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Last active February 17, 2019 05:21
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import pivots
def beye(nBatch, n, dtype):
return np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(np.eye(n, dtype=dtype), 0), (nBatch, n, n))
def bdiag(x):
n, sz = x.shape
X = np.zeros((n, sz, sz), dtype=x.dtype)
I = beye(n, sz, dtype=np.bool)
X[I] = x.reshape(-1)
return X
def btranspose(A):
return A.transpose(0, 2, 1)
def bmvm(A, x):
return (A @ np.expand_dims(x, 2)).squeeze(2)
def bvmm(x, A):
return (np.expand_dims(x, 1) @ A).squeeze(1)
def batch_lu_factor(A):
A = np.copy(A)
Ps = []
for i in range(len(A)):
A[i], piv = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(A[i], overwrite_a=True)
return A, np.array(Ps)
def batch_lu_solve(lu_and_piv, b):
LU, piv = lu_and_piv
b = np.copy(b)
for i in range(len(LU)):
b[i] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve((LU[i], piv[i]), b[i], overwrite_b=True)
return b
def batch_lu_unpack(LU):
nBatch, n, _ = LU.shape
I = np.eye(n, dtype=LU.dtype)
L = np.empty((nBatch, n, n), dtype=LU.dtype)
U = np.empty((nBatch, n, n), dtype=LU.dtype)
for i in range(nBatch):
L[i] = np.tril(LU[i], k=-1) + I
U[i] = np.triu(LU[i])
return L, U
def batch_bpermute(a, idx):
ret = np.empty_like(a)
for i in range(len(idx)):
ret[i] = pivots.bpermute(a[i], idx[i])
return ret
def batch_permute(a, idx):
ret = np.empty_like(a)
for i in range(len(idx)):
ret[i] = pivots.permute(a[i], idx[i])
return ret
def batch_pivots_to_perm(piv):
ret = np.empty_like(piv)
for i in range(len(piv)):
ret[i] = pivots.pivots_to_perm(piv[i])
return ret
def batch_perm_to_pivots(idx):
ret = np.empty_like(idx)
for i in range(len(idx)):
ret[i] = pivots.perm_to_pivots(idx[i])
return ret
def batch_lu_factor_partial(A, B, C):
factor(A, B, C)(D) compute LU factorization of
X = (A B)
(C D).
nBatch = A.shape[0]
n1 = A.shape[1]
n2 = B.shape[2]
n = n1 + n2
assert A.shape == (nBatch,n1,n1)
assert B.shape == (nBatch,n1,n2)
assert C.shape == (nBatch,n2,n1)
X_LU = np.zeros((nBatch,n,n), dtype=A.dtype)
X_piv = np.zeros((nBatch,n), dtype=np.int32)
if n1 == 0:
C_invA_B = np.zeros((nBatch,n2,n2), dtype=A.dtype)
X_LU_21_pre = np.zeros((nBatch,n2,0), dtype=A.dtype)
A_LU_and_piv = batch_lu_factor(A)
A_LU, A_piv = A_LU_and_piv
A_L, A_U = batch_lu_unpack(A_LU)
invA_B = batch_lu_solve(A_LU_and_piv, B)
C_invA_B = C @ invA_B
# A_U^-1 = A^-1 A_P A_L since A = A_P A_L A_U
A_U_inv = batch_lu_solve(A_LU_and_piv, batch_permute(A_L, batch_pivots_to_perm(A_piv)))
X_LU_21_pre = C @ A_U_inv
X_LU[:, 0:n1, 0:n1] = A_LU
X_LU[:, 0:n1, n1:n1+n2] = A_U @ invA_B
X_piv[:, 0:n1] = A_piv
def f(D):
assert D.shape == (nBatch,n2,n2)
if n2 > 0:
S = D - C_invA_B
S_LU, S_piv = batch_lu_factor(S)
X_LU[:, n1:, :n1] = batch_bpermute(X_LU_21_pre, batch_pivots_to_perm(S_piv))
X_LU[:, n1:, n1:] = S_LU
X_piv[:, n1:] = S_piv + n1
def check():
X_L, X_U = batch_lu_unpack(X_LU)
X = batch_permute(X_L @ X_U, batch_pivots_to_perm(X_piv))
X_expected = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((A, B), axis=2), np.concatenate((C, D), axis=2)), axis=1)
return np.allclose(X, X_expected)
#assert check()
return X_LU, X_piv
return f
def get_sizes(G, A=None):
if G.ndim == 2:
nineq, nz = G.shape
nBatch = 1
elif G.ndim == 3:
nBatch, nineq, nz = G.shape
if A is not None:
neq = A.shape[1]
neq = 0
return nineq, nz, neq, nBatch
qpth warning: Returning an inaccurate and potentially incorrect solution.
