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Last active December 16, 2015 03:59
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Save mrmurphy/5374429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var Artifacts, exports, getDataFromForm;
exports = this;
Artifacts = new Meteor.Collection("artifacts");
exports.Artifacts = Artifacts;
/* Global convenience functions
getDataFromForm = function(formID) {
var retobj;
retobj = {};
$("" + formID + " > *").each(function() {
var field;
field = $(this);
if (!!field.val() && field.val() !== "Filter by Type") {
return retobj[field.attr('id')] = field.val();
return retobj;
/* Set up page forwarding
if (Meteor.isClient) {
"/": {
to: "home",
nav: "Home"
"/home": {
to: "home",
nav: "Home"
"/add_artifact": {
to: "add_artifact",
nav: "Add Artifact"
"/artifact_search": {
to: "artifact_search",
nav: "Artifact Search"
"/view_action": {
to: "view_action",
nav: "Action Log"
"/view_teams": {
to: "view_teams",
nav: "View Teams"
}, {
defaults: {
layout: "layout"
/* Set up some defauilts
Meteor.startup(function() {
Session.set("current_page", 'home');
return Session.set("filter_criteria", "");
/* These functions are needed to render the templates correctly.
Template.home.rendermap = function() {
return Meteor.defer(function() {
return loadmap();
Template.layout.runlayoutscripts = function() {
/* These are global helpers for all of the pages.
Handlebars.registerHelper("iscurrentpage", function(page) {
return page === Session.get("current_page");
Handlebars.registerHelper("getcurrentpage", function(page) {
return Session.get("current_page");
/* Code for the add artifacts page.
"click button#add": function() {
Northing: $("#Northing").val(),
Easting: $("#Easting").val(),
Datum: $("#Datum").val(),
Notes: $("#Notes").val(),
Username: $("#Username").val(),
ArtifactNumber: $("#ArtifactNumber").val(),
ArtifactType: $("#ArtifactType").val(),
Depth: $("#Depth").val()
return $('<p>Data added!</p>').insertAfter('#add');
/* Searching artifacts.
Template.artifact_search.artifacts = function() {
var criteria;
criteria = Session.get('filter_criteria');
return Artifacts.find({
Depth: criteria
"click button#search": function() {
Session.set('filter_criteria', "3");
Template.artifact_search.has_search_preset = function() {
if (Session.get('search_preset')) {
return true;
Template.artifact_search.get_search_preset = function(NorE) {
var preset;
preset = Session.get('search_preset');
if (NorE === 'northing') {
return preset['northing'];
} else {
return preset['easting'];
/* Code for view teams page
Template.view_teams.makeflickable = function() {
return Meteor.defer(function() {
Flickable('.flickable', {
enableMouseEvents: true
This is the code I have, but this is the error I get back after clicking the 'search' button:
Exception from Deps recompute: Error: Error copying attribute '"': Error: InvalidCharacterError: DOM Exception 5
at Function.Spark._Patcher._copyAttributes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:494:19)
at Spark._Patcher.match (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:249:26)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:61:23
at visitNodes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:17:11)
at visitNodes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:18:9)
at visitNodes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:18:9)
at visitNodes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:18:9)
at visitNodes (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:18:9)
at Object.Spark._patch (http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/patch.js?299cb25985c501315fbd758353d7f498697a39c3:31:3)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/spark/spark.js?45c746f38023ceb80745f4b4280457e15f058bbc:638:13 logging.js:40
# Set up a database that can be accessed from the client,
# or from the server and put it in the global namespace ###
exports = this
Artifacts = new Meteor.Collection("artifacts")
exports.Artifacts = Artifacts
### Global convenience functions ###
getDataFromForm = (formID)->
retobj = {}
$("#{formID} > *").each ->
field = $(@)
if !!field.val() and field.val() isnt "Filter by Type"
retobj[field.attr('id')] = field.val()
return retobj
### Set up page forwarding ###
if Meteor.isClient
# Page values can be an object of options, a function or a template name string
to: "home"
nav: "Home"
to: "home"
nav: "Home"
to: "add_artifact"
nav: "Add Artifact"
to: "artifact_search"
nav: "Artifact Search"
to: "view_action"
nav: "Action Log"
to: "view_teams"
nav: "View Teams"
# optional options to pass to the PageRouter
layout: "layout"
### Set up some defauilts ###
Meteor.startup ->
Session.set "current_page", 'home'
Session.set "filter_criteria", ""
### These functions are needed to render the templates correctly. ###
Template.home.rendermap = ->
Meteor.defer -> #This line is VERY important!
Template.layout.runlayoutscripts = ->
### These are global helpers for all of the pages. ###
Handlebars.registerHelper "iscurrentpage", (page) ->
return page is Session.get "current_page"
Handlebars.registerHelper "getcurrentpage", (page) ->
