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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Example of fpw_widget_templates filter in Feature a Page Widget 2.0. Allows remove of default layouts, "registering" of custom layouts, or setting one layout for all widget instances.
* remove a default template
* default templates are: big, banner, wrapped
* this example removes the "Big Image" template
* @param $templates array slug => label pairs of templates
function fpw_remove_widget_template( $templates ) {
unset( $templates['big'] );
return $templates;
add_filter( 'fpw_widget_templates', 'fpw_remove_widget_template' );
* add a custom template
* In addition to this filter, you must create a file named my_new_template.php in a /fpw2_views/ folder in the active child or parent theme
* @param $templates array slug => label pairs of templates
function fpw_add_widget_template( $templates ) {
$templates['my_new_template'] = __( 'My New Template', 'your-text-domain' );
return $templates;
add_filter( 'fpw_widget_templates', 'fpw_add_widget_template' );
* add one layout for all widgets (& remove Layout setting)
* Example sets widget to always use the "Banner" layout
* @param $templates array slug => label pairs of templates
function fpw_set_widget_template() {
$template = array( 'banner' => 'Banner Image' ); // note array length = 1
return $template;
add_filter( 'fpw_widget_templates', 'fpw_set_widget_template' );
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