Some residual is large.
Your problem may be infeasible or difficult.
You can try using the CVXPY solver to see if your problem is feasible
and you can use the verbose option to check the convergence status of
our solver while increasing the number of iterations.
class KKTSolver(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Solve the equation system
K_sym @ np.concatenate(x,s,z,y) = - np.concatenate(rx, rs, rz, ry)
K_sym = (Q 0 G^T A^T)
(0 D(d) I 0 )
(G I 0 0 )
(A 0 0 0 )
def __init__(self, Q, G, A):
def set_d(self, d):
def solve(self, rx, rs, rz, ry):
class KKTSolverLUFull(KKTSolver):
def __init__(self, Q, G, A):
super().__init__(Q, G, A)
self.Q = Q
self.G = G
self.A = A
self.D = None
def set_d(self, d):
self.D = bdiag(d)
def solve(self, rx, rs, rz, ry):
assert self.D is not None
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(self.G, self.A)
H_ = np.zeros((nBatch, nz + nineq, nz + nineq), dtype=self.Q.dtype)
H_[:, :nz, :nz] = self.Q
H_[:, -nineq:, -nineq:] = self.D
# H =
# (Q 0)
# (0 D)
if neq > 0:
A_ = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([self.G, beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=self.Q.dtype)], 2),
np.concatenate([self.A, np.zeros((nBatch, neq, nineq), dtype=self.Q.dtype)], 2)], 1)
g_ = np.concatenate([rx, rs], 1)
h_ = np.concatenate([rz, ry], 1)
A_ = np.concatenate([self.G, beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=self.Q.dtype)], 2)
g_ = np.concatenate([rx, rs], 1)
h_ = rz
H_LU = batch_lu_factor(H_)
# H^-1 =
# (Q^-1 0 )
# (0 D^-1)
# A_^T =
# (G^T A^T)
# (I 0)
invH_A_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, btranspose(A_))
# (Q^-1 G^T Q^-1 A^T)
# (D^-1 0)
invH_g_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, g_)
# A_ =
# (G I)
# (A 0)
S_ = A_ @ invH_A_
# (G Q^-1 G^T + D^-1 G Q^-1 A^T)
# (A Q^-1 G^T A Q^-1 A^T)
S_LU = batch_lu_factor(S_)
t_ = bvmm(invH_g_, btranspose(A_)) - h_
w_ = batch_lu_solve(S_LU, -t_) # solve_kktのwと同じだが順序が違う
t_ = -g_ - bvmm(w_, A_) # solve_kktのg1とg2に相当
# A_^T =
# (G^T A^T)
# (I 0)
# A_^T w_
# = (G^T dz + A^T dy, dz)
v_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, t_) # dxの情報と D^-1
# dx = v_[:, :nz] = Q^-1 g1
# ds = v_[:, nz:] = D^-1 g2
dx = v_[:, :nz]
ds = v_[:, nz:]
dz = w_[:, :nineq]
dy = w_[:, nineq:] if neq > 0 else None
return dx, ds, dz, dy
class KKTSolverLUPartial(KKTSolver):
def __init__(self, Q, G, A):
super().__init__(Q, G, A)
self.G = G
self.A = A
self.Q_LU = batch_lu_factor(Q)
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(self.G, self.A)
