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Created September 20, 2020 17:26
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Bung's debugging session
import arraymancer
import sequtils
import random
import strformat
# 3.2 LinearRegressionImplementationfromScratch english version.
iterator data_iter[T](batch_size:Natural, features:Tensor[T], labels:Tensor[T]): (Tensor[T],Tensor[T]) =
let num_examples = len(features)
var indices = toSeq(countup(0,num_examples - 1))
for i in countup(0, num_examples - 1 , batch_size):
let j = indices[i: min(i + batch_size, num_examples)]
yield (features.take(j), labels.take(j)) # take batch_size elements in each row.
proc linreg[T](X:Tensor[T], w:Tensor[T], b:T):Tensor[T] =
# linear regression
return X * w +. b
# proc squared_loss[T](y_hat:Tensor[T], y:Tensor[T]):
# # loss function
# return (y_hat - y.reshape(y_hat.shape)) ** 2 / 2
# proc sgd(params, lr, batch_size):
# # Stochastic Batch Gradient Descent, optimization algorithm
# for param in params:
# param[:] = param - lr * param.grad / batch_size
let batch_size = 10
let num_inputs = 2
let num_examples = 1000
let true_w = [2.0'f32,-3.4'f32] # weights
let true_b = 4.2'f32 # bais
let features = randomNormalTensor[float32]([num_examples, num_inputs],std = 1.0'f32)
var labels = true_w[0] * features[_,0] + true_w[1] * features[_,1] +. true_b
# noise
labels += randomNormalTensor[float32]([num_examples,1],std = 0.01'f32)
let ctx = newContext Tensor[float32]
# Create random Tensors to hold inputs and outputs, and wrap them in Variables.
x = ctx.variable(features)
y = labels
batch = num_examples
in_features = num_inputs
out_features = 1
# When not initializing via the network DSL you need requires_grad = true
var w = ctx.variable(
randomNormalTensor[float32]([out_features, in_features],std = 0.01'f32),
requires_grad = true)
var b = ctx.variable(
zeros[float32]([1, out_features]),
requires_grad = true) # Shape [1, out_features], check is good but error message is wrong
# ##################################################################
# Define the model.
network ctx, OneLayersNet:
# layers:
forward x:
model = ctx.init(OneLayersNet)
optim = model.optimizerSGD(learning_rate = 0.03'f32)
# ##################################################################
# Training
for t in 0 ..< 3:
y_pred = model.forward(x)
loss = y_pred.mse_loss(y)
echo &"Epoch {t}: loss {loss.value[0]}"
echo w.value
echo b.value
# epoch 1, loss 0.040643 epoch 2, loss 0.000157 epoch 3, loss 0.000050
# 训练完成后,我们可以比较学到的参数和用来生成训练集的真实参数。它们应该很接近。
# In [13]: true_w, w
# Out[13]: ([2, -3.4], [[ 1.9999995]
# [-3.3997662]] <NDArray 2x1 @cpu(0)>)
# In [14]: true_b, b
# Out[14]: (4.2, [4.1996264]
# <NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>)
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