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Created June 28, 2021 13:22
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Debugging chase_lev_deques
# Nim-Taskpools
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# chase_lev_deques.nim
# --------------------
# This file implements a Chase-Lev deque
# This is a single-consumer multi-consumer concurrent queue
# for work-stealing schedulers.
# Papers:
# - Dynamic Circular Work-Stealing Deque
# David Chase, Yossi Lev, 1993
# - Correct and Efficient Work-Stealing for Weak Memory Models
# Nhat Minh Lê, Antoniu Pop, Albert Cohen, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, 2013
# We straight translate the second paper which includes formal proofs of correctness,
# and uses modern C++11 code.
# A Chase-lev dequeue implements the following push, pop, steal.
# top bottom
# ---------------------------------
# | | | | <- push()
# steal() <- | Task 0 | Task 1 | Task 2 | -> pop()
# any thread | | | | owner-only
# ---------------------------------
# To reduce contention, stealing is done on the opposite end from push/pop
# so that there is a race only for the very last task.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[locks, typetraits, atomics],
./instrumentation/[contracts, loggers]
Buf[T] = object
## Backend buffer of a ChaseLevDeque
## `capacity` MUST be a power of 2
capacity: int
mask: int # == capacity-1 implies (i and mask) == (i mod capacity)
rawBuffer: UncheckedArray[Atomic[T]]
ChaseLevDeque*[T] = object
## This implements a lock-free, growable, work-stealing deque.
## The owning thread enqueues and dequeues at the bottom
## Foreign threads steal at the top.
## Default queue size is 8
## Queue can grow to handle up to 34 359 738 368 tasks in flights
## TODO:
## with --gc:arc / --gc:orc, use a seq instead of a fixed max size.
top {.align: 64.}: Atomic[int]
bottom: Atomic[int]
buf: Atomic[ptr Buf[T]]
garbage: array[32, ptr Buf[T]] # up to 34 359 738 368 sized buffer
garbageUsed: uint8
func isPowerOfTwo(n: int): bool {.inline.} =
(n and (n - 1)) == 0 and (n != 0)
proc newBuf(T: typedesc, capacity: int): ptr Buf[T] =
# Tasks have a destructor
# static:
# doAssert supportsCopyMem(T), $T & " must be a (POD) plain-old-data type: no seq, string, ref."
preCondition: capacity.isPowerOfTwo()
result = cast[ptr Buf[T]](
c_malloc(csize_t 2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(T)*capacity)
result.capacity = capacity
result.mask = capacity - 1
proc `[]=`[T](buf: var Buf[T], index: int, item: T) {.inline.} =
log("pushed: task 0x%.08x at logical index %d (physical %d)\n", item, index, index and buf.mask)
buf.rawBuffer[index and buf.mask].store(item, moRelaxed)
proc `[]`[T](buf: var Buf[T], index: int): T {.inline.} =
result = buf.rawBuffer[index and buf.mask].load(moRelaxed)
log("popped: task 0x%.08x at logical index %d (physical %d)\n", result, index, index and buf.mask)
proc grow[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T], buf: var ptr Buf[T], top, bottom: int) {.inline.} =
## Double the buffer size
## bottom is the last item index
## To handle race-conditions the current "top", "bottom" and "buf"
## have to be saved before calling this procedure.
## It reads and writes the "deque.buf", "deque.garbage" and "deque.garbageUsed"
# Read -> Copy -> Update
var tmp = newBuf(T, buf.capacity*2)
for i in top ..< bottom:
tmp[][i] = buf[][i]
# This requires 68+ billions tasks in flight (per-thread)
ascertain: < deque.garbage.len
deque.garbage[deque.garbageUsed] = buf
swap(buf, tmp), moRelaxed)
# Public API
# ---------------------------------------------------
proc init*[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T]) =
## Initializes a new Chase-lev work-stealing deque.
deque.reset(), 8), moRelaxed)
proc teardown*[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T]) =
## Teardown a Chase-lev work-stealing deque.
for i in 0 ..<
proc push*[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T], item: T) =
## Enqueue an item at the bottom
## The item should not be used afterwards.
let # Handle race conditions
b = deque.bottom.load(moRelaxed)
t =
var a = deque.buf.load(moRelaxed)
log("push (before): using %d out of %d (bottom: %d, top: %d)\n", b-t, a.capacity, b, t)
if b-t > a.capacity - 1:
# Full queue
log("push: growing queue %d -> %d (buf: 0x%.08x)\n", a.capacity, a.capacity * 2, a)
deque.grow(a, t, b)
log("push: new queue buf: 0x%.08x\n", a)
a[][b] = item
log("pushed: task 0x%.08x\n", a[][b])
fence(moRelease), moRelaxed)
proc pop*[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T]): T =
## Deque an item at the bottom
let # Handle race conditions
b = deque.bottom.load(moRelaxed) - 1
a = deque.buf.load(moRelaxed), moRelaxed)
var t =
log("pop (before): pending %d out of %d (bottom-1: %d, top: %d)\n", b-t, a.capacity, b, t)
if t <= b:
# Non-empty queue.
result = a[][b]
log("popped: task 0x%.08x\n", result)
if t == b:
# Single last element in queue.
if not compare_exchange(, t, t+1, moSequentiallyConsistent, moRelaxed):
# Failed race.
result = default(T), moRelaxed)
# Empty queue.
result = default(T), moRelaxed)
proc steal*[T](deque: var ChaseLevDeque[T]): T =
## Deque an item at the top
var t =
let b = deque.bottom.load(moAcquire)
result = default(T)
log("steal: pending %d (bottom: %d, top: %d)\n", b-t, b, t)
if t < b:
# Non-empty queue.
let a = deque.buf.load(moConsume)
result = a[][t]
if not compare_exchange(, t, t+1, moSequentiallyConsistent, moRelaxed):
# Failed race.
return default(T)
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