# S = [ A Q^{-1} A^T A Q^{-1} G^T ]
# [ G Q^{-1} A^T G Q^{-1} G^T + D^{-1} ]
# We compute a partial LU decomposition of the S matrix
# that can be completed once D^{-1} is known.
# See
# for more details.
self.G_invQ_GT = G @ batch_lu_solve(self.Q_LU, btranspose(self.G))
if neq > 0:
invQ_AT = batch_lu_solve(Q_LU, btranspose(A))
A_invQ_AT = A @ invQ_AT # A
G_invQ_AT = G @ invQ_AT # C
A_invQ_GT = btranspose(G_invQ_AT) # B
A_invQ_AT = np.zeros((nBatch,neq,neq), dtype=Q.dtype) # A
G_invQ_AT = np.zeros((nBatch,nineq,neq), dtype=Q.dtype) # C
A_invQ_GT = np.zeros((nBatch,neq,nineq), dtype=Q.dtype) # B
self.factor_kkt = batch_lu_factor_partial(A_invQ_AT, A_invQ_GT, G_invQ_AT)
self.factor_kkt_eye = beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=np.bool)
self.d = None
self.S_LU = None
def set_d(self, d):
self.d = d
S_22 = np.copy(self.G_invQ_GT)
S_22[self.factor_kkt_eye] += (1. / d).reshape(-1)
self.S_LU = self.factor_kkt(S_22)
def solve(self, rx, rs, rz, ry):
assert self.S_LU is not None
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(self.G, self.A)
invQ_rx = batch_lu_solve(self.Q_LU, rx)
if neq > 0:
h = np.concatenate((bvmm(invQ_rx, btranspose(self.A)) - ry,
bvmm(invQ_rx, btranspose(self.G)) + rs / self.d - rz), 1)
h = bvmm(invQ_rx, btranspose(self.G)) + rs / self.d - rz
w = -batch_lu_solve(self.S_LU, h)
g1 = -rx - bvmm(w[:, neq:], self.G)
if neq > 0:
g1 -= bvmm(w[:, :neq], self.A)
g2 = -rs - w[:, neq:]
dx = batch_lu_solve(self.Q_LU, g1)
ds = g2 / self.d
dz = w[:, neq:]
dy = w[:, :neq] if neq > 0 else None
return dx, ds, dz, dy
class KKTSolverIRUnopt(KKTSolver):
"""Inefficient iterative refinement."""
def __init__(self, Q, G, A):
super().__init__(Q, G, A)
self.Q = Q
self.G = G
self.A = A
self.D = None
self.niter = 1
def set_d(self, d):
self.D = bdiag(d)
def solve(self, rx, rs, rz, ry):
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(self.G, self.A)
eps = 1e-7
Q_tilde = self.Q + eps * beye(nBatch, nz, dtype=self.Q.dtype)
D_tilde = self.D + eps * beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=self.Q.dtype)
dx, ds, dz, dy = self.factor_solve_kkt_reg(
Q_tilde, D_tilde, rx, rs, rz, ry, eps)
res = self.kkt_resid_reg(dx, ds, dz, dy, rx, rs, rz, ry, eps)
resx, ress, resz, resy = res
res = resx
for k in range(self.niter):
ddx, dds, ddz, ddy = self.factor_solve_kkt_reg(
Q_tilde, D_tilde,
-resx, -ress, -resz, -resy if resy is not None else None,
dx, ds, dz, dy = [v + dv if v is not None else None
for v, dv in zip((dx, ds, dz, dy), (ddx, dds, ddz, ddy))]
res = self.kkt_resid_reg(dx, ds, dz, dy, rx, rs, rz, ry, eps)
resx, ress, resz, resy = res
res = resx
return dx, ds, dz, dy
def kkt_resid_reg(self, dx, ds, dz, dy, rx, rs, rz, ry, eps):
Q_tilde = self.Q # ???
D_tilde = self.D # ???
resx = bmvm(Q_tilde, dx) + bmvm(btranspose(self.G), dz) + rx
if dy is not None:
resx += bmvm(btranspose(self.A), dy)
ress = bmvm(D_tilde, ds) + dz + rs
resz = bmvm(self.G, dx) + ds - eps * dz + rz
resy = bmvm(self.A, dx) - eps * dy + ry if dy is not None else None
return resx, ress, resz, resy
def factor_solve_kkt_reg(self, Q_tilde, D_tilde, rx, rs, rz, ry, eps):
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(self.G, self.A)
H_ = np.zeros((nBatch, nz + nineq, nz + nineq), dtype=Q_tilde.dtype)
H_[:, :nz, :nz] = Q_tilde
H_[:, -nineq:, -nineq:] = D_tilde
if neq > 0:
A_ = np.concatenate([np.concatenate([self.G, beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=Q_tilde.dtype)], 2),
np.concatenate([self.A, np.zeros((nBatch, neq, nineq), dtype=Q_tilde.dtype)], 2)], 1)
g_ = np.concatenate([rx, rs], 1)
h_ = np.concatenate([rz, ry], 1)
A_ = np.concatenate(
[G, beye(nBatch, nineq, dtype=Q_tilde.dtype)], 2)
g_ = np.concatenate([rx, rs], 1)
h_ = rz
H_LU = batch_lu_factor(H_)
invH_A_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, btranspose(A_))
invH_g_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, g_)
S_ = A_ @ invH_A_
S_ -= eps * beye(nBatch, neq + nineq, dtype=Q_tilde.dtype)
S_LU = batch_lu_factor(S_)
t_ = bvmm(invH_g_, btranspose(A_)) - h_
w_ = batch_lu_solve(S_LU, -t_)
t_ = -g_ - bvmm(w_, A_)
v_ = batch_lu_solve(H_LU, t_)
dx = v_[:, :nz]
ds = v_[:, nz:]
dz = w_[:, :nineq]
dy = w_[:, nineq:] if neq > 0 else None
return dx, ds, dz, dy
def forward(Q, p, G, h, A, b, kkt_solver: KKTSolver,
eps=1e-12, verbose=0, notImprovedLim=3, maxIter=20):
nineq, nz, neq, nBatch = get_sizes(G, A)
# Find initial values
d = np.ones((nBatch, nineq), dtype=Q.dtype)
x, s, z, y = kkt_solver.solve(
p, np.zeros((nBatch, nineq), dtype=Q.dtype),
-h, -b if b is not None else None)
