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Last active May 4, 2023 23:46
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module : FairLock
-- Copyright : (c) Masahiro Sakai 2023
-- License : BSD-3-Clause
-- Simple Lock implemented using STM.
-- When multiple threads are blocked on a Lock, they are woken up in FIFO order.
-- Note that this is a toy implementation and you should use MVar instead for
-- practical purpose. MVar also guarantees fairness and is faster.
-- concurrent-extra package provides Control.Concurrent.Lock module with lock
-- interface implemented using MVar.
-- <>
module FairLock
( Lock
, newLock
, acquireLock
, releaseLock
, withLock
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
newtype Lock = FairLock (TVar State)
data State
= Unlocked
| Locked WaitList
-- | List of waiting threads
-- Those threads can be signaled by putting () to the TMVar.
type WaitList = Seq (TMVar ())
newLock :: IO Lock
newLock = FairLock <$> newTVarIO Unlocked
acquireLock :: Lock -> IO ()
acquireLock lock@(FairLock tv) = mask_ $ do
join $ atomically $ do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
Unlocked -> do
writeTVar tv (Locked Seq.empty)
return $ return ()
Locked ws -> do
w <- newEmptyTMVar
writeTVar tv (Locked (ws Seq.|> w))
return $ wait w
wait :: TMVar () -> IO ()
wait w = do
let cleanup :: IO ()
cleanup = atomically $ do
m <- tryTakeTMVar w
case m of
Just _ -> do
-- this thread is already scheduled
releaseLockSTM lock
Nothing -> do
-- this thread is not scheduled yet
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
Unlocked -> undefined
Locked ws -> writeTVar tv (Locked (Seq.filter (w /=) ws))
atomically (takeTMVar w) `onException` cleanup
releaseLock :: Lock -> IO ()
releaseLock lock = atomically $ releaseLockSTM lock
releaseLockSTM :: Lock -> STM ()
releaseLockSTM (FairLock tv) = do
st <- readTVar tv
case st of
Unlocked -> undefined
Locked ws ->
case Seq.viewl ws of
Seq.EmptyL -> writeTVar tv Unlocked
w Seq.:< ws' -> do
putTMVar w () -- should not block
writeTVar tv (Locked ws')
withLock :: Lock -> IO a -> IO a
withLock lock = bracket_ (acquireLock lock) (releaseLock lock)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import FairLock
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tests" [unitTests]
unitTests :: TestTree
unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests"
[ testCase "lock" case_lock
, testCase "fifo" case_fifo
, testCase "exception" case_exception
case_lock :: Assertion
case_lock = do
lock <- newLock
ref <- newIORef ([] :: [Int])
events <- withLock lock $ do
_ <- forkIO $ withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (1:)
threadDelay (40*1000)
readIORef ref
events @?= []
threadDelay (40*1000)
events2 <- readIORef ref
events2 @?= [1]
case_fifo :: Assertion
case_fifo = do
lock <- newLock
ref <- newIORef ([] :: [Int])
withLock lock $ do
_ <- forkIO $ do
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (1:)
_ <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay (40*1000)
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (2:)
_ <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay (80*1000)
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (3:)
threadDelay (120*1000)
threadDelay (40*1000)
events <- readIORef ref
events @?= [3,2,1]
case_exception :: Assertion
case_exception = do
lock <- newLock
ref <- newIORef ([] :: [Int])
acquireLock lock
_ <- forkIO $ do
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (1:)
th2 <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay (40*1000)
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (2:)
_ <- forkIO $ do
threadDelay (80*1000)
withLock lock $ modifyIORef ref (3:)
threadDelay (120*1000)
killThread th2
releaseLock lock
threadDelay (40*1000)
events <- readIORef ref
events @?= [3,1]
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