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Created January 7, 2023 15:31
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Dealing with push/pop and C openarray wrapper
# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
import std/macros
# ############################################################
# Binding utilities
# ############################################################
# Flag parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------
type Flag*[E: enum] = distinct cint
func flag*[E: enum](e: varargs[E]): Flag[E] {.inline.} =
## Enum should only have power of 2 fields
# static:
# for val in E:
# assert (ord(val) and (ord(val) - 1)) == 0, "Enum values should all be power of 2, found " &
# $val & " with value " & $ord(val) & "."
var flags = 0
for val in e:
flags = flags or ord(val)
result = Flag[E](flags)
# Macros
# ------------------------------------------------------------
proc replaceSymsByIdents*(ast: NimNode): NimNode =
proc inspect(node: NimNode): NimNode =
case node.kind:
of {nnkIdent, nnkSym}:
return ident($node)
of nnkEmpty:
return node
of nnkLiterals:
return node
of nnkHiddenStdConv:
if node[1].kind == nnkIntLit:
return node[1]
expectKind(node[1], nnkSym)
return ident($node[1])
of nnkConv: # type conversion needs to be replaced by a function call in untyped AST
var rTree = nnkCall.newTree()
for child in node:
rTree.add inspect(child)
return rTree
var rTree = node.kind.newTree()
for child in node:
rTree.add inspect(child)
return rTree
result = inspect(ast)
macro replacePragmasByInline(procAst: typed): untyped =
## Replace pragmas by the inline pragma
## We need a separate "typed" macro
## so that it is executed after the {.push mypragma.} calls
var params: seq[NimNode]
for i in 0 ..< procAst.params.len:
params.add procAst.params[i]
result = newStmtList()
# The push cdecl is applied multiple times :/, so fight push with push
result.add nnkPragma.newTree(ident"push", ident"nimcall", ident"inline")
result.add newProc(
name =,
params = params,
body = procAst.body.replaceSymsByIdents(),
procType = nnkProcDef,
pragmas = nnkPragma.newTree(ident"inline", ident"nimcall")
result.add nnkPragma.newTree(ident"pop")
macro wrapOpenArrayLenType*(ty: typedesc, procAst: untyped): untyped =
## Wraps pointer+len library calls in properly typed and converted openArray calls
## ```
## {.push cdecl.}
## proc foo*(r: int, a: openArray[CustomType], b: int) {.wrapOpenArrayLenType: uint32, importc: "foo", dynlib: "".}
## {.pop.}
## ```
## is transformed into
## ```
## proc foo(r: int, a: ptr CustomType, aLen: uint32, b: int) {.cdecl, importc: "foo", dynlib: "".}
## proc foo*(r: int, a: openArray[CustomType], b: int) {.inline.} =
## foo(r, a[0].unsafeAddr, a.len.uint32, b)
## ```
let suffix = "Lib"
wrappeeParams = @[procAst.params[0]]
wrapperParams = @[procAst.params[0]]
wrapperBody = newCall(ident($ & suffix))
for i in 1 ..< procAst.params.len:
if procAst.params[i][^2].kind == nnkBracketExpr and procAst.params[i][^2][0].eqident"openarray":
procAst.params[i].expectLen(3) # prevent `proc foo(a, b: openArray[int])`
wrappeeParams.add newIdentDefs(
ident($procAst.params[i][0] & "Ptr"),
wrappeeParams.add newIdentDefs(
ident($procAst.params[i][0] & "Len"),
wrapperParams.add procAst.params[i]
wrapperBody.add newCall(
newLit 0
wrapperBody.add newCall(ty, newCall(bindSym"len", ident($procAst.params[i][0])))
wrappeeParams.add procAst.params[i]
wrapperParams.add procAst.params[i]
# Handle "a, b: int"
for j in 0 ..< procAst.params[i].len - 2:
wrapperBody.add ident($procAst.params[i][j])
let wrappee = newProc(
name = ident($ & suffix), # Remove export marker if any
params = wrappeeParams,
body = procAst.body.copyNimTree(),
procType = nnkProcDef,
pragmas = procAst.pragma
let wrapper = newProc(
name = procAst[0], # keep export marker if any
params = wrapperParams,
body = newStmtList(procAst.body.copyNimTree(), wrapperBody), # original procAst body can contain comments that we copy
procType = nnkProcDef,
pragmas = nnkPragma.newTree(bindSym"replacePragmasByInline") # pragmas are for the wrappee
result = newStmtList(wrappee, wrapper)
when isMainModule:
{.push cdecl.}
proc foo(x: int, a: openArray[uint32], name: cstring) {.wrapOpenArrayLenType: cuint.} =
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