# Make all of the slack variables >= 1.
M = s.min(1)
I = M < 0
if np.any(I):
s[I] -= M[I] - 1
# Make all of the inequality dual variables >= 1.
M = z.min(1)
I = M < 0
if np.any(I):
z[I] -= M[I] - 1
best = {'resids': None, 'x': None, 'z': None, 's': None, 'y': None}
nNotImproved = 0
for i in range(maxIter):
# affine scaling direction
rx = (bvmm(y, A) if neq > 0 else 0.) + \
bvmm(z, G) + \
bvmm(x, btranspose(Q)) + \
rs = z
rz = bvmm(x, btranspose(G)) + s - h
ry = bvmm(x, btranspose(A)) - b if neq > 0 else 0.0
mu = np.abs((s * z).sum(axis=1) / nineq)
z_resid = np.linalg.norm(rz, axis=1)
y_resid = np.linalg.norm(ry, axis=1) if neq > 0 else 0
pri_resid = y_resid + z_resid
dual_resid = np.linalg.norm(rx, axis=1)
resids = pri_resid + dual_resid + nineq * mu
d = z / s
if verbose == 1:
print('iter: {}, pri_resid: {:.5e}, dual_resid: {:.5e}, mu: {:.5e}'.format(
i, pri_resid.mean(), dual_resid.mean(), mu.mean()))
if best['resids'] is None:
best['resids'] = resids
best['x'] = np.copy(x)
best['z'] = np.copy(z)
best['s'] = np.copy(s)
best['y'] = np.copy(y) if y is not None else None
nNotImproved = 0
I = resids < best['resids']
if I.sum() > 0:
nNotImproved = 0
nNotImproved += 1
I_nz = np.broadcast_to(I.reshape(nBatch,1), (nBatch,nz))
I_nineq = np.broadcast_to(I.reshape(nBatch,1), (nBatch, nineq))
best['resids'][I] = resids[I]
best['x'][I_nz] = x[I_nz]
best['z'][I_nineq] = z[I_nineq]
best['s'][I_nineq] = s[I_nineq]
if neq > 0:
I_neq = np.broadcast_to(I.reshape(nBatch,1), (nBatch, neq))
best['y'][I_neq] = y[I_neq]
if nNotImproved == notImprovedLim or best['resids'].max() < eps or mu.min() > 1e32:
if best['resids'].max() > 1. and verbose >= 0:
return best['x'], best['y'], best['z'], best['s']
dx_aff, ds_aff, dz_aff, dy_aff = kkt_solver.solve(rx, rs, rz, ry)
# compute centering directions
alpha = np.minimum(np.minimum(get_step(z, dz_aff),
get_step(s, ds_aff)),
np.ones(nBatch, dtype=Q.dtype))
alpha_nineq = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(alpha, 1), (nBatch, nineq))
t1 = s + alpha_nineq * ds_aff
t2 = z + alpha_nineq * dz_aff
t3 = np.sum(t1 * t2, axis=1)
t4 = np.sum(s * z, axis=1)
sig = (t3 / t4)**3
rx = np.zeros((nBatch, nz), dtype=Q.dtype)
rs = (np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(-mu * sig, 1), (nBatch,nineq)) + ds_aff * dz_aff) / s
rz = np.zeros((nBatch, nineq), dtype=Q.dtype)
ry = np.zeros((nBatch, neq), dtype=Q.dtype) if neq > 0 else np.zeros((), dtype=Q.dtype)
dx_cor, ds_cor, dz_cor, dy_cor = kkt_solver.solve(rx, rs, rz, ry)
dx = dx_aff + dx_cor
ds = ds_aff + ds_cor
dz = dz_aff + dz_cor
dy = dy_aff + dy_cor if neq > 0 else None
alpha = np.minimum(0.999 * np.minimum(get_step(z, dz),
get_step(s, ds)),
np.ones(nBatch, dtype=Q.dtype))
alpha_nineq = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(alpha, 1), (nBatch, nineq))
alpha_neq = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(alpha, 1), (nBatch, neq)) if neq > 0 else None
alpha_nz = np.broadcast_to(np.expand_dims(alpha, 1), (nBatch, nz))
x += alpha_nz * dx
s += alpha_nineq * ds
z += alpha_nineq * dz