return Session.get "current_page"
### Code for the add artifacts page. ### "click button#add": ->
Artifacts.insert (
Northing: $("#Northing").val()
Easting: $("#Easting").val()
Datum : $("#Datum").val()
Notes: $("#Notes").val()
Username: $("#Username").val()
ArtifactNumber: $("#ArtifactNumber").val()
ArtifactType: $("#ArtifactType").val()
Depth: $("#Depth").val()
$('<p>Data added!</p>').insertAfter('#add')
### Searching artifacts. ###
Template.artifact_search.artifacts = ->
criteria = Session.get 'filter_criteria'
Artifacts.find({Depth: criteria}) "click button#search" : ->
Session.set 'filter_criteria', "3"
Template.artifact_search.has_search_preset = ->
if Session.get('search_preset')
return true
Template.artifact_search.get_search_preset = (NorE) ->
preset = Session.get('search_preset')
if NorE is 'northing'
return preset['northing']
return preset['easting']
### Code for view teams page ###
Template.view_teams.makeflickable = ->
Meteor.defer ->
Flickable('.flickable', enableMouseEvents: true)
(function(){ var Artifacts, exports, getDataFromForm;
exports = this;
Artifacts = new Meteor.Collection("artifacts");
exports.Artifacts = Artifacts;
/* Global convenience functions
getDataFromForm = function(formID) {
var retobj;
retobj = {};
$("" + formID + " > *").each(function() {
var field;
field = $(this);
if (!!field.val() && field.val() !== "Filter by Type") {
return retobj[field.attr('id')] = field.val();
return retobj;
/* Set up page forwarding
if (Meteor.isClient) {
"/": {
to: "home",
nav: "Home"
"/home": {
to: "home",
nav: "Home"
"/add_artifact": {
to: "add_artifact",
nav: "Add Artifact"
"/artifact_search": {
to: "artifact_search",
nav: "Artifact Search"
"/view_action": {
to: "view_action",
nav: "Action Log"
"/view_teams": {
to: "view_teams",
nav: "View Teams"
}, {
defaults: {
layout: "layout"
/* Set up some defauilts
Meteor.startup(function() {
Session.set("current_page", 'home');
return Session.set("filter_criteria", "");
/* These functions are needed to render the templates correctly.
Template.home.rendermap = function() {
return Meteor.defer(function() {
return loadmap();
Template.layout.runlayoutscripts = function() {
/* These are global helpers for all of the pages.
Handlebars.registerHelper("iscurrentpage", function(page) {
return page === Session.get("current_page");
Handlebars.registerHelper("getcurrentpage", function(page) {
return Session.get("current_page");
/* Code for the add artifacts page.
"click button#add": function() {
Northing: $("#Northing").val(),
Easting: $("#Easting").val(),
Datum: $("#Datum").val(),
Notes: $("#Notes").val(),
Username: $("#Username").val(),
ArtifactNumber: $("#ArtifactNumber").val(),
ArtifactType: $("#ArtifactType").val(),
Depth: $("#Depth").val()
return $('<p>Data added!</p>').insertAfter('#add');
/* Searching artifacts.
Template.artifact_search.artifacts = function() {
var criteria;
criteria = Session.get('filter_criteria');
return Artifacts.find({
Depth: criteria
"click button#search": function() {
Session.set('filter_criteria', "3");
Template.artifact_search.has_search_preset = function() {
if (Session.get('search_preset')) {
return true;
Template.artifact_search.get_search_preset = function(NorE) {
var preset;
preset = Session.get('search_preset');
if (NorE === 'northing') {
return preset['northing'];
} else {
return preset['easting'];
/* Code for view teams page
Template.view_teams.makeflickable = function() {
return Meteor.defer(function() {
Flickable('.flickable', {
enableMouseEvents: true
<template name="artifact_search">
{{> breadcrumb}}
<div class="row">
<div id="left">
<div class="large-6 columns">
<form id="searchform">
<select id="ArtifactType" class="medium">
<option>Filter by Type</option>
<option>Arrow Heads</option>
<span>Search by Keyword</span>
<input id="Keyword" type="text" placeholder="Search by Keyword">
<span>Search by Northing</span>
<input id="Northing" {{#if has_search_preset}}value="{{get_search_preset 'northing'}}{{/if}}" type="text" placeholder="Search by Northing">
<span>Search by Easting</span>
<input id="Easting" {{#if has_search_preset}}value="{{get_search_preset 'easting'}}{{/if}}" type="text" placeholder="Search by Easting">
<span>Search by Depth</span>
<input id="Depth" type="text" placeholder="Filter by Depth">
<span>Search by Researcher</span>
<input id="Researcher" type="text" placeholder="Filter by Researcher">
<button class="small button" onClick="parent.location=('home')">Home</button>
<button class="small button" id="search">Search</button>
<div id="right">
<div class="large-6 columns">
<DL id="artifactslist">
{{#each artifacts}}
{{> artifact}}
<template name="artifact">
<DD>FS# {{ArtifactNumber}} Found by {{Username}} at a depth of {{Depth}}</DD>
Copy link

@mkarliner Sorry! I guess I don't have notifications turned on, I just found this comment.

If I remember correctly, it ended up being just badly formatted HTML.
I had a quotation mark in the wrong spot, which rendered one of the tags ineffective. So, a general cleanup of the HTML solved the issue.

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