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Created February 24, 2011 17:37
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Save msakai/842519 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A CPLEX lp format parser library
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
-- |
-- Module : LPFile
-- Copyright : (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- A CPLEX .lp format parser library.
-- See for detail of the
-- the formart.
module LPFile
( LP (..)
, Expr (..)
, ObjectiveFunction
, Constraint
, Bounds
, Label
, Var
, BoundExpr (..)
, RelOp (..)
, SOSType (..)
, defaultBounds
, getBounds
, parseString
, parseFile
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (label)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
data LP
= LP
{ variables :: Set.Set Var
, isMinimize :: Bool
, objectiveFunction :: ObjectiveFunction
, constraints :: [Constraint]
, bounds :: Map.Map Var Bounds
, integerVariables :: Set.Set Var
, binaryVariables :: Set.Set Var
, semiContinuousVariables :: Set.Set Var
, sos :: [SOS]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Expr
= Const Rational
| Var Var
| Expr :+: Expr
| Expr :*: Expr
| Expr :/: Expr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type ObjectiveFunction = (Maybe Label, Expr)
type Constraint = (Maybe Label, Maybe (Var, Rational), (Expr, RelOp, Rational))
type Bounds = (BoundExpr, BoundExpr)
type Label = String
type Var = String
data BoundExpr = NegInf | Finite Rational | PosInf
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data RelOp = Le | Ge | Eql
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
data SOSType = S1 | S2
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)
type SOS = (Maybe Label, SOSType, [(Var, Rational)])
class Variables a where
vars :: a -> Set.Set Var
instance Variables a => Variables [a] where
vars = Set.unions . map vars
instance Variables LP where
vars = variables
instance Variables Expr where
vars (Const _) = Set.empty
vars (Var v) = Set.singleton v
vars (a :+: b) = vars a `Set.union` vars b
vars (a :*: b) = vars a `Set.union` vars b
vars (a :/: b) = vars a `Set.union` vars b
defaultBounds :: Bounds
defaultBounds = (Finite 0, PosInf)
getBounds :: LP -> Var -> Bounds
getBounds lp v = fromMaybe defaultBounds (Map.lookup v (bounds lp))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
parseString :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError LP
parseString = parse lpfile
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either ParseError LP)
parseFile = parseFromFile lpfile
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
char' :: Char -> Parser Char
char' c = (char c <|> char (toUpper c)) <?> show c
string' :: String -> Parser ()
string' s = mapM_ char' s <?> show s
sep :: Parser ()
sep = skipMany ((comment >> return ()) <|> (space >> return ()))
comment :: Parser String
comment = do
char '\\'
manyTill anyChar (try newline)
tok :: Parser a -> Parser a
tok p = do
x <- p
return x
ident :: Parser String
ident = tok $ do
x <- letter <|> oneOf syms1
xs <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf syms2)
let s = x:xs
guard $ map toLower s `Set.notMember` reserved
return s
syms1 = "!\"#$%&()/,;?@_`'{}|~"
syms2 = '.' : syms1
label :: Parser Label
label = do
name <- ident
tok $ char ':'
return name
reserved :: Set.Set String
reserved = Set.fromList
[ "bound", "bounds"
, "gen", "general", "generals"
, "bin", "binary", "binaries"
, "semi", "semi-continuous", "semis"
, "sos"
, "end"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
lpfile :: Parser LP
lpfile = do
(flag, obj) <- problem
cs <- constraintSection
bnds <- option Map.empty (try boundsSection)
xs <- many (liftM Left generalSection <|> liftM Right binarySection)
let ints = Set.fromList $ concat [x | Left x <- xs]
bins = Set.fromList $ concat [x | Right x <- xs]
scs <- liftM Set.fromList $ option [] (try semiSection)
ss <- option [] (try sosSection)
let f (_, _, (e, _, _)) = vars e
vs = Set.unions $ map f cs ++
[ Map.keysSet bnds
, ints
, bins
, scs
, vars (snd obj)
] ++
[Set.fromList (map fst xs) | (_,_,xs) <- ss]
return $ LP vs flag obj cs bnds ints bins scs ss
problem :: Parser (Bool, ObjectiveFunction)
problem = do
flag <- (try minimize >> return True)
<|> (try maximize >> return False)
name <- optionMaybe (try label)
obj <- expr
return (flag, (name, obj))
minimize, maximize :: Parser ()
minimize = tok $ string' "min" >> optional (string' "imize")
maximize = tok $ string' "max" >> optional (string' "imize")
end :: Parser ()
end = tok $ string' "end"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constraintSection :: Parser [Constraint]
constraintSection = subjectTo >> many (try constraint)
subjectTo :: Parser ()
subjectTo = msum
[ try $ tok (string' "subject") >> tok (string' "to")
, try $ tok (string' "such") >> tok (string' "that")
, try $ tok (string' "st")
, try $ tok (string' "s") >> optional (tok (char '.')) >> tok (string' "t")
>> tok (char '.') >> return ()
constraint :: Parser Constraint
constraint = do
name <- optionMaybe (try label)
g <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
var <- ident
tok (char '=')
val <- tok ((char '0' >> return 0) <|> (char '1' >> return 1))
tok $ string "->"
return (var, val)
-- It seems that CPLEX allows empty lhs, but GLPK rejects it.
e <- try expr <|> return (Const 0)
op <- relOp
s <- option 1 sign
rhs <- number
return (name, g, (e, op, s*rhs))
relOp :: Parser RelOp
relOp = tok $ msum
[ char '<' >> optional (char '=') >> return Le
, char '>' >> optional (char '=') >> return Ge
, char '=' >> msum [ char '<' >> return Le
, char '>' >> return Ge
, return Eql
type Bounds2 = (Maybe BoundExpr, Maybe BoundExpr)
boundsSection :: Parser (Map.Map Var Bounds)
boundsSection = do
tok $ string' "bound" >> optional (char 's')
liftM ( g . Map.fromListWith f) $ many (try bound)
f (lb1,ub1) (lb2,ub2) = (merge max lb1 lb2, merge min ub1 ub2)
g (lb, ub) = ( fromMaybe (fst defaultBounds) lb
, fromMaybe (snd defaultBounds) ub
bound :: Parser (Var, Bounds2)
bound = msum
[ try $ do
v <- try ident
[ do
op <- relOp
b <- boundExpr
( v
, case op of
Le -> (Nothing, Just b)
Ge -> (Just b, Nothing)
Eql -> (Just b, Just b)
, do
tok $ string' "free"
return (v, (Just NegInf, Just PosInf))
, do
b1 <- liftM Just boundExpr
op1 <- relOp
guard $ op1 == Le
v <- ident
b2 <- option Nothing $ do
op2 <- relOp
guard $ op2 == Le
liftM Just boundExpr
return (v, (b1, b2))
boundExpr :: Parser BoundExpr
boundExpr = msum
[ try (tok (char '+') >> inf >> return PosInf)
, try (tok (char '-') >> inf >> return NegInf)
, do
s <- option 1 sign
x <- number
return $ Finite (s*x)
inf :: Parser ()
inf = tok (string "inf" >> optional (string "inity"))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
generalSection :: Parser [Var]
generalSection = do
tok $ string' "gen" >> optional (string' "eral" >> optional (string' "s"))
many (try ident)
binarySection :: Parser [Var]
binarySection = do
tok $ string' "bin" >> optional (string' "ar" >> (string' "y" <|> string' "ies"))
many (try ident)
semiSection :: Parser [Var]
semiSection = do
tok $ string' "semi" >> optional (string' "-continuous" <|> string' "s")
many (try ident)
sosSection :: Parser [SOS]
sosSection = do
tok $ string' "sos"
many $ try $ do
(l,t) <- try (do{ l <- label; t <- typ; return (Just l, t) })
<|> (do{ t <- typ; return (Nothing, t) })
xs <- many $ try $ do
v <- ident
tok $ char ':'
w <- number
return (v,w)
return (l,t,xs)
typ = do
t <- tok $ (char' 's' >> ((char '1' >> return S1) <|> (char '2' >> return S2)))
tok (string "::")
return t
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = do
t <- term True
ts <- many (term False)
return (foldl (:+:) t ts)
sign :: Num a => Parser a
sign = tok ((char '+' >> return 1) <|> (char '-' >> return (-1)))
term :: Bool -> Parser Expr
term flag = do
s <- if flag then optionMaybe sign else liftM Just sign
c <- optionMaybe number
v <- liftM Var ident <|> qexpr
return $ case merge (*) s c of
Nothing -> v
Just d -> Const d :*: v
qexpr :: Parser Expr
qexpr = do
tok (char '[')
t <- qterm True
ts <- many (qterm False)
mapM_ (tok . char) "]/2"
return (foldl (:+:) t ts :/: Const 2)
qterm :: Bool -> Parser Expr
qterm flag = do
s <- if flag then optionMaybe sign else liftM Just sign
c <- optionMaybe number
es <- qfactor `chainl1` (tok (char '*') >> return (:*:))
return $ case merge (*) s c of
Nothing -> es
Just d -> Const d :*: es
qfactor :: Parser Expr
qfactor = do
v <- liftM Var ident
msum [ tok (char '^') >> tok (char '2') >> return (v :*: v)
, return v
number :: Parser Rational
number = tok $ do
b <- (do{ x <- nat; y <- option 0 frac; return (fromInteger x + y) })
<|> frac
c <- option 0 e
return (b*10^^c)
digits = many1 digit
nat :: Parser Integer
nat = liftM read digits
frac :: Parser Rational
frac = do
char '.'
s <- digits
return (read s % 10^(length s))
e :: Parser Integer
e = do
oneOf "eE"
f <- msum [ char '+' >> return id
, char '-' >> return negate
, return id
liftM f nat
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
merge :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
merge f (Just x) (Just y) = Just (f x y)
merge _ (Just x) Nothing = Just x
merge _ Nothing (Just x) = Just x
merge _ Nothing Nothing = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
testdata :: String
testdata = unlines
[ "Maximize"
, " obj: x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3 + x4"
, "Subject To"
, " c1: - x1 + x2 + x3 + 10 x4 <= 20"
, " c2: x1 - 3 x2 + x3 <= 30"
, " c3: x2 - 3.5 x4 = 0"
, "Bounds"
, " 0 <= x1 <= 40"
, " 2 <= x4 <= 3"
, "General"
, " x4"
, "End"
test :: Either ParseError LP
test = parseString "test" testdata
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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msakai commented Apr 3, 2012

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