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this example is great and seems to be everywhere on the internet, but I think there is a bug in using cupy-arrays. For one thing, you should get identical (?) performance feeding Numpy-Arrays, since the calculations are both done on gpu anyway. More importantly, I think that using cupy-arrays causes timeit to show only the kernel invocation time - nothing has actually been calculated. Can you please check this again? This is a top Google search result for numpy gpu stencils. Try to print the output, and the calculation will actually run. I get around 160 ms!
sadly the cpu version using parallel computing is still faster even for big arrays! (60 ms). The original stencil function is just slow in numba. Better do it manually:
def smooth_cpu(x, out_cpu):
for i in prange(1,np.shape(x)[0]-1):
for j in range(1,np.shape(x)[1]-1):
out_cpu[i, j] = (x[i - 1, j - 1] + x[i - 1, j] + x[i - 1, j + 1] + x[i , j - 1] + x[i , j] + x[i , j + 1] +x[i + 1, j - 1] + x[i + 1, j] + x[i + 1, j + 1]) / 9
edit: it seems I was wrong and it's mostly because of data transfer times as the cupy arrays are already on the GPU. I still think it needs a "cuda.synchronize()" for a fair comparison which increase running time quite alot.
this example is great and seems to be everywhere on the internet, but I think there is a bug in using cupy-arrays. For one thing, you should get identical (?) performance feeding Numpy-Arrays, since the calculations are both done on gpu anyway. More importantly, I think that using cupy-arrays causes timeit to show only the kernel invocation time - nothing has actually been calculated. Can you please check this again? This is a top Google search result for numpy gpu stencils. Try to print the output, and the calculation will actually run. I get around 160 ms!
sadly the cpu version using parallel computing is still faster even for big arrays! (60 ms). The original stencil function is just slow in numba. Better do it manually:
@njit(nopython=True,parallel=True) def smooth_cpu(x, out_cpu): for i in prange(1,np.shape(x)[0]-1): for j in range(1,np.shape(x)[1]-1): out_cpu[i, j] = (x[i - 1, j - 1] + x[i - 1, j] + x[i - 1, j + 1] + x[i , j - 1] + x[i , j] + x[i , j + 1] +x[i + 1, j - 1] + x[i + 1, j] + x[i + 1, j + 1]) / 9
edit: it seems I was wrong and it's mostly because of data transfer times as the cupy arrays are already on the GPU. I still think it needs a "cuda.synchronize()" for a fair comparison which increase running time quite alot.
It beeing referenced from Dask documentation as well...
This is why we have pool memory allocators, yes?
I tried this briefly and wasn't able to get it to work. I also ended up timing the allocation on the CPU side and it was only 40-50ms, which is about 10% of the total compute time. I agree though that this would be useful to investigate further if someone does a real benchmark here (that is not my intention for this particular notebook).
I've rerun it several times within the same process (to avoid the JIT compilation) and didn't notice any difference.