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Created August 12, 2022 13:02
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# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Standard library
std/[macros, algorithm],
# Internal
# ############################################################
# Assembly implementation of finite fields
# ############################################################
# Note: We can refer to at most 30 registers in inline assembly
# and "InputOutput" registers count double
# They are nice to let the compiler deals with mov
# but too constraining so we move things ourselves.
static: doAssert UseASM_X86_64
{.localPassC:"-madx -mbmi2".}
# Necessary for the compiler to find enough registers (enabled at -O1)
# Montgomery Multiplication
# ------------------------------------------------------------
macro montMul_CIOS_sparebit_adx_bmi2_gen[N: static int](
t_EIR: var Limbs[N], a_PIR, b_PIR, M_PIR: Limbs[N], m0ninv_REG: BaseType): untyped =
## Generate an optimized Montgomery Multiplication kernel
## using the CIOS method
## This requires the most significant word of the Modulus
## M[^1] < high(SecretWord) shr 2 (i.e. less than 0b00111...1111)
# No register spilling handling
doAssert N in {2..6}, "The Assembly-optimized montgomery multiplication requires at [2, 6] limbs."
result = newStmtList()
var ctx = init(Assembler_x86, BaseType)
# We could force M as immediate by specializing per moduli
a = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = a_PIR, N, PointerInReg, Input)
b = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = b_PIR, N, PointerInReg, Input)
M = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = M_PIR, N, PointerInReg, Input)
# If N is too big, we need to spill registers. TODO.
t = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = t_EIR, N, ElemsInReg, Output_EarlyClobber)
# MULX requires RDX as well
m0ninv = Operand(
desc: OperandDesc(
asmId: "[m0ninv]",
nimSymbol: m0ninv_REG,
rm: MemOffsettable, # TODO, should be Register
constraint: Input,
cEmit: "&" & $m0ninv_REG
# Rolling workspace
var w = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = ident"w", 2, ElemsInReg, InputOutput_EnsureClobber)
# Fixed sctachspace
var s = init(OperandArray, nimSymbol = ident"s", 2, ElemsInReg, InputOutput_EnsureClobber)
# It is likely that 80% of cryptographic code
# is spent in Montgomery multiplication.
# Improving it by some % has an immediate impact on everything.
# Registers used:
# - 1 for `a`
# - 1 for `b`
# - 1 for `M`
# - 6 for `t` (assuming 6 limbs)
# - 2 for `w` (rolling workspace)
# - 2 for `s` (fixed scratchspace)
# - 1 for RDX to hold the multiplier for MULX
# - 1 for RAX for carries
# Total 15 out of 16
# + RSP reserved by the compiler for the stack pointer
# We can save 1 by hardcoding M as immediate (and m0ninv)
# but this prevent reusing the same code for multiple curves like BLS12-377 and BLS12-381
# We might be able to save registers by having `r` and `M` be memory operand as well
let wsym = w.nimSymbol
let ssym = s.nimSymbol
result.add quote do:
var `wsym` {.noInit.}: Limbs[2]
var `ssym` {.noInit.}: Limbs[2]
# Algorithm
# -----------------------------------------
# for i=0 to N-1
# for j=0 to N-1
# (A,t[j]) := t[j] + a[j]*b[i] + A
# m := t[0]*m0ninv mod W
# C,_ := t[0] + m*M[0]
# for j=1 to N-1
# (C,t[j-1]) := t[j] + m*M[j] + C
# t[N-1] = C + A
# The workspace is used to prefetch
# a[j] and M[j]
# They will be stored in a set of rolling registers
# for 6 limbs
# [a₀, a₁, a₂, a₃, a₄, a₅, M₀, M₁, M₂, M₃, M₄, M₅]
var prefetch: seq[Operand]
for i in 0 ..< N: prefetch.add a[i]
for i in 0 ..< N: prefetch.add M[i]
# First iteration rdx, b[0]
# Prefetch the first 4 limbs
# w = [a₀, a₁]
# prefetch = [a₂, a₃, a₄, a₅, M₀, M₁, M₂, M₃, M₄, M₅, a₀, a₁]
for i in 0 ..< w.len: w[i], prefetch[0]
template rollWorkspace(): untyped =
w.rotateLeft() w[w.len-1], prefetch[0] # Physical roll
# Carries for the multiplication step.
# and extra workspace, usually containing zero
hiM = s[0]
z = s[1]
for i in 0 ..< N:
# Multiplication by a single word
# -------------------------------
# for j=0 to N-1
# (A,t[j]) := t[j] + a[j]*b[i] + A
ctx.comment " Outer loop i = " & $i & ", j in [0, " & $N & ")"
ctx.`xor` z, z # Reset carry flags and zero z
for j in 0 ..< N-1:
ctx.comment " (A,t[j]) := t[j] + a[j]*b[i] + A with i = " & $i & ", j = " & $j
if i == 0 and j == 0:
ctx.mulx t[1], t[0], w[0], rdx
elif i == 0:
ctx.mulx t[j+1], rax, w[0], rdx
if j == 1:
ctx.add t[j], rax
ctx.adc t[j], rax
if j != 0:
ctx.adcx t[j], hiM
ctx.mulx hiM, rax, w[0], rdx
ctx.adox t[j], hiM
ctx.comment " Preload j+2 step"
# Prefetch for reduction step rdx, t[0]
ctx.comment "Final carries"
if i == 0:
ctx.adc hiM, 0
ctx.adcx z, hiM # z is 0
ctx.adox hiM, z
# Reduction
# ---------
# m := t[0]*m0ninv mod W
# C,_ := t[0] + m*M[0]
# for j=1 to N-1
# (C,t[j-1]) := t[j] + m*M[j] + C
# t[N-1] = C + A
# w = [M₀, M₁]
# prefetch = [M₂, M₃, M₄, M₅, a₀, a₁, a₂, a₃, a₄, a₅, M₀, M₁]
# m = t[0] * m0ninv mod 2ʷ
ctx.comment " Reduction"
ctx.comment " m = t[0] * m0ninv mod 2ʷ"
ctx.imul rdx, m0ninv
# Clear carry flags and zero z
ctx.`xor` z, z
# C,_ := t[0] + m*M[0]
ctx.comment " C,_ := t[0] + m*M[0]"
ctx.mulx z, rax, w[0], rdx
# Prefetch
ctx.adcx rax, t[0] # set the carry flag for the future ADCX t[0], z z, 0 # zero z without upsetting the carry flag
# for j=1 to N-1
# (S,t[j-1]) := t[j] + m*M[j] + S
ctx.comment " for j=1 to N-1"
ctx.comment " (S,t[j-1]) := t[j] + m*M[j] + S"
for j in 1 ..< N:
ctx.adcx t[j-1], t[j]
ctx.mulx t[j], rax, w[0], rdx
ctx.adox t[j-1], rax
# Prefetch next iteration
if i+1 < N: rdx, b[i+1]
# Last carries
# t[N-1] = A + C
ctx.comment " Reduction carry "
ctx.adcx hiM, z # z is zero
ctx.adox t[N-1], hiM
# w = [a₀, a₁]
# prefetch = [a₂, a₃, a₄, a₅, M₀, M₁, M₂, M₃, M₄, M₅, a₀, a₁]
# --------------------------
result.add ctx.generate
func montMul_CIOS_sparebit_asm_adx_bmi2*(r: var Limbs, a, b, M: Limbs, m0ninv: BaseType) =
## Constant-time modular multiplication
## Requires the prime modulus to have a spare bit in the representation. (Hence if using 64-bit words and 4 words, to be at most 255-bit)
var t{.noInit.}: typeof(r)
montMul_CIOS_sparebit_adx_bmi2_gen(t, a, b, M, m0ninv)
# Map from [0, 2p) to [0, p)
var scratch{.noInit.}: typeof(r)
r.finalSub_gen(a, M, scratch, mayCarry = false)
# Montgomery Squaring
# ------------------------------------------------------------
func square_asm_adx_bmi2_inline[rLen, aLen: static int](r: var Limbs[rLen], a: Limbs[aLen]) {.inline.} =
## Multi-precision Squaring
## Extra indirection as the generator assumes that
## arrays are pointers, which is true for parameters
## but not for stack variables.
sqrx_gen(r, a)
func montRed_asm_adx_bmi2_inline[N: static int](
r: var array[N, SecretWord],
a: array[N*2, SecretWord],
M: array[N, SecretWord],
m0ninv: BaseType,
hasSpareBit: static bool
) {.inline.} =
## Constant-time Montgomery reduction
## Extra indirection as the generator assumes that
## arrays are pointers, which is true for parameters
## but not for stack variables.
montyRedc2x_adx_gen(r, a, M, m0ninv, hasSpareBit)
func montSquare_CIOS_asm_adx_bmi2*[N](
r: var Limbs[N],
a, M: Limbs[N],
m0ninv: BaseType,
hasSpareBit: static bool) =
## Constant-time modular squaring
var r2x {.noInit.}: Limbs[2*N]
r.montRed_asm_adx_bmi2_inline(r2x, M, m0ninv, hasSpareBit)
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