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Created January 18, 2011 23:42
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Naïve implementation of Fourier-Motzkin Variable Elimination
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module : FourierMotzkin
-- Copyright : (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- Naïve implementation of Fourier-Motzkin Variable Elimination
-- see for detail
module FourierMotzkin
( Var
, Term (..)
, RelOp (..)
, Formula (..)
, Boolean (..)
, andF, orF
, (.+.), (.-.), (.*.)
, (.<.), (.<=.), (.>=.), (.>.), (.==.), (./=.)
, Tm (..)
, Lit (..)
, DNF (..)
, eliminateQuantifiersR
, eliminateQuantifiersZ
, solveR
, solveZ
, Model
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Variables are represented as non-negative integers
type Var = Int
class Variables a where
vars :: a -> IS.IntSet
instance Variables a => Variables [a] where
vars = IS.unions . map vars
type Model c = IM.IntMap c
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
data Term c
= Const c
| Var Var
| Add (Term c) (Term c)
| Mul c (Term c)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RelOp = Lt | Le | Ge | Gt | Eql | NEq
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Formula c
= T
| F
| Rel (Term c) RelOp (Term c)
| And (Formula c) (Formula c)
| Or (Formula c) (Formula c)
| Not (Formula c)
| Imply (Formula c) (Formula c)
| Equiv (Formula c) (Formula c)
| Forall Var (Formula c)
| Exists Var (Formula c)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Variables (Term c) where
vars (Const _) = IS.empty
vars (Var v) = IS.singleton v
vars (Add a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Mul _ a) = vars a
instance Variables (Formula c) where
vars T = IS.empty
vars F = IS.empty
vars (Rel a _ b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (And a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Or a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Not a) = vars a
vars (Imply a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Equiv a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Forall v a) = IS.delete v (vars a)
vars (Exists v a) = IS.delete v (vars a)
pushNot :: Formula c -> Formula c
pushNot T = F
pushNot F = T
pushNot (Rel a op b) = Rel a op' b
op' = case op of
Lt -> Ge
Le -> Gt
Ge -> Lt
Gt -> Le
Eql -> NEq
NEq -> Eql
pushNot (And a b) = Or (pushNot a) (pushNot b)
pushNot (Or a b) = And (pushNot a) (pushNot b)
pushNot (Not a) = a
pushNot (Imply a b) = And a (pushNot b)
pushNot (Equiv a b) = Or (And a (pushNot b)) (And b (pushNot a))
pushNot (Forall v a) = Exists v (pushNot a)
pushNot (Exists v a) = Forall v (pushNot a)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- DSL
infixr 7 .*.
infixl 6 .+., .-.
infix 4 .<., .<=., .>=., .>., .==., ./=.
infixr 3 .&&.
infixr 2 .||.
infix 1 .=>. , .<=>.
class Boolean a where
true, false :: a
notF :: a -> a
(.&&.), (.||.), (.=>.), (.<=>.) :: a -> a -> a
x .=>. y = notF x .||. y
x .<=>. y = (x .=>. y) .&&. (y .=>. x)
instance Boolean (Formula c) where
true = T
false = F
notF = Not
(.&&.) = And
(.||.) = Or
(.=>.) = Imply
(.<=>.) = Equiv
andF :: Boolean a => [a] -> a
andF = foldr (.&&.) true
orF :: Boolean a => [a] -> a
orF = foldr (.||.) false
(.+.) :: Term c -> Term c -> Term c
(.+.) = Add
(.-.) :: Num c => Term c -> Term c -> Term c
a .-. b = a .+. (-1).*.b
(.*.) :: c -> Term c -> Term c
(.*.) = Mul
(.<.), (.<=.), (.>=.), (.>.), (.==.), (./=.) :: Term c -> Term c -> Formula c
a .<. b = Rel a Lt b
a .<=. b = Rel a Le b
a .>. b = Rel a Gt b
a .>=. b = Rel a Ge b
a .==. b = Rel a Eql b
a ./=. b = Rel a NEq b
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Linear combination of variables and constants.
-- Non-negative keys are used for variables's coefficients.
-- key '-1' is used for constants.
newtype Tm = Tm (IM.IntMap Integer) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | (t,c) represents t/c, and c must be >0.
type Rat = (Tm, Integer)
instance Variables Tm where
vars (Tm t) = IS.delete (-1) $ IM.keysSet t
normalizeTm :: Tm -> Tm
normalizeTm (Tm t) = Tm $ IM.filter (0/=) t
constTm :: Integer -> Tm
constTm c = normalizeTm $ Tm $ IM.singleton (-1) c
varTm :: Var -> Tm
varTm v = Tm $ IM.singleton v 1
plusTm :: Tm -> Tm -> Tm
plusTm (Tm t1) (Tm t2) = normalizeTm $ Tm $ IM.unionWith (+) t1 t2
minusTm :: Tm -> Tm -> Tm
minusTm t1 t2 = t1 `plusTm` negateTm t2
scaleTm :: Integer -> Tm -> Tm
scaleTm c (Tm t) = normalizeTm $ Tm $ (c*) t
negateTm :: Tm -> Tm
negateTm = scaleTm (-1)
evalTm :: Model Integer -> Tm -> Integer
evalTm model (Tm t) = sum [(model' IM.! var) * c | (var,c) <- IM.toList t]
where model' = IM.insert (-1) 1 model
evalRat :: Model Rational -> Rat -> Rational
evalRat model (Tm t, c1) = sum [(model' IM.! var) * (c % c1) | (var,c) <- IM.toList t]
where model' = IM.insert (-1) 1 model
-- | Literal
data Lit = Nonneg Tm | Pos Tm deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Variables Lit where
vars (Pos t) = vars t
vars (Nonneg t) = vars t
-- | Disjunctive normal form
newtype DNF = DNF{ unDNF :: [[Lit]] }
instance Boolean DNF where
true = DNF [[]]
false = DNF []
notF (DNF xs) = DNF . sequence . map (map f) $ xs
f :: Lit -> Lit
f (Pos t) = Nonneg (negateTm t)
f (Nonneg t) = Pos (negateTm t)
DNF xs .&&. DNF ys = DNF [x++y | x<-xs, y<-ys]
DNF xs .||. DNF ys = DNF (xs++ys)
-- 制約集合の単純化
-- It returns Nothing when a inconsistency is detected.
simplify :: [Lit] -> Maybe [Lit]
simplify = fmap concat . mapM f
f :: Lit -> Maybe [Lit]
f lit@(Pos tm) =
case g tm of
Just x -> guard (x > 0) >> return []
Nothing -> return [lit]
f lit@(Nonneg tm) =
case g tm of
Just x -> guard (x >= 0) >> return []
Nothing -> return [lit]
g :: Tm -> Maybe Integer
g (Tm tm) =
case IM.toList tm of
[] -> Just 0
[(-1,x)] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
atomR :: RelOp -> Term Rational -> Term Rational -> DNF
atomR Le a b = DNF [[termR a `leR` termR b]]
atomR Lt a b = DNF [[termR a `ltR` termR b]]
atomR Ge a b = DNF [[termR a `geR` termR b]]
atomR Gt a b = DNF [[termR a `gtR` termR b]]
atomR Eql a b = DNF [[termR a `leR` termR b, termR a `geR` termR b]]
atomR NEq a b = DNF [[termR a `ltR` termR b], [termR a `gtR` termR b]]
termR :: Term Rational -> Rat
termR (Const c) = (constTm (numerator c), denominator c)
termR (Var v) = (varTm v, 1)
termR (Add a b) =
case (termR a, termR b) of
((t1,c1), (t2,c2)) ->
(scaleTm c2 t1 `plusTm` scaleTm c1 t2, c1*c2)
termR (Mul c a) =
case termR a of
(t,c1) ->
(scaleTm (numerator c) t, c1 * denominator c)
leR, ltR, geR, gtR :: Rat -> Rat -> Lit
leR (tm1,c) (tm2,d) = Nonneg $ normalizeTmR $ scaleTm c tm2 `minusTm` scaleTm d tm1
ltR (tm1,c) (tm2,d) = Pos $ normalizeTmR $ scaleTm c tm2 `minusTm` scaleTm d tm1
geR = flip leR
gtR = flip gtR
normalizeTmR :: Tm -> Tm
normalizeTmR (Tm m) = Tm ( (`div` d) m)
where d = gcd' $ map snd $ IM.toList m
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
atomZ :: RelOp -> Term Integer -> Term Integer -> DNF
atomZ Le a b = DNF [[termZ a `leZ` termZ b]]
atomZ Lt a b = DNF [[termZ a `ltZ` termZ b]]
atomZ Ge a b = DNF [[termZ a `geZ` termZ b]]
atomZ Gt a b = DNF [[termZ a `gtZ` termZ b]]
atomZ Eql a b = eqZ (termZ a) (termZ b)
atomZ NEq a b = DNF [[termZ a `ltZ` termZ b], [termZ a `gtZ` termZ b]]
termZ :: Term Integer -> Tm
termZ (Const c) = constTm c
termZ (Var v) = varTm v
termZ (Add t1 t2) = termZ t1 `plusTm` termZ t2
termZ (Mul c t) = scaleTm c (termZ t)
leZ, ltZ, geZ, gtZ :: Tm -> Tm -> Lit
-- Note that constants may be floored by division
leZ tm1 tm2 = Nonneg (Tm ( (`div` d) m))
Tm m = tm2 `minusTm` tm1
d = gcd' [c | (var,c) <- IM.toList m, var /= -1]
ltZ tm1 tm2 = (tm1 `plusTm` constTm 1) `leZ` tm2
geZ = flip leZ
gtZ = flip gtZ
eqZ :: Tm -> Tm -> DNF
eqZ tm1 tm2
= if fromMaybe 0 (IM.lookup (-1) m) `mod` d == 0
then DNF [[Nonneg tm, Nonneg (negateTm tm)]]
else false
Tm m = tm1 `minusTm` tm2
tm = Tm ( (`div` d) m)
d = gcd' [c | (var,c) <- IM.toList m, var /= -1]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ls1,ls2,us1,us2) represents
{ x | ∀(M,c)∈ls1. M/c≤x, ∀(M,c)∈ls2. M/c<x, ∀(M,c)∈us1. x≤M/c, ∀(M,c)∈us2. x<M/c }
type BoundsR = ([Rat], [Rat], [Rat], [Rat])
eliminateR :: Var -> [Lit] -> DNF
eliminateR v xs = DNF [rest] .&&. boundConditionsR bnd
(bnd, rest) = collectBoundsR v xs
collectBoundsR :: Var -> [Lit] -> (BoundsR, [Lit])
collectBoundsR v = foldr phi (([],[],[],[]),[])
phi :: Lit -> (BoundsR, [Lit]) -> (BoundsR, [Lit])
phi lit@(Nonneg t) x = f False lit t x
phi lit@(Pos t) x = f True lit t x
f :: Bool -> Lit -> Tm -> (BoundsR, [Lit]) -> (BoundsR, [Lit])
f strict lit (Tm t) (bnd@(ls1,ls2,us1,us2), xs) =
case c `compare` 0 of
EQ -> (bnd, lit : xs)
GT ->
if strict
then ((ls1, (negateTm t', c) : ls2, us1, us2), xs) -- 0 < cx + M ⇔ -M/c < x
else (((negateTm t', c) : ls1, ls2, us1, us2), xs) -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ -M/c ≤ x
LT ->
if strict
then ((ls1, ls2, us1, (t', negate c) : us2), xs) -- 0 < cx + M ⇔ x < M/-c
else ((ls1, ls2, (t', negate c) : us1, us2), xs) -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ x ≤ M/-c
c = fromMaybe 0 $ IM.lookup v t
t' = Tm $ IM.delete v t
boundConditionsR :: BoundsR -> DNF
boundConditionsR (ls1, ls2, us1, us2) = DNF $ maybeToList $ simplify $
[ x `leR` y | x <- ls1, y <- us1 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls1, y <- us2 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls2, y <- us1 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls2, y <- us2 ]
eliminateQuantifiersR :: Formula Rational -> DNF
eliminateQuantifiersR = f
f T = true
f F = false
f (Rel a op b) = atomR op a b
f (And a b) = f a .&&. f b
f (Or a b) = f a .||. f b
f (Not a) = f (pushNot a)
f (Imply a b) = f (Or (Not a) b)
f (Equiv a b) = f (And (Imply a b) (Imply b a))
f (Forall v a) = notF $ f (Exists v (pushNot a))
f (Exists v a) = orF [eliminateR v xs | xs <- unDNF (f a)]
solveR :: Formula Rational -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solveR formula = msum [solveR' vs xs | xs <- unDNF dnf]
dnf = eliminateQuantifiersR formula
vs = IS.toList (vars formula)
solveR' :: [Var] -> [Lit] -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solveR' vs xs = simplify xs >>= go vs
go [] [] = return IM.empty
go [] _ = mzero
go (v:vs) ys = msum (map f (unDNF (boundConditionsR bnd)))
(bnd, rest) = collectBoundsR v ys
f zs = do
model <- go vs (zs ++ rest)
val <- pickupR (evalBoundsR model bnd)
return $ IM.insert v val model
evalBoundsR :: Model Rational -> BoundsR -> IntervalR
evalBoundsR model (ls1,ls2,us1,us2) =
foldl' intersectR univR $
[ (Just (True, evalRat model x), Nothing) | x <- ls1 ] ++
[ (Just (False, evalRat model x), Nothing) | x <- ls2 ] ++
[ (Nothing, Just (True, evalRat model x)) | x <- us1 ] ++
[ (Nothing, Just (False, evalRat model x)) | x <- us2 ]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Endpoint
-- (isInclusive, value)
type EP = Maybe (Bool, Rational)
type IntervalR = (EP, EP)
univR :: IntervalR
univR = (Nothing, Nothing)
intersectR :: IntervalR -> IntervalR -> IntervalR
intersectR (l1,u1) (l2,u2) = (maxEP l1 l2, minEP u1 u2)
maxEP :: EP -> EP -> EP
maxEP = combine $ \(in1,x1) (in2,x2) ->
( case x1 `compare` x2 of
EQ -> in1 && in2
LT -> in2
GT -> in1
, max x1 x2
minEP :: EP -> EP -> EP
minEP = combine $ \(in1,x1) (in2,x2) ->
( case x1 `compare` x2 of
EQ -> in1 && in2
LT -> in1
GT -> in2
, min x1 x2
pickupR :: IntervalR -> Maybe Rational
pickupR (Nothing,Nothing) = Just 0
pickupR (Just (in1,x1), Nothing) = Just $ if in1 then x1 else x1+1
pickupR (Nothing, Just (in2,x2)) = Just $ if in2 then x2 else x2-1
pickupR (Just (in1,x1), Just (in2,x2)) =
case x1 `compare` x2 of
GT -> Nothing
LT -> Just $ (x1+x2) / 2
EQ -> if in1 && in2 then Just x1 else Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ls,us) represents
{ x | ∀(M,c)∈ls. M/c≤x, ∀(M,c)∈us. x≤M/c }
type BoundsZ = ([Rat],[Rat])
eliminateZ :: Var -> [Lit] -> DNF
eliminateZ v xs = DNF [rest] .&&. boundConditionsZ bnd
(bnd,rest) = collectBoundsZ v xs
collectBoundsZ :: Var -> [Lit] -> (BoundsZ,[Lit])
collectBoundsZ v = foldr phi (([],[]),[])
phi :: Lit -> (BoundsZ,[Lit]) -> (BoundsZ,[Lit])
phi (Pos t) x = phi (Nonneg (t `minusTm` constTm 1)) x
phi lit@(Nonneg (Tm t)) ((ls,us),xs) =
case c `compare` 0 of
EQ -> ((ls, us), lit : xs)
GT -> (((negateTm t', c) : ls, us), xs) -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ -M/c ≤ x
LT -> ((ls, (t', negate c) : us), xs) -- 0 ≤ cx + M ⇔ x ≤ M/-c
c = fromMaybe 0 $ IM.lookup v t
t' = Tm $ IM.delete v t
boundConditionsZ :: BoundsZ -> DNF
boundConditionsZ (ls,us) = DNF $ catMaybes $ map simplify $ cond1 : cond2
cond1 =
[ constTm ((a-1)*(b-1)) `leZ` (scaleTm a d `minusTm` scaleTm b c)
| (c,a)<-ls , (d,b)<-us ]
cond2 =
[ [scaleTm a' c `leZ` scaleTm a val | (c,a)<-ls] ++
[scaleTm b val `geZ` scaleTm a' d | (d,b)<-us]
| not (null us)
, let m = maximum [b | (_,b)<-us]
, (c',a') <- ls
, k <- [0 .. (m*a'-a'-m) `div` m]
, let val = c' `plusTm` constTm k
-- x = val / a'
-- c / a ≤ x ⇔ c / a ≤ val / a' ⇔ a' c ≤ a val
-- x ≤ d / b ⇔ val / a' ≤ d / b ⇔ b val ≤ a' d
eliminateQuantifiersZ :: Formula Integer -> DNF
eliminateQuantifiersZ = f
f T = true
f F = false
f (Rel a op b) = atomZ op a b
f (And a b) = f a .&&. f b
f (Or a b) = f a .||. f b
f (Not a) = f (pushNot a)
f (Imply a b) = f (Or (Not a) b)
f (Equiv a b) = f (And (Imply a b) (Imply b a))
f (Forall v a) = notF $ f (Exists v (pushNot a))
f (Exists v a) = orF [eliminateZ v xs | xs <- unDNF (f a)]
solveZ :: Formula Integer -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solveZ formula = msum [solveZ' vs xs | xs <- unDNF dnf]
dnf = eliminateQuantifiersZ formula
vs = IS.toList (vars formula)
solveZ' :: [Var] -> [Lit] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solveZ' vs xs = simplify xs >>= go vs
go :: [Var] -> [Lit] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
go [] [] = return IM.empty
go [] _ = mzero
go (v:vs) ys = msum (map f (unDNF (boundConditionsZ bnd)))
(bnd, rest) = collectBoundsZ v ys
f zs = do
model <- go vs (zs ++ rest)
val <- pickupZ (evalBoundsZ model bnd)
return $ IM.insert v val model
evalBoundsZ :: Model Integer -> BoundsZ -> IntervalZ
evalBoundsZ model (ls,us) =
foldl' intersectZ univZ $
[ (Just (ceiling (evalTm model x % c)), Nothing) | (x,c) <- ls ] ++
[ (Nothing, Just (floor (evalTm model x % c))) | (x,c) <- us ]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
type IntervalZ = (Maybe Integer, Maybe Integer)
univZ :: IntervalZ
univZ = (Nothing, Nothing)
intersectZ :: IntervalZ -> IntervalZ -> IntervalZ
intersectZ (l1,u1) (l2,u2) = (combine max l1 l2, combine min u1 u2)
pickupZ :: IntervalZ -> Maybe Integer
pickupZ (Nothing,Nothing) = return 0
pickupZ (Just x, Nothing) = return x
pickupZ (Nothing, Just x) = return x
pickupZ (Just x, Just y) = if x <= y then return x else mzero
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
gcd' :: [Integer] -> Integer
gcd' [] = 1
gcd' xs = foldl1' gcd xs
combine :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
combine _ Nothing y = y
combine _ x Nothing = x
combine f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7x + 12y + 31z = 17
3x + 5y + 14z = 7
1 ≤ x ≤ 40
-50 ≤ y ≤ 50
satisfiable in R
but unsatisfiable in Z
test1 :: Num c => Formula c
test1 = c1 .&&. c2 .&&. c3 .&&. c4
x = Var 0
y = Var 1
z = Var 2
c1 = 7.*.x .+. 12.*.y .+. 31.*.z .==. Const 17
c2 = 3.*.x .+. 5.*.y .+. 14.*.z .==. Const 7
c3 = Const 1 .<=. x .&&. x .<=. Const 40
c4 = Const (-50) .<=. y .&&. y .<=. Const 50
27 ≤ 11x+13y ≤ 45
-10 ≤ 7x-9y ≤ 4
satisfiable in R
but unsatisfiable in Z
test2 :: Num c => Formula c
test2 = c1 .&&. c2
x = Var 0
y = Var 1
t1 = 11.*.x .+. 13.*.y
t2 = 7.*.x .-. 9.*.y
c1 = Const 27 .<=. t1 .&&. t1 .<=. Const 45
c2 = Const (-10) .<=. t2 .&&. t2 .<=. Const 4
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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msakai commented Apr 3, 2012

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