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Created April 17, 2012 03:38
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Applescript to archive completed Taskpaper tasks to Google Calendar with
-- Archive completed Taskpaper tasks to Google Calendar with
-- First, set up the following recipe at to add completed tasks to your calendar:
-- Then use this Applescript to archive tasks. needs to have the default account match your email
-- Let me know if you have any questions: or @mreidsma
set archivedTasks to ""
tell application "TaskPaper"
tell front document
-- This next section from Stefano F. Rausch's Archive Entries Applescript
-- Make sure there is an archive project
if not (exists project "Archive") then
make project with properties {name:"Archive"} at end
end if
set archive to project named "Archive"
-- This whole function is from Brett Terpstra's excellent Taskpaper to DayOne script
repeat with _task in search with query "project != Archive and @done"
if entry type of _task is not project type then
-- remove common tags that won't matter after archiving
repeat with _tag in {"na", "next", "priority", "waiting"}
if exists (tag named _tag of _task) then delete tag named _tag of _task
end repeat
-- if there's no project tag on the task,
-- add the task's current project as a tag
if not (exists (tag named "project" of _task)) then
tell _task to make tag with properties {name:"project", value:(name of containing project of _task as rich text)}
end if
-- append the full text of the entry, including tags, to our log
set archivedTasks to archivedTasks & "Tasks: " & (text line of _task)
-- archive it
move entry id (id of _task) to beginning of entries of project "Archive"
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
-- Check to see if there were any completed tasks
if archivedTasks is not "" then
-- Send mail to ifttt to archive to calendar
tell application "Mail"
set theNewMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Completed #task", content:archivedTasks, visible:false}
tell theNewMessage
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:""}
end tell
end tell
end if
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I now send these completed tasks to Day One, a great journaling app that lets you export as plain text. I pretty much use the stock script from Brett Terpstra (which I originally modified here)

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