y = y + alpha_neq * dy if neq > 0 else None
if best['resids'].max() > 1. and verbose >= 0:
return best['x'], best['y'], best['z'], best['s']
def get_step(v, dv):
a = -v / dv
a[dv >= 0] = 1.0
return a.min(axis=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
dtype = np.float32
#dtype = np.float64
#Solver = KKTSolverLUFull
Solver = KKTSolverLUPartial
#Solver = KKTSolverIRUnopt
Q = np.array([[[1,0],[0,1]]], dtype=dtype)
q = np.array([[1,1]], dtype=dtype)
G = np.array([[[-1,0], [0,-1]]], dtype=dtype)
h = np.array([[-1,-1]], dtype=dtype)
A = None #np.zeros((0,0), dtype=dtype)
b = None #np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype)
print(forward(Q, q, G, h, A, b, Solver(Q, G, A), verbose=True))
M = np.array([[1., 2., 0.], [-8., 3., 2.], [0., 1., 1.]])
P =, M)
q =[3., 2., 3.]), M)
G = np.array([[1., 2., 1.], [2., 0., 1.], [-1., 2., -1.]])
h = np.array([3., 2., -2.])
A = None #np.zeros((0,0), dtype=dtype)
b = None #np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype)
Q = np.array([P])
q = np.array([q])
G = np.array([G])
h = np.array([h])
print(forward(Q, q, G, h, A, b, Solver(Q, G, A), verbose=True))
Q = np.array([[[1,0],[0,0.1]]], dtype=dtype)
q = np.array([[3,4]], dtype=dtype)
G = np.array([[[-1,0], [0,-1], [-1,-3], [2,5], [3,4]]], dtype=dtype)
h = np.array([[0,0,-15,100,80]], dtype=dtype)
A = None #np.zeros((0,0), dtype=dtype)
b = None #np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype)
print(forward(Q, q, G, h, A, b, Solver(Q, G, A), verbose=True))
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu_factor
def pivots_to_perm(piv):
p = np.array(range(len(piv)), dtype=np.int32)
for (i,j) in enumerate(piv):
p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
return p
def perm_to_pivots(idx):
o2c = id_perm(len(idx)) # 元のindexの要素が現在どこにあるか
c2o = id_perm(len(idx)) # 現在のindexの要素は元のどこの要素か
piv = np.empty_like(idx, dtype=np.int32)
for (i,j) in enumerate(idx):
k = o2c[j]
assert j == c2o[k]
assert i == o2c[c2o[i]]
piv[i] = k # i と k を pivot
o2c[c2o[i]], o2c[c2o[k]] = o2c[c2o[k]], o2c[c2o[i]]
c2o[i], c2o[k] = c2o[k], c2o[i]
return piv
def bpermute(a, idx):
return a[idx]
def permute(a, idx):
ret = np.empty_like(a)
ret[idx] = a
return ret
def id_perm(n):
return np.arange(n, dtype=np.int32)
def comp_perm(p1, p2):
Apply p2 then p1.
permute(a, comp_perm(p1,p2)) == permute(permute(a, p2), p1)
return p1[p2]
def inv_perm(idx):
ret = np.empty_like(idx)
#for (i,j) in enumerate(idx):
# ret[j] = i
ret[idx] = id_perm(len(idx))
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = np.array([[2, 5, 8, 7], [5, 2, 2, 8], [7, 5, 6, 6], [5, 4, 4, 8]])
lu, piv = lu_factor(A)
p = pivots_to_perm(piv)
q = inv_perm(p)
print(pivots_to_perm(perm_to_pivots(p)) == p)
print(perm_to_pivots(pivots_to_perm(piv)) == piv)
L, U = np.tril(lu, k=-1) + np.eye(4), np.triu(lu)
print(A - permute(L @ U, p))
print(bpermute(A, p) - L @ U)
print(permute(A, q) - L @ U)
print(A - bpermute(L @ U, q))
print(comp_perm(inv_perm(p), p))
print(comp_perm(p, inv_perm(p)))
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