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Created January 3, 2023 12:59
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Constantine vs GMP on mul
# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# This file should be put in a ./build subfolder of the constantine repo
# Compile with: nim c -r -d:danger build/bench_gmp_mul.nim
# Standard library
std/[macros, times, strutils, monotimes],
# Third-party
# Internal
# Test utilities
echo "\n------------------------------------------------------\n"
# We test up to 1024-bit, more is really slow
macro testSizes(rBits, aBits, bBits, body: untyped): untyped =
## Configure sizes known at compile-time to test against GMP
result = newStmtList()
for size in [256, 384]:
let aBitsVal = size
let bBitsVal = size
let rBitsVal = size * 2
result.add quote do:
const `aBits` = `aBitsVal`
const `bBits` = `bBitsVal`
const `rBits` = `rBitsVal`
const #
GMP_WordLittleEndian {.used.} = -1'i32
GMP_WordNativeEndian {.used.} = 0'i32
GMP_WordBigEndian {.used.} = 1'i32
GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst = 1'i32
GMP_LeastSignificantWordFirst {.used.} = -1'i32
proc main() =
var rng: RngState
let seed = uint32(getTime().toUnix() and (1'i64 shl 32 - 1)) # unixTime mod 2^32
echo "\n------------------------------------------------------\n"
echo "rng xoshiro512** seed: ", seed
echo ""
var r, a, b: mpz_t
testSizes(rBits, aBits, bBits):
# echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Testing: mul r (", align($rBits, 4), "-bit) <- a (", align($aBits, 4), "-bit) * b (", align($bBits, 4), "-bit)"
# Build the bigints
let aTest = rng.random_unsafe(BigInt[aBits])
var bTest = rng.random_unsafe(BigInt[bBits])
# Conversion to GMP
const aLen = (aBits + 7) div 8
const bLen = (bBits + 7) div 8
var aBuf: array[aLen, byte]
var bBuf: array[bLen, byte]
aBuf.marshal(aTest, bigEndian)
bBuf.marshal(bTest, bigEndian)
mpz_import(a, aLen, GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst, 1, GMP_WordNativeEndian, 0, aBuf[0].addr)
mpz_import(b, bLen, GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst, 1, GMP_WordNativeEndian, 0, bBuf[0].addr)
# Multiplication
const NumIters = 1000000
let startGMP = getMonoTime()
for _ in 0 ..< NumIters:
mpz_mul(r, a, b)
let stopGMP = getMonoTime()
echo "GMP (", aBits, "x", bBits, "->", "rBits", " mul: ", float(inNanoseconds((stopGMP-startGMP)))/float(NumIters), " ns"
# If a*b overflow the result size we truncate
const numWords = wordsRequired(rBits)
when numWords < wordsRequired(aBits+bBits):
echo " truncating from ", wordsRequired(aBits+bBits), " words to ", numWords, " (2^", WordBitwidth * numWords, ")"
r.mpz_tdiv_r_2exp(r, WordBitwidth * numWords)
# Constantine
var rTest: BigInt[rBits]
let startCTT = getMonoTime()
for _ in 0 ..< NumIters:, bTest)
let stopCTT = getMonoTime()
echo "Constantine (", aBits, "x", bBits, "->", "rBits", " mul: ", float(inNanoseconds((stopCTT-startCTT)))/float(NumIters), " ns", bTest)
echo ""
# Check
{.push warnings: off.} # deprecated csize
var aW, bW, rW: csize # Word written by GMP
const rLen = numWords * WordBitWidth
var rGMP: array[rLen, byte]
discard mpz_export(rGMP[0].addr, rW.addr, GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst, 1, GMP_WordNativeEndian, 0, r)
var rConstantine: array[rLen, byte]
marshal(rConstantine, rTest, bigEndian)
# Note: in bigEndian, GMP aligns left while constantine aligns right
doAssert rGMP.toOpenArray(0, rW-1) == rConstantine.toOpenArray(rLen-rW, rLen-1), block:
# Reexport as bigEndian for debugging
discard mpz_export(aBuf[0].addr, aW.addr, GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst, 1, GMP_WordNativeEndian, 0, a)
discard mpz_export(bBuf[0].addr, bW.addr, GMP_MostSignificantWordFirst, 1, GMP_WordNativeEndian, 0, b)
"\nMultiplication with operands\n" &
" a (" & align($aBits, 4) & "-bit): " & aBuf.toHex & "\n" &
" b (" & align($bBits, 4) & "-bit): " & bBuf.toHex & "\n" &
"into r of size " & align($rBits, 4) & "-bit failed:" & "\n" &
" GMP: " & rGMP.toHex() & "\n" &
" Constantine: " & rConstantine.toHex() & "\n" &
"(Note that GMP aligns bytes left while constantine aligns bytes right)"
# rng xoshiro512** seed: 1672750680
# Testing: mul r ( 512-bit) <- a ( 256-bit) * b ( 256-bit)
# GMP (256x256->rBits mul: 19.278938 ns
# Constantine (256x256->rBits mul: 4.655892 ns
# Testing: mul r ( 768-bit) <- a ( 384-bit) * b ( 384-bit)
# GMP (384x384->rBits mul: 29.328684 ns
# Constantine (384x384->rBits mul: 11.535646 ns
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