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Created May 10, 2019 09:21
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import hashes, sets, random, sequtils, times
const IntSize = sizeof(int)
proc randomString(len: Natural): string =
result = newString(len)
for c in result.mitems:
c = rand('a'..'z')
proc sum[T](x: seq[T]): T =
foldr(x, a+b)
template multibyteHashImpl(result: Hash, x: typed, start, stop: int) =
var i = start
while i <= stop+1 - IntSize:
let n = cast[ptr int](unsafeAddr x[i])[]
result = result !& n
i += IntSize
while i <= stop:
result = result !& ord(x[i])
inc i
result = !$result
proc newHash*(x: string): Hash =
## Efficient hashing of strings.
## See also:
## * `hashIgnoreStyle <#hashIgnoreStyle,string>`_
## * `hashIgnoreCase <#hashIgnoreCase,string>`_
doAssert hash("abracadabra") != hash("AbracadabrA")
multibyteHashImpl(result, x, 0, high(x))
Amount = 20_000
Repetitions = 48
StringSize = 9
proc hashTesting(wordlist: seq[string], f: proc (x: string): Hash, name: string): float =
collisions = newSeq[int](Repetitions)
highest = newSeq[int](Repetitions)
times = newSeq[float](Repetitions)
for i in 0 ..< Repetitions:
let words = wordList[Amount*i ..< Amount*i+Amount]
var s = initHashSet[int](sets.rightSize(Amount))
var t = cpuTime()
for w in words:
s.incl f(w)
t = cpuTime() - t
times[i] = t
collisions[i] = Amount - s.len
highest[i] = s.toSeq.max
echo "--"
echo name
echo highest.min
echo collisions.sum / collisions.len
echo "max: ", times.max * 1000.0
echo "min: ", times.min * 1000.0
return times.sum / times.len.float * 1000.0
when isMainModule:
let wordlist = newSeqWith(Amount*Repetitions, randomString(StringSize))
echo hashTesting(wordlist, hash, "Old")
echo hashTesting(wordlist, newHash, "New")
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