly <- true
tb.BorderThickness <- Thickness ()
let border = Border ()
border.BorderThickness <- Thickness 2.
border.Padding <- Thickness 2.
border.CornerRadius <- CornerRadius 4.
border.BorderBrush <- Brushes.Gray
let grid = Grid ()
addGridRow grid auto
addGridColumn grid auto
addGridColumn grid star1
let buttons = StackPanel (Orientation = Orientation.Vertical)
addChild buttons submit
addChild buttons reset
addGridChild grid 0 0 1 1 buttons
addGridChild grid 1 0 1 1 errors
border.Child <- grid
addChild se border
addChild se se.Adorned
member val Submit = doNothing with get, set
member val Reset = doNothing with get, set
member x.FailureTree
with set (cft : CollectFailureTree) : unit =
match cft with
| CollectFailureTree.Empty ->
submit.IsEnabled <- true
errors.Text <- "Ready to submit!"
| _ ->
submit.IsEnabled <- false
let fs = cft.Flatten ()
let sb = Text.StringBuilder 16
let app (s : string) = sb.Append s |> ignore
app "Please correct before submitting: "
for (p, f) in fs do
app "\n§ "
match p with
| [] -> app f
| _ ->
let rec loop = function
| p::ps -> app p; app ":"; loop ps
| _ -> ()
loop (p |> List.rev)
app " "
app f
errors.Text <- sb.ToString ()
module Input =
open Elements
let buzy (h : float) (t : string) (v : 'T) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te = ft.GetLeaf<BuzyElement> defaultCtor
te.BuzyText <- t
te.Height <- h
success v (FormletTree.Leaf te)
// choice creates a ComboBox Formlet that produces different values depending on the
// state of the ComboBox
let choice (initial : int) (choices : (string*'T) []) : Formlet<'T> =
if choices.Length = 0 then
failwith "choice requires non-empty choices input"
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te = ft.GetLeaf<ChoiceElement<'T>> defaultCtor
te.SetChoices initial choices
te.Rebuild <- fc.Rebuild
let tv = te.Choice
success tv (FormletTree.Leaf te)
// check creates a CheckBox Formlet that produces 2 different values depending on the
// state of the CheckBox
let check (l : string) (notCheckedValue : 'T) (checkedValue : 'T) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te = ft.GetLeaf<CheckElement> defaultCtor
te.Label <- l
te.Rebuild <- fc.Rebuild
let tv =
if te.IsChecked.HasValue && te.IsChecked.Value then
success tv (FormletTree.Leaf te)
// text creates a simple textbox input
let text (initial : string) : Formlet<string> =
let ctor () =
let te = TextElement ()
te.Text <- initial
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te = ft.GetLeaf<TextElement> ctor
te.Rebuild <- fc.Rebuild
let tv = te.Text
success tv (FormletTree.Leaf te)
// integer creates a simple textbox input that accept integer input
let integer (initial : int option) : Formlet<int option> =
let ctor () =
let te = TextElement ()
te.Text <-
match initial with
| Some i -> i.ToString ()
| None -> ""
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te = ft.GetLeaf<TextElement> ctor
te.Rebuild <- fc.Rebuild
let tv = te.Text
let tb, tv = System.Int32.TryParse tv
if tb then
success (Some tv) (FormletTree.Leaf te)
success None (FormletTree.Leaf te)
module EnhanceWith =
open Elements
// errorVisualizer adds an error adorner to the FormletElement if a validation
// error is detected during Collect
let errorVisualizer (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
setCollectFailureTree tfr.FormletTree.FormletElement tfr.CollectFailureTree
// form creates a Form around the input Formlet
// onSubmit will be called when the user clicks the submit button
let form (onSubmit : 'T -> unit) (t : Formlet<'T>) : System.Windows.FrameworkElement =
let f = FormElement (onSubmit, t)
upcast f
// group adds a label and a group border around the input Formlet
// The label will be added to the vailidation failure path
let group (l : string) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te, tft = ft.GetAdorner<GroupElement> defaultCtor
te.Label <- l
let tfr = t.Run (fc, l::p, tft)
te.SetAdorned tfr.FormletTree
tfr.ChangeFormletTree (FormletTree.Adorner (te, tfr.FormletTree))
// label adds a label to the input Formlet
// The label will be added to the vailidation failure path
let label (l : string) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te, tft = ft.GetLabel<LabelElement> defaultCtor
te.Text <- l
let tfr = t.Run (fc, l::p, tft)
tfr.ChangeFormletTree (FormletTree.Label (te, tfr.FormletTree))
// list adds a ListBox around the input Formlet
// TODO: list isn't fully done yet
// Validator doesn't trigger on first append
// Validator path is same for all list items
// Seems to flicker when clicking around
// Scrolls a full item
// Hard to differentiate between different items (use int -> Formlet<'T>)
let list (h : float) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T []> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te, tft = ft.GetAdorner<ListElement> defaultCtor
te.Rebuild <- fc.Rebuild
te.SetAdornedHeight h
let fts = tft.GetMany ()
let rafts = ResizeArray<FormletTree> fts
let actions = te.Actions
let rec loop i =
if i < actions.Count then
let action = actions.[i]
match action with
| ListElementAction.Append ->
rafts.Add FormletTree.Empty
| ListElementAction.Remove i ->
if i < rafts.Count then
rafts.RemoveAt i
loop (i + 1)
loop 0
actions.Clear ()
let nvs = Array.zeroCreate rafts.Count
let nfts = Array.zeroCreate rafts.Count
let rec loop (ncft : CollectFailureTree) i =
if i < rafts.Count then
let ft = rafts.[i]
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
nvs.[i] <- tfr.Value
nfts.[i]<- tfr.FormletTree
loop (ncft.Join tfr.CollectFailureTree) (i + 1)
let ncft = loop CollectFailureTree.Empty 0
te.SetManyAdorned nfts
result nvs ncft (FormletTree.Adorner (te, (FormletTree.Many nfts)))
// submit creates a "complex" UI that has submit && reset buttons as well
// as showing the validation errors
let submit (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let te, tft = ft.GetAdorner<SubmitElement> defaultCtor
te.Submit <- fc.Submit
te.Reset <- fc.Reset
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, tft)
te.FailureTree <- tfr.CollectFailureTree
te.SetAdorned tfr.FormletTree
tfr.ChangeFormletTree (FormletTree.Adorner (te, tfr.FormletTree))
module MakeElement =
open System.Windows
// disabled disables a FormletElement
let disabled (disabledValue : 'T) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
match tfr.FormletTree.FormletElement with
| :? UIElement as ui -> ui.IsEnabled <- false
ui.Opacity <- 0.5
| _ -> ()
success disabledValue tfr.FormletTree
// enabled enables a FormletElement, useful together with disable that disables a FormletElement.
// As the UI state is preserved the disabling is also preserved. enable makes sure the element is enabled again
let enabled (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
match tfr.FormletTree.FormletElement with
| :? UIElement as ui -> ui.IsEnabled <- true
ui.Opacity <- 1.
| _ -> ()
// hidden hides a FormletElement, useful when one likes to preserve
// UI state but not showing the UI element
let hidden (hiddenValue : 'T) (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
match tfr.FormletTree.FormletElement with
| :? UIElement as ui -> ui.Visibility <- Visibility.Collapsed
| _ -> ()
success hiddenValue tfr.FormletTree
// visible displays a FormletElement, useful together with hide that hides a FormletElement.
// As the UI state is preserved the hiding is also preserved. show makes sure the element is visible
let visible (t : Formlet<'T>) : Formlet<'T> =
Formlet <| fun (fc, p, ft) ->
let tfr = t.Run (fc, p, ft)
match tfr.FormletTree.FormletElement with
| :? UIElement as ui -> ui.Visibility <- Visibility.Visible
| _ -> ()
module FormletWindow =
open FormletLibrary
open FormletLibrary.Wpf
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
let start (f : Formlet<'T>) =
let w = Window ()
let onSubmit v = MessageBox.Show (w, sprintf "%A" v, "Submitted") |> ignore
let form = f |> EnhanceWith.form onSubmit
let sw = ScrollViewer ()
sw.LayoutTransform<- ScaleTransform (2., 2.)
sw.Padding <- Thickness 4.
sw.Content <- form
w.MinWidth <- 800.
w.MinHeight <- 600.
w.Title <- "Formlets are cool!"
w.Content <- sw
w.ShowDialog () |> ignore
module FormletSample =
open FormletLibrary
open FormletLibrary.Infixes
open FormletLibrary.Wpf
type Address =
CarryOver : string
Street : string
Zip : string
City : string
County : string
Country : string
static member Zero = { CarryOver = ""; Street = ""; Zip = ""; City = ""; County = ""; Country = "" }
static member New carryOver street zip city county country =
{ Address.Zero with
CarryOver = carryOver
Street = street
Zip = zip
City = city
County = county
Country = country
type Person =
FirstName : string
LastName : string
SocialNo : string
static member Zero = { FirstName = ""; LastName = ""; SocialNo = "" }
static member New firstName lastName socialNo =
{ Person.Zero with
FirstName = firstName
LastName = lastName
SocialNo = socialNo
type Company =
Name : string
CompanyNo : string
TaxNo : string
static member Zero = { Name = ""; CompanyNo = ""; TaxNo = "" }
static member New name companyNo taxNo =
{ Company.Zero with
Name = name
CompanyNo = companyNo
TaxNo = taxNo
type CustomerKind =
| Person of Person
| Company of Company
static member Zero = Person Person.Zero
type Customer =
Kind : CustomerKind
InvoiceAddress : Address
DeliveryAddress : Address option
static member Zero = { Kind = CustomerKind.Zero; InvoiceAddress = Address.Zero; DeliveryAddress = None }
let customerFormlet =
// labeled is a labeled textbox with some validation
let inline labeled l v = Input.text "" |> v |> EnhanceWith.errorVisualizer |> EnhanceWith.label l
let any l = labeled l <| id
let notEmpty l = labeled l <| Ensure.notEmpty
let socialNo = labeled "Social No" <| Ensure.usingRegEx @"^\d{6}-\d{4}$" "Social No must look like: YYMMDD-XXXX"
let companyNo = labeled "Company No" <| Ensure.usingRegEx @"^\d{6}$" "Company No must look like: 123456"
let taxNo = labeled "Tax No" <| Ensure.usingRegEx @"^MVA\d{6}$" "Tax No must look like: MVA123456"
// A "simple" formlet collect address info
let address l =
Formlet.return_ Address.New
<&> any "C/O"
<&> notEmpty "Street"
<&> notEmpty "Zip"
<&> notEmpty "City"
<&> any "County"
<&> notEmpty "Country"
|> l
let invoiceAddress = address "Invoice Address"
// A "simple" formlet collect person info
let person =
Formlet.return_ Person.New
<&> notEmpty "First name"
<&> notEmpty "Last name"
<&> socialNo
|>> CustomerKind.Person
|> "Person"
// A "simple" formlet collect company info
let company =
Formlet.return_ Company.New
<&> notEmpty "Name"
<&> companyNo
<&> taxNo
|>> CustomerKind.Company
|> "Company"
// A "cool" formlet that uses the mustSelect to select either the person/company
// formlet and then collect it to produce the value we are actually interested in
let kind =
Input.choice 0 [|"Person", person; "Company", company|]
|> Formlet.join
// Delivery address is optional
let deliveryAddress =
let f = address "Delivery Address" |>> Some
let disabled = f |> MakeElement.disabled None
let enabled = f |> MakeElement.enabled
Input.check "Use separate delivery address" disabled enabled
|> Formlet.join
let customer =
formlet {
let! kind = kind
let! invoiceAddress = invoiceAddress
let! deliveryAddress = deliveryAddress
{ Customer.Zero with
Kind = kind
InvoiceAddress = invoiceAddress
DeliveryAddress = deliveryAddress
} |> EnhanceWith.submit
module FormletListDemo =
open FormletLibrary
open FormletLibrary.Infixes
open FormletLibrary.Wpf
let l i = Input.text "" |> Ensure.notEmpty |> EnhanceWith.errorVisualizer |> EnhanceWith.label i
let f =
Formlet.return_ (fun co s z c o y -> co, s, z, c, o , y)
<&> l "C/O"
<&> l "Street"
<&> l "Zip"
<&> l "City"
<&> l "County"
<&> l "Country"
let demoFormlet =
formlet {
let! t0 = f |> EnhanceWith.list 400.
return t0
} |> EnhanceWith.submit
module FormletDemo =
open System.Threading.Tasks
open FormletLibrary
open FormletLibrary.Infixes
open FormletLibrary.Wpf
let demoFormlet () =
let task = (Task.Delay 2000).ContinueWith (fun _ -> 3)
let buzy v = Input.buzy 24. "Please wait for data..." v |> Ensure.failWith "Wait for data"
formlet {
let! i0 = Formlet.taskResult task
let! t0 =
match i0 with
| Some i0 -> Formlet.generate i0 (fun i -> Input.integer None)
| None -> buzy [||]
return i0, t0
} |> EnhanceWith.submit
open System
FormletWindow.start FormletSample.customerFormlet
let main argv =
// FormletWindow.start FormletSample.customerFormlet
// FormletWindow.start FormletListDemo.demoFormlet
FormletWindow.start <| FormletDemo.demoFormlet